The One Next Door | Teen Ink

The One Next Door

May 13, 2015
By carlitta devenport BRONZE, Springville, Utah
carlitta devenport BRONZE, Springville, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   It all starts on the day that I wake up to my alarm screaming at me,  I am late for school. I’m supposed to pick up my friends. But I’m already out of time. I run to my new car which I got as a birthday gift. It’s a nice red mustang. Of course, all my friends envy it especially at football practice. Anyways I get to the school about ten minutes before the bell which surprises me. I jingle my keys in my hand as I quickly walk down the hall. I didn’t realize how fast I’m going until I run into someone. “ Oof.”
“ I’m so sorry. I was just in such a hurry.” I help the girl up and she looks at me like I’m the meanest person on the planet.  “ Well It’s nice to know that you actually have manners.” With that she sticks her nose up and walks down the hall. Wow, shes feisty I think as I walk but then that thought leaves my brain as my friends start talking to me. After a while of my friends talking to me I notice that I just cannot concentrate. Especially after what that girl said when I ran into her. Usually when that happened, girls would flirt with me and forget that it happened. But that girl something was special about her.

“ Jason are you listening to me!?” I jerk my head and look at Mckenzie. Everyone wants me to date her since she is easily the prettiest in the school.
“ Sorry what did you say?” In the most perfect timing Brad, one of the seniors on the football team interrupts us.
“ Hey what’s up Jas!”
“ Hey.” We high five then he sits down and starts talking about how he can’t wait for our next football game. I get up and mumble that I’m not hungry.  Before I leave Brad looks at Mckenzie then says:
“ What’s his problem.” Before I could hear her respond I start towards the doors wanting to get out of here and be alone everyone always crowds me. Before I could even get out of the lunchroom people keep stopping and talking. I try to make it look like I want to be left alone but that certainly doesn’t work. I look around the lunchroom just to see if my friends are coming for me. That’s when I spot the girl I had run into. I look at her profile she has long curly strawberry blonde hair with glasses on but she looks cute in those glasses. I push that thought out of my mind because obviously my friends would not be happy if I told them I liked “her” Which I realized right then that I didn’t know “ Her” name. I want to find out “her” name though. I start walking towards her when Brian stops me. 
“ Hey why aren’t you eat-.” He stops mid sentence and looks at the girl I was looking at.
“ No way! You can’t like her I mean she is cute but she also hates all the jocks trust me I’ve tried.” I look at Brian dumbfounded.
“ I….I wasn’t looking at her.” I stutter.
“ Yeah right. Look if you come back to the table and act like everything is normal then I won’t tell Mckenzie that you like her okay?” I look her way again she’s hunched over trying to help a boy his homework. It’s like she feels my stare because she looks up and catches me staring at her. I hold her stare for a minute before her stare turns into a glare I smile at her then she looks down.
“ Okay fine.” I walk with Brian back to the table and I knew right then that I would never like that girl.

