Run While You Can | Teen Ink

Run While You Can

November 20, 2014
By Amani3D PLATINUM, New Castle, Delaware
Amani3D PLATINUM, New Castle, Delaware
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed by the masses.

“Run”. “Run”.
Cutting through the forests and foggy valleys. Trying to watch ahead but constantly looking back at the yellow eyes and mangled bodies chasing after me. Trying to ignore them, I keep running. Crunching through the red and orange leaves not caring if I make noise because the only thing that’s on my mind is

One night I was sitting at my computer writing on my blog when I noticed my closet door cracked open and the light off. That was already weird seeing as though I always left it on. I thought to myself, “maybe the light blew out” as I peered through the crack, but as I looked into my closet I didn't see darkness or clothes like I expected but an eye. No not one eye, but a dozen eyes and they weren't regular human eyes but beady, bloodshot, yellow eyes that shine like the moon. And they disappeared in the blink of an eye as if they were never there in the first place. I didn't know what to do so I slammed the closet door shut and turned on all the lights fearing that they would only return in darkness. I pulled my laptop into my bed only to see that I had an email from my cousin. The email stated: “They watch us. Constantly. Always watching us. But you don’t notice. I've noticed, And I regret it everyday. Because I know they’re there. And they know that I know that they’re there. And it’s only a matter of time until they get me. And they won’t strike in the open day or the hidden night but when I least expect it. When I have forgotten that they’re watching me and they know that I have forgotten. So before I forget that they are there, I am writing this as a warning. Don’t look through cracks in the door or vents in the bathroom. Don’t look up into the ceiling through that one broken tile. And whatever you do, DON’T look under your bed. Because they aren't under there but behind you, hiding and once you look under your bed that’s when they strike. So take my advice. Don’t look in dark places because you’ll see them, looking back at you. Then they’ll wait for you to forget. Patiently yet viciously waiting till you forget. And they won’t strike in the open day or in the hidden night. But when you least expect it. When you've forgotten they’re there and they know that you've forgotten”.  Knowing how my cousin was I thought it had to be a chain letter or a story he’d written so I wrote back “Nice story cuz, Did you write it yourself”?  After about ten minutes he texted me back saying “This is not a joke. It’s all real”. I didn't understand what he was talking about so I decided to dig deeper. I texted back “Dude. What are you talking about? What’s real?”. But there was no reply. I grew worried so I called my cousin. I called his house phone and  got nothing but the dial tone. So then I called his cellphone. No answer. After trying three more times I gave up and called him one facetime. To my surprise he answered, his face was so close to the camera you could see the sweat pouring down the side of his head. “Dude what is up with you” “You have got to listen to me. There is no time. Have you seen them?!? Have you seen the eyes?” I nodded my head slowly and he went on “You gotta get out of there! Run far away and whatever you do----” Next thing I know his face slammed into the camera and the call ended. I was so freaked out by what I had just seen and heard so I needed to do something to get it off my mind. I decided to go make my dinner but as I walked down the hall to my kitchen I could have sworn I saw a pair of beady, bloodshot, yellow eyes watching me but maybe it was my imagination. I put a pot of water on the stove for my Ramen Noodles and as the water began to boil I kept thinking about the eyes I saw and the email. Maybe they were real but I immediately dismissed it as foolish. Only someone stupid would believe in things like that. There's no way a dozen creatures could fit in my closet but then again all the lights in my apartment were still on and I haven’t gone in my pantry to get the actual Ramen Noodles. My eyes were playing tricks on me and for a second I almost believed them because yet again I saw beady, bloodshot, yellow eyes staring at me but this time from underneath my coffee table. Every dark corner and crack in my apartment seemed to hold a set of yellow eyes. Finally after thinking about whether or not to believe my own eyes I worked up the courage to open my pantry. I slowly shuffled over to the pantry, my socks sliding on the polished wooden floor. I reached out and grabbed the doorknob and slowly turned it, but out of impatience I yanked the door open  only to see my food, broom and mop. Everything that was supposed to be there was. No beady, bloodshot, yellow eyes were staring back at me. So I thought “What a bunch of lies! No way it’s real”. After I finished making my noodles and ate them I went back to my laptop because I never finished my blog for the night. Just as I was about to hit send I thought “The only way to know if this is truly fake is to check under my bed”. So out of curiosity I looked under my bed. As soon as my eyes rested on my shoe box my mind was at ease because nothing had happened but just as I felt a sense of security I was pushed out of my bed and into my closet door. I looked up and there they were. The creatures from the email. But what the email didn't include was their pink fleshy bodies. Their skin looked like a tattered dress caked in blood. Patches of hair missing from their heads and their their beady, bloodshot, yellow eyes just like I’d seen in my closet. As we sat staring at each other I forgot the danger I was in until one of the creatures grew impatient and lunged at me. But I jumped up and ran out the room leaving the creature to smack it’s face on the closet door. I ran out of the door, through my backyard, into the park and to the Valley. The place I once found so peaceful would be where I met my end. I kept running thinking to myself “don’t look back, you've already seen them once you don’t need to see them again, don’t look back” but I kept looking back and watching their beady, bloodshot, yellow eyes watch me, never leaving me and their mangled bodies running after me with such speed. I looked ahead only to see the entrance to a forest, thinking to myself “I've got to go through there, it’s the only way I’ll survive”. As I entered the forest I looked behind me only to see one set of beady, bloodshot, yellow eyes. As soon as I started to wonder where the others went I was tackled from the side and thrown to the ground. Immediately I was surrounded and as they tore through my clothes, into my skin and ripped out patches of my hair I thought “D--- . . . this must have been what happened to all of them” and I let it be. But “Hey don’t be stupid and look under your bed because we’re sitting in your closet waiting and we’re hungry".

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This article has 2 comments.

on Dec. 2 2014 at 6:59 pm
Amani3D PLATINUM, New Castle, Delaware
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed by the masses.

Thanks. I appreciate the comment.

on Dec. 2 2014 at 12:41 pm
Kaitlincutie GOLD, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
19 articles 1 photo 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whether you think you can or can't, you're right

that is an AMAZING story!!!