the adventure | Teen Ink

the adventure

September 11, 2023
By LJDelgado123 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
LJDelgado123 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On a friday afternoon after school Guliano and I went on our camping trip we had planned for awhile . After school we went home to get our bags that we had prepared, shortly after we headed off to our destination. road trip that was like 3 hours away but our car turned into a jet so we got there in like an hour and a half. When we got there we set our tent up and put our bags up then after we went to explore the park we were staying at.
Our parents told us not to go too far but we didn’t listen, we just wandered off. We got lost but we found our way back then when we got back it was time to eat so we ate then was time to go to sleep.
The next morning when we woke up there was a big bear sleeping right outside our tent and we couldn't get out so we just sat quietly and tried to make up a plan. We made sandwiches in the meanwhile while we try to figure something out , we remembered that we saw an open land with a farm so we just took a risk and ran off that way.
It was a good distance away but we just ran as the bear chased after us. We were jumping on trees and throwing stuff that we saw in the way of him and then we finally lost him. When we finally made it to the farm it was already getting dark but we wanted to explore so we were walking around the farm for a little bit and while we looked we saw cows and pigs that could jump on trees and there were monkeys in cages in a shed.
After we looked around we decided to start heading back to our tent but on the way back it started to rain a little and we didn't worry but right before we got to the tent it started getting real windy and raining harder we didn’t know how to hold our tent down because we knew it was going to fly away with the wind so we went out to look for some rocks or brick to put down on it. The only stuff we found was little rocks and some tree branches so we just used that. We went to check on our parents in the other tent they were in but we couldn’t find them. We didn't know where they went , we looked and looked but couldn’t see them anywhere. We tried to call them but both of our phones were about to die and we couldn’t charge them because the portable charger died. We thought they were okay so we just didn’t mind it any more .
We just went to sleep, then at about 2:30am we woke up on a mountain top out of nowhere. We were panicking because we are scared of heights after while we finally calmed down but there was nothing around us but this deep hole with a little light in there. We sat and thought but still didn’t know what it was.
It just kept on raining and raining with hard wind and we started losing grip because we just had slippers and everytime we would step little rocks would fall down. Guliano and I sat and started talking and the only thing we thought about was to just both jump in the hole and see where it takes us so we just jumped and we were in the air for like two minutes before landing.
When we landed we both couldn’t feel our body because of how long we were in the air and how much impact we had hitting the water. As we floated back above water gasping for air Guliano spotted a cave so we swam towards it. When we got to the cave Guliano started a fire with the objects on the ground that he found as we explore the cave with our bright torch we saw some weird footprints and went that way because dumb ass Guliano decided to go that way and i wasn't going to leave him by himself so i went with him.
When we turned the corner we saw about 250 sleeping crocodiles so we tried to be quiet but Guliano burned me with his torch so I yelled “sh*t!!!” and then they all woke up. You can tell by the way they all looked towards us with their bright yellow eyes and went “grrr” that they were hungry. As they opened their big mouths we saw all their sharp teeth. They didn't hold any animosity and so we started running the opposite direction of the cave without our torch because we dropped it once they started chasing us. After awhile of running the opposite direction then we ran into a whole bunch of 7 feet snakes so we were trapped but we saw a rope hanging down so i jumped on and climbed up but Guliano took to long and got grabbed in by a crocodile i didn’t know what to do by time I turned around he was already gone so what i did was just take off running looking for our car and when i found it after looking for a while i went to go grab my bag that I had packed and I left back home. THE END….

The author's comments:

I'm a junior and I play sports for Pasadena memorial high school

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