My Last Hour | Teen Ink

My Last Hour

April 22, 2014
By Anonymous

I lie here motionless, unable to lift my head off of the ground. I am sinking deeper and deeper into the moist, dew covered grass. The long blades tickle my legs. I feel like my back has been cemented to the surface of the earth.
As my vision begins to blur, I fixate my eyes on the lush, jade green leaves that float in the air above me. The melody that a family of birds has been singing has now mutated into a dreadful pounding in my ears. The excruciating, burning pain is beginning to radiate all throughout my body. I feel my arms beginning to go numb. My legs are no longer trembling. Instead, I feel the sharp sting of a million needles and shards of glass entering my body.
My stomach is turning itself inside out and I feel as though I need to vomit. My blurred eyes have now transformed into just two slits that barely let light in. I can see no color. My body is so stiff. My chest is on the verge of combustion.
I am getting oddly sleepy. All sounds are muffled. I can only barely make out the sound of voices. I can't hear their words. Are they yelling now? Yes, they are yelling loudly. I cannot move. I cannot react. I have no desire to move from where I lie. I am just so sleepy.
The stinging has subsided. I feel as though I am no longer in my body. I am in such a relaxing sleep. What am I doing out here in the garden anyway? How did I get here?
Everything begins to come back to me. I remember being hit and thrown onto the ground. I was attacked from behind while taking my usual walk in the magnificent garden behind my castle. After I was held on the ground, I remember being beaten until I was unable to move my extremities. I could feel myself being turned onto my side. I then felt a scorching sensation in my head as a lethal liquid dripped into my ear. I was poisoned. The toxic venom was swimming through my veins rapidly. I felt as though my insides were being disintegrated as the acid reached every nerve in my body. I had no way of fighting back. Who could have hurt me so badly? I’m trying to remember any details that I can piece together to identify my assailant. I remember seeing a large physique and dark hair that was turning silver. Wait. Is my attacker really who I think he is? Was I? Was I attacked by my own kin? My own brother? I just don’t understand. What could have prompted him to hurt me like this?
The yelling has stopped. Everything has stopped. I hear no sounds. I see nothing but darkness. The nerves in my body have been deactivated. All I can feel is the wonderful sensation of the toasty warm sun beating down on me. I try to come to terms with the mass confusion I am experiencing. Have I been left here to die? I am praying that someone will see me missing and come to save me before it’s too late. I try with everything in me to muster some sound. Only a small sigh comes out. My body is shutting down.
All is quiet. All is still. All is peaceful. I am in a bizarre trance, almost a dreamlike state that I can't pull myself out of. I begin to let my body relax. I will no longer fight back. I feel as though I am floating. My soul is levitating higher and higher. I see a light that’s so bright, almost blinding. I try to follow the light home, but I can’t leave my son unknowing. I want him to learn of my death and who’s responsible. Although my body and soul are now severed, I will embody the image of a ghost-like presence. My son must know the truth; his uncle killed his father to take the throne and his wife. I know Hamlet will do for me what I am unable to do myself. I won’t rest until my death has been avenged and my coldblooded brother suffers my inescapable fate.

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