The Unforeseen | Teen Ink

The Unforeseen

October 2, 2014
By LRhodes5 BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
LRhodes5 BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

T“Dave Freeman, you are found guilty of fraud and embezzlement. You will be held in the county jail and shipped off Monday morning,” announced Judge Wray.

It was scorching midday Wednesday when Megan Blake and her husband Jeff Blake were sitting on the porch. They were watching their six year old son, Rhydian, attempt to ride his tricycle in the driveway.
“Mommy?” Rhydian asked.
“Yes honey?” she replied.
“Can I please have some water?” he asked softly.
“Yes dear. I’ll go and fetch you a glass from inside,” she said. She started to retrieve the water from inside the house, but once she walked past her husband he instantly reached for her arm.
“You need any help with that?” he inquired with a wink. She smiled.
“Yes Jeff I need help getting water for my son,” she said walking through the front door laughing. He turned to look at his son. He smiled, licked his lips, and explained he that he’d return in a short moment. He walked into the kitchen to seek his wife. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. She turned around slowly and she looked him in his eyes. She planted a soft kiss upon his warm moist lips. Then she pulled away biting her bottom lip.
“You’re such a tease,” he said chuckling.
“I know, but you like it. That’s probably one of the reasons why you wanted to marry me. Plus I love the chase.” she replied.
“Well my legs cramping,” he said laughing.
“Ha-ha very funny Jeff.” She reached for a glass from the cabinet. Next she got the water jug from the refrigerator and set it on the countertop.
“D-aaa-dddddddd-yyyy,” Rhydian screamed. Megan dropped the glass and water jug she was holding. It shattered on the floor.
“Daddy! Help me daddy!” Jeff ran as fast as he could outside breaking the screen door. He saw a man running off with his son. The man shoved Rhydian in the passenger side of a dark blue van. He hopped in the van and sped off. Jeff was behind the van running as fast as he could. The man slammed on brakes and Jeff slammed head first into the rear crushing his skull.
“Daddy!” Rhydian yelled while banging on the window. The van sped up again leaving Jeff on the ground in pain. Jeff rolled over with blood pouring out of his nose and mouth.
“I’m so sorry Rhydian,” he said in a low whisper. Then he took his last breath.
Megan Blake came running out of the house. She saw her husband laying in the middle of the street.
“Someone call 9-1-1!” she screamed running towards him. She kneeled over his body.
“Jeff! Jeff! Jeff baby wake up! I need you! You can’t leave me!” she said.
Paramedics arrived eleven minutes after this happened. On the scene paramedics announced Jeff Blake dead. Megan Blake cried uncontrollably.
“Where’s my son?” she asked.
“We haven’t been able to locate him,” the officer said. She sunk to the ground with suicidal thoughts running through her mind. “I’m all alone.” She cried a little bit more then the officer helped her to her home.
“We will contact you as soon as we find anything out,” the officer said.
“Please do,” she said weeping. A day went by and she didn’t eat, drink, or leave her room. All she did was cry and sleep all day.
The phone suddenly rang.
“Hello?” she answered.
“Yes this is Detective Randall. I was calling to tell you that we need you to come down to the station and view a body that’s possibly your sons.” The phone hung up.
An hour later Megan Blake was about to view the body of an unidentified young child. She took a deep breath and the coroner revealed the body. She began to cry. His face was mutilated. He had one eye and only one finger was left on each of his hands.
“Yes that’s my son,” she said.
“Okay ma’am,” the coroner replied.
Megan walked out of the room and the detective met her in the hall.
“Are you okay?” Detective Randall asked.
“My husband is dead, my son was tortured and mutilated, and my screen door is broke! Do I look okay to you?” she asked angrily.
“I’m sorry, I was just trying to comfort you. The trial is tomorrow if you’d like to attend. It starts at 9:00 am and it’s in courtroom seven,” Detective Randall said. She nodded and walked away. She went home and she drank herself to sleep.
She arrived at the courthouse with a hangover and she couldn't recall which courtroom the detective had said it was in. She knew either it was  seven or eleven. She walked into courtroom eleven already knowing jail wasn't enough for what this man did to her son.
“You will be held in the county jail and shipped off Monday morning,” Judge Wray finished saying.
“You pathetic waste of life,” Megan Blake yelled.
“Excuse me?” Judge Wray asked.
“Not you moron, you're defendant,” she said.
“What the crap?” Dave Freeman said.
“You heard me. It was loud and clear. You are a pathetic waste of life and you don’t deserve to live for what you’ve done. You deserve much more,” she exclaimed very hostile.
“Much more? You are psychotic! I don’t even know why you’re here!” he said. Megan pulls a gun from her purse and shoots him in the chest.
“That’s why I’m here!”
He falls to his knees and asked if they’d tell his family he’s sorry and he loves them very much. Then he closes his eyes and takes his last breath. Megan Blake is shot in the back. She takes her last breath and grins.
Meanwhile in courtroom seven defendant Steward Mullen is sentenced to life without parole for the murders of Jeff and Rhydian Blake.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Oct. 9 2014 at 7:08 pm
LRhodes5 BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
That's a good question. She's in a courthouse with a gun. The inference is suppose to be that officers shot her. 

mchegini said...
on Oct. 8 2014 at 1:06 pm
Who shoots the mom?