Next Time | Teen Ink

Next Time

July 16, 2024
By BananaN3rd ELITE, Clarksville, Tennessee
BananaN3rd ELITE, Clarksville, Tennessee
116 articles 15 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
If the pen is stronger than the sword, what am I supposed to do when the pen declares a war?

Every day feels exactly the same as the last, Iris wrote in her diary, tapping the edge of her pen on her teeth. The rhythmic click of her pen matched the ticking of her clock. It feels like I’ve been stuck in a dream. She signed the entry, closed the book with a loud crack, and threw the diary on her desk before looking in the mirror. Her braid had come undone, with tangles shooting out, making her look like a cartoon character who had encountered a demon.

She sighed and undid her braid. She wanted to at least attempt to look nice for her date with Bryan. Her dark orange hair strained against the comb, threatening to break the cheap plastic in half, but after ten minutes, she finally managed to make herself look decent. She pulled her hair into a tight bun, adding a small piece of ruby to the top. It sparkled in the sunlight and brought a smile to Iris’ face. She also decided on a ruby ring and bracelet to accompany the theme.

After another half-hour, she had managed to decide on both what clothes to wear and what makeup to apply. She figured purple would make her eyes pop out, and she was right. The amethyst-purple dress she had on flowed as she spun around in front of the mirror. Tonight was going to be absolutely perfect.

She grabbed her purse and left, locking the door behind her. The smell of freshly baked bread hit her as she descended the steps. The setting sun bathed the neighbourhood in a warm, golden light, and a gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers. It was a beautiful evening for a date. As she approached the meeting spot, Iris spotted Bryan waiting outside. His warm smile made her heart flutter, and she couldn't help but smile back. They exchanged greetings, and Bryan walked her into the cosy, dimly lit eatery.

The night started off just how Iris had dreamed, with a nice meal and some delicious wine being served, but as Iris grabbed his hand, he pulled back. He winced as his hand burst into tiny flames, and she yelped and jumped from her chair, staring at Bryan.

“What the hell . . . ?” she asked quietly, thinking back to the ruby jewellery, which was known in the witching community to ward off demons and evil spirits, and it concerned her as to what Bryan was.

“I’m . . . a demon, but not an evil one. Iris, I’ve tried dozens of times to make this date perfect, and every time I try, you find out. But every time I reset this, you come back even better than before. I love you, Iris. I hope next time will be better.”

Every day feels exactly the same as the last, Iris wrote in her diary, It feels like I’ve been stuck in a dream. But she had one thing to look forward to, her date with the cutest boy she’d ever met, Bryan.

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