La sangre de la phantasma | Teen Ink

La sangre de la phantasma

September 14, 2023
By MiguelPerez BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
MiguelPerez BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This starts in the early 1890’s of new york, A rich family in a mansion a young Boy named 

Gappy Joestar and his Brother Diavolo Joestar, Gappy and Diavolo’s were very different at birth


Gappy like a normal Baby was crying from the moment he was born Diavolo however Did not, 

This action of diavolo concerned the doctors and nurses so they ran some test on diavolo to 

Make sure everything was okay. All the test that the doctors ran on Diavolo came back negative

He was in perfect health just like Gappy, Unexpectedly Gappy and Diavolos Mother passed 

Away shortly after Diavolo was born, So the Father had to raise them as a single Parent

Once Gappy and Diavolo were Toddlers, Diavolo had found enjoyment teasing and bullying his 

Brother. Over the years the teasing and bullying became more and more intense to the point 

Where it was borderline Harassment once Gappy and Diavalo were in High School Their father 

Dwayne Joestar had bought an ancient Artifact, A stone Mask He bought it and brought back to

his Mansion he showed it to his boys and then hanged it up on the wall in the living room. A few 

Years later Gappy had earned himself a girlfriend named Cellavos When Diavolo learned of this 

he forced Cellavos to kiss him which was her first kiss. When Gappy learned of this he became

Enraged he ran all the way to his fathers mansion and fought his brother at first Diavolo was 

Winning but Gappy Got the upper hand and Started to beat him senseless eventually spilling

Some blood on the stone mask thats hanging on the wall. Causing some spikes to Burst out from

Diavalo becomes curious..Later when he heals his injuries from being beaten he does research

On the mask and what are its origins are, He eventually figures out that the mask turns you into

Vampire so he waits for the perfect time to use it, Once he had lured both gappy and his father 

Into the same room he takes out a Dagger and uses it to stab his father, Gappy holds his father 

Arms as he loses his life right in front of him Diavolo then uses the blood of his hands to activate 

The mask and activates the Mask turning himself into a first Gappy is terrified of his

Brothers new power But he eventually works up the courage to fight his brother using and old 

spear, The fight ends with Gappy’s house being lit on fire and ends in a general stalemate 

nobody won this time at least, Diavolo ends up living in a old abandoned castle were he had 

Gained a following, Meanwhile Gappy had discovered an old ancient Breathing technique that

Mimics the Sun pattern, He trains for days gaining the strength to defeat his brother he reaches 

Diavolo’s Castle and heads inside, Once inside he's attacked by One of Diavolo’s followers 

YOU’LL NEVER BE ABLE TO DEFEAT LORD DIAVOLO!” says the follower but Gappy 

Pretty much splits him in half with one of his Breathing techniques, In fact all of Diavolo’s

Followers get decimated By gappy with little to no effort he finally reaches Diavolo “Well then

Gappy it looks like we’ve reached the end..” diavolo says in a sinister tone..”Ill put a stop to you 

And those who died by your hands can finally Rest in the afterlife!” gappy says with much more 

Confidence in his voice than the last time they fought  this is the final battle between the 2 of 

them.. Gappy throws some roses That were nearby unexpectedly… Diavolo uses one of his

Vampiric abilities to freeze the roses he knew that Gappy had infused the roses with his 

Breathing technique, Gappy knew that Diavolo would freeze his arm and potentially Lose his 

Arm if he was reckless so gappy lit his entire arm on fire to counter diavolos freezing abilities 

And it did Diavolo Failed to freeze his arm and was left wide opened for gappy to strike Diavolos 

Heart Gappy put everything he had into that one strike causing Diavolos body to disintegrate 

Fall off the castle Gappy looks down and sheds a single tear from regret as he was not able to

Save his brother that he had Known since Birth After Diavolo defeat Years had passed and 

Had gotten married with his Girlfriend who was now his wife after they had gotten married the 2 

Young couple had moved to Washington to start a new life However Gappy has never forgotten

About his Brother and how he failed to bring him back into the light Nor will he ever forget 


The End.

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