  A couple weeks after the whole incident with “ her”. I had started going out with Mckenzie and she is my girlfriend.
“ Jas jas!” I turn around just in time to catch Mckenzie in a tight hug.
“ Hey.” I say holding her waist.
“ So are we going out tonight after the game?” she looks at me with those gorgeous blue eyes of hers. It was hard having a girlfriend and friends that expect you to hang out with them to.
“ Oh yeah it’s totally still on!” She looks at me not convinced.
“ Jas please tell me you didn’t forget.” she looks so sad and I hate seeing her sad.
“ Look I just...I’m so-.” I started to say
“ Hey Jason what’s up my man.” I turn around and there is Dallin standing right in front of me.
“ Hey.” I say. He turns to Mckenzie and looks at her like she’s a piece of candy he wants badly. Mckenzie looks up at Dallin twirling her hair all flirty like because of course Dallin is a senior and I’m only a sophomore.
“ Hey Mckenzie.” Dallin says winking at her.  I couldn’t stand them flirting in front of me especially since Mckenzie was my girlfriend not his.
“ Hey Kenzie I got to go.” Mckenzie turns her attention back to me, but before she could say anything  I’m already walking down the hall.  I  come around a corner when I bump into someone. I grunt a sorry then look at who it is I can’t believe it.
“ You again.” she says bitterly. It’s “ Her” She’s wearing a button up shirt that is  tucked into her white shorts. She starts picking up books so I help.
“ Why are you helping me don’t you have something better to do?” she’s so close to me I could see her eye color. It’s blueish green. 
“ I’m helping you because I bumped into you.” I’m holding her books in my hand while I say this. She then tries to snatch her books back but I hold them tight.
“ Before you go can I at least know your name?” She looks at me clearly annoyed.
“ I don’t have time for this. Why do you want to know my name it doesn’t matter at least not to someone as popular as you.” She says this with so much distaste like being popular was bad.
“ Because….because maybe I want to be your friend.” I can’t catch the words as they fall out.
She snorts but in a cute way then says:
“ Wait wait Jason West wants to be friends with me?” She looks like this is all just a game to her and maybe it is. But something in me wants to win her over.
“ Yeah I like the way you said my name it makes me sound” I lean against a locker near by and watch as she looks startled that I want to be her friend.
“ I’m sorry Jason but I don’t need you to make a big joke out of this just like all you phony jock players.” She then snatchs her books out of my hands and leaves.  I could see her strawberry blonde hair curls bouncing as she quickly walks away. I stand there for a second before the bell rings.

After a couple of class periods it’s time for lunch. I want to find out “her” name so I go straight towards where I see “Her”. She’s sitting with boys that look like they’re annoying her but she looks like she’s ignoring them, sitting there reading a book. I walk up and a couple girls scoot over and look at me all flirty like. The boys look up and see me then move away. I sit right beside “Her” She doesn’t even look up when I sit down. A lot of girls start whispering about who knows what. I tap her on the shoulder. She looks up and seems surprised to see me sitting beside her.
“ What are you doing here?” She looks so confused then she lookes over at my table and points towards them.
“ Your friends look really mad that you're not over there with them.”  I turn towards them and she’s right they do seem mad.
“ Look I don’t care I feel like they control me sometimes and I need a break so I came here.” 
“ Ugh well can you tell your jock buddies to stop annoying me they annoy me all the time.” She looks at me with those beautiful blueish green eyes.
“ Only if you will at least tell me your name then I will tell them to leave you alone. And I will  leave you alone...that is of course if you want me to leave you alone.” I wink flirtingly at her. She’s definitely playing hard to get. I can tell as she twirls her hair in her hand and looks at me. She’s not the only one that knows how to play.
“ Fine and I’d prefer if you left me alone. My name is Taylor.” She looks down then back up at me again.
“ Thats a pretty name.” I say
“ Thanks.” She actually blushes. I know that I could get her to like me if I really tried.
“ Jas!” I turned around and it’s Mckenzie coming over she looks mad and jealous. She finally gets to the our table. She looks at Taylor as if she were a dead bug then back at me.
“ Hey Jas there you are I’ve been looking for you.” She then hugs me right in front of Taylor and other people that are at the table. I look at Taylor and she get up. She looks a little hurt as she hurriedly walks out.
“ Hey Kenzie.” I said as happy as I could because I don’t want her knowing that I liked Taylor.
“ Why are you sitting over here?” She looked at all the kids sitting here as if they were all something rotten.
“ I had to talk to someone.” I say standing up and walking back towards my regular table. Everyone erupted I hadn’t thought they’d explode if I sat somewhere else but they did anyways. 

