Evil Smiles of Glory | Teen Ink

Evil Smiles of Glory

November 9, 2013
By Jean Hollis BRONZE, Secret, Other
Jean Hollis BRONZE, Secret, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As a small squirrel, it seemed foolish to walk into a colossal, damp, and dimly lit cave. I was that stupid squirrel who wandered into that very same plant less cave. As I walked on the cool cave floor, I heard a roar that was unmistakably Monster’s, a deadly animal that conquered many of the forest’s animals. His roar was deep; unlike my own shrilly cry. The low sound echoed off the brown cave walls. The fur on my back prickled like needles as a chill ran down my spine. When the cave suddenly became dark as the night, I was engulfed with fear. My heart pounded loudly in my rib cage and a line of sweat formed across my forehead. I heard Monster’s roar again. This time it was higher pitched and was endless. I felt Monster’s power of coldness as the air around my body suddenly chilled, and my fluffy fur had given up on warming me. At last, I had heard and felt the small earthquake that indicated Monster was getting closer to me. Even though my nose was near frozen, I caught Human’s foul odor of dung, swamp gas, and the metallic blood of his conquered victims. I was nearly throwing up from the smell of blood when the cave suddenly gave light again.

I looked around the room and saw that it was encrusted with ice. Noticing that I was standing in an area of darkness, I looked around myself and saw that I was standing in Monster’s humungous shadow. I gulped as my eyes unwillingly looked up at the tree-sized beast. Human wasn’t wearing anything on his unkempt feet. They were covered with tiny bites and red scratches of the other animals that wandered into this cave, and there were clumps of fur in between his cracked toes. I looked at his legs, which were, to my disgust, covered with animal skins. It looked like he quickly stuck them to his legs when the weather got cold. Noticing that the pelts were all of the forest’s animals, I shuddered when I thought of my aunt who was killed by Monster. When I moved my eyes to the rest of his body, I wanted to disappear on the spot. His chest was covered with dried, flaky blood and the insides of my fellow animals. Along with the animals, there were random splotches of brown hair and grass. I guessed that this is how he shows triumph. When my eyes met his beady, bold, and black eyes of death, I was paralyzed with fear. His mouth was twisted into a long, smirk. I knew that his horribly misshapen face was going to eat me.

I couldn’t move as he bent down to pick me up. His big, roughened hands squashed the air out of me as he held me up to his face so he could see me better. As he observed me, I regained strength. My survival instincts kicked in as I tried to wriggle out. Unfortunately, he was used to the animals of our forest, so he quickly saw through my plan. He held me tighter as I tried to bite him. I felt a sharp pain in my chest as I realized that he had broken some of my bones. The electrifying pain had immobilized me. He knew that, for he loosened his hold. I screamed in pain as I found out that he had broken more bones. As soon as he heard me scream, he quickly stuffed me in his disgusting, foul mouth. The last thing I saw, before I died, was his evil smile of glory.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 15 2013 at 10:15 am
pretty good story. dont like the ending. why was this voted number one?