The Storm | Teen Ink

The Storm

January 17, 2024
By AveryKowalewski BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
AveryKowalewski BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I quickly grabbed a flashlight next to my bed and went downstairs to investigate the power outage. It’s the middle of the night during a big storm. 

“Snap! Crack! Bang!” was the sound of a tree branch straight out my window I saw break. 

All of a sudden I heard a strange noise I have never heard before. As I kept walking downstairs, I heard creaking footsteps and I knew I wasn’t alone. 

The wind kept picking up and it felt like I was the star in a horror movie.

I quickly ran back upstairs to close, and lock the door. 

Next thing you know I’m calling my neighbor to come over. He goes through the side garage door and into my house. He quickly goes through the kitchen and up the stairs, but doesn’t hear any strange noises. 

He told me he was just about to come over because right as the power went out, his dog ran outside through his screen door.

I explained to him how I heard a creaking sound and a noise like someone was eating something. 

We both headed toward the basement and just as we were about to shine the flashlight down there, all of the lights turned back on, which was a huge relief. 

We heard a barking sound and realized that the noise we were hearing was a dog. My neighbor quickly ran down my basement stairs to go see and sure enough, it was his dog chewing a bone, hiding behind a couch. 

The dog saw his owner, sprinted into the boy’s arms, and gave him a huge hug. 

We were so relieved it wasn’t anything else down there, but we were very curious about how his dog got into my house in the first place. 

The author's comments:

This was a piece I wrote because I love the way I wrote it. It is very descriptive and I like how I used a lot of stylistic devices throughout the piece. This makes it engaging to the reader. 

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