Forever Alive | Teen Ink

Forever Alive

December 4, 2013
By TayrorHan16 BRONZE, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
TayrorHan16 BRONZE, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Forever Alive

I swung open the door of the office as a cold chill set across my skin. After just working a double shift, I was exhausted.
Driving home the roads were slippery with new fallen snow. I knew once I entered the house I would have to put on a happy face for my son. Opening the front door Luke was waiting just as I suspected and his face instantly brightened with the sight of me.
“Mommy!” Luke cried as he wrapped his arms around my legs.
“Hey sweetie how was your day? Were you nice to Abby?” I joshed patting his head
“Oh, he was no problem at all. He was a good boy!” Abby assured throwing on her leather jacket.
“Well have a safe ride home Abby, the roads are pretty bad,” I advised slowly sliding the twenty across the counter.
“Thanks have a nice night Ms. Peterson!” Abby beamed taking the money as she rushed out the door.
“Luke do you want to go to the cabin tonight? I think we should spend some time away together for a while,” I suggested smoothing back his short curly hair as he glanced up at me with his big brown eyes.

“Yes mommy! Let’s go!” He grinned rushing towards his room.

“Alright sweetie I’ll help you pack,” I insisted following close behind.

With everything packed we set off. I grasped the wheel as the wind began to push against the side of the car and snow pounded down across the windshield. Glancing back in the rearview mirror, Luke looked up at me with a worried expression so I gave him a smile to reassure him.

“Mommy are we there yet?” Luke questioned impatiently.

“Sweetie just ten more minutes okay? I’m sorry I know you’re tired,” I confided brushing my hand through my hair.
We began to approach a fairly large hill and as I was losing visibility. The wind blew snow across the windshield and the wipers were barely able to do their job. I was noticing the road was icy so I began to grip the wheel more tightly.
“Mommy watch out!” Luke stuttered as he pointed towards the oncoming car.
Quickly I turned the wheel, the car spun out of control just missing the passing car. The front end burst through the side rail and jolted down the hill. Closing my eyes, I prayed to God for a miracle.
“Luke, hold on sweetie!” I pleaded and suddenly the car fell to a stop and everything was silent, I glanced into the back seat and saw Luke in his carseat, he seemed to be okay.
“Luke, are you okay baby?” I sobbed. He wasn’t replying but I knew by his movements that everything was alright. “I’m going to go get help, okay sweetie?” I affirmed.
I began my ascent up the slippery slope. It wasn’t that cold anymore even though I could sense strong gusts of wind blowing through the trees.
I grasped the top of a sturdy branch and heaved myself to the top. I began waving my arms crazily hoping a car would stop. The only thing rushing through my mind was my son and getting him home safe. Suddenly a car began to approach and pull to the side of the road. He glanced down at the shards of glass and rushed down the hill.
“Hey! I yelled, rushing after him. “ Thank you so much!” I cried grabbing hold of his jacket but he didn’t respond or glance back at me. He began peering inside the car and pulled out my son. “Thank you sir!” I sobbed reaching for my son. But he wasn’t looking at me; he glanced back into the car where I was sitting. I followed him over and saw my stiff body lodged tight in the seat. My heart dropped, I stood there staring at my lifeless body as the man carried my son up the snowy hill.

The author's comments:
Our assignment was to make a flash fiction story with a maximum of 650 words.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 12 2013 at 10:13 am
BerryRee17 BRONZE, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment
It's Nicely structured. But there's confusion here and there. I enjoyed your piece. Keep at it (: