Tire Swing | Teen Ink

Tire Swing

May 16, 2024
By HairyTurtle BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
HairyTurtle BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The tire swing was still swaying as they left, the loud sound drawing there attention. They wandered off into the field, the grass swaying in the wind and brushing against their legs. They went to go and find out where the awful scream was coming from. The air felt musty, almost viscous. It was like mud. With every step that they took, it got harder to breathe, harder to walk, and harder to see. Jane and Jack looked at each other with wide eyes, their hair sticking up on the back of their necks. They didn’t know what was going on. As Jane was reaching for Jack’s hand to find comfort, she grabbed onto him, but when she looked over, he was gone, and what she was holding was a rock. Jane dropped the rock in surprise but then quickly picked it back up for defense because she saw something in the distance. What she saw looked almost human, but it was to tall and had very long arms. The figure came closer and closer until it was right right up next to Jane. She tried to move but she was frozen in place. The figure the leaned close and whispered something in Jane’s ear. She couldn’t tell what the figure had said because the figure wasn’t speaking in english. Instead, when it spoke it sounded like wind that was blowing into Jane’s ear. Jane felt a tingling sensation as the wind traveled down her body until it entirely engulfed her. When Jane look down, she noticed she wasn’t herself anymore, she was a dark figure, taller then she used to be. She was so frightened that she let out an ear shattering scream. Right after she screamed, she noticed two kids coming in her direction, leaving a tire swing that was still swaying as they left.

The author's comments:

I have blonde hair.

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