The next semester had finally started it’s crazy going to different classes I didn’t expect to be in a class with Taylor but there she was sitting a few rows in front of me binder in hand those cute glasses of hers and she’s wearing a skirt today. She must of felt my stare because she turns slowly around and looks right at me. I’ll admit my heart started beating faster. But the look on her face clearly read that she didn’t want to be my friend. I knew why she didn’t want to be my friend I mean I haven’t even acted like a friend to her. All I did was ignore her because it was the best thing to do. The girl to my left I think her name was Stacy she’s  on the cheer team anyways she starts up a conversation with me about football and the dance coming up. She is cute but not as cute as Taylor is.
After boring class which is history. I quickly catch up to Taylor.
“ Hey.” I said trying to play it cool. She doesn’t even look at me. It’s like I don’t exist in her world. I lightly and carefully grab her arm. She looks at me then yanks my hand off of her.
“ What do you need?” She stands there with her hands on her hips like she’s my boss.
“ Why are you ignoring me. I thought I was your friend?” This came out as a whisper when it leaves my mouth  
“ I am so not ignoring you. Your ignoring me you're not even my friend I don’t even know why you would think that!” She looks so flustered and mad that it was both cute but scary.
“ Look I’m sorry okay? You try being me sometime it’s hard especially with demanding friends.” She looks down. As she looks down I see a poster about the Christmas dance that’s coming up.  I quickly decided then and there I’m going to take her out.
“ Can I just ask you something to make it up to you?” I must of looked pretty desperate  because Taylor responded with:
“ What? What do you need to ask me?”
“ Can you...can you come to the Christmas dance with me?”
“ Jason is this a game to you! I don’t want to go to a dance with someone that will always ignore me.” After she said that she ran down the hall not looking back.

A couple hours later school finally ended. I’m at my locker putting my books and stuff away when Mckenzie comes up to me looking super mad.
“ So I heard you asked Taylor to the dance.” I can tell she’s trying to play it cool like it’s no big deal but the way she said Taylor made me think otherwise.
“ Yeah I did.” I don’t  want to lie to Mckenzie anymore.  I realized then that I did like Taylor even more than I liked Mckenzie and I didn’t want to hurt her.
“ What about me! Dont I matter to you?” She looks super sad but I don’t want to pretend I liked her anymore no matter what my friends said. I liked Taylor and it surprised me when I said this to Mckenzie:
“ So I uh like someone else right now…” It almost came out as a whisper. Mckenzie looks shocked like she’s going to cry right then and there and it made me feel super sad.
“ I’m sorry it didn’t work out bet-.” Before I could finish Mckenzie stops me.
“ Just stop okay you know I don’t even know why I liked you! It’s over don’t come looking for me when Taylor won’t go out with you because I’m sure she won’t” She basically yells this to me so everyone's heads are turned towards us then she stompes off leaving me standing there.

The next day I can’t believe I just broken up with Mckenzie I mean It was definitely weird not having her around when I was at school. Word of us breaking up spread really fast. I go to my class excited to see what Taylor would think. When I walk in I  catch Taylor looking at me with a curious face and a grin. Before I could go over and talk to her the bell rings. The teacher teaches us about the great depression but that isn’t on my mind as the bell rings. What’s on my mind is Taylor and what she thinks about what I did.
After the bell rings I quickly catch up to Taylor. Before I could even say a word she starts talking.
“ So you broke up with Mckenzie I heard.”
“ Yeah I did I just like someone else right now…” She smiles big then says.
“ I wonder who that is.”
“ Well you should. I mean you do know her. Also can you please come to the dance with me?” I take her hand lightly in mine then we move to the side so people could get past us. She looks at my hand in hers and I quickly put my hand down
“ You know I’ve been thinking about it.” And I think that I will.” Her words surprise me. I jump up and say:
“ Yes!” A lot of people look at me weird.
“ You know you're not as bad as I thought you’d be and you proved it.” Taylor says to me. I look down at her and surprise myself even more when I lean down and kiss her she doesn’t even pull away she actually kisses me back.

We went to the dance that Saturday it was nice and fun to be going with her she had surprised everyone because instead of glasses she wore contacts and she looked super good in her dress I was glad I took her. I have to admit we are hanging out like everyday now and we have a blast I was surprised when she told me she liked me and that is how I started liking a person that I thought I would never like in a million years. You have to try out things before you assume things.

The author's comments:

My Creative Writing teacher inspired me to write this for class so I did. I like this because I'm really good at writing Scary stories 

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This article has 1 comment.

HudaZav SILVER said...
on May. 13 2015 at 5:58 pm
HudaZav SILVER, Toronto, Other
8 articles 6 photos 390 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing is impossible; the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

I love this piece so much! Such beautiful and vivid descriptions. Youre an awesome writer, keep it up! :) PS Could you possibly give me feedback on my novel "The Art of Letting Go"? I'd appreciate it xx