The Stalker | Teen Ink

The Stalker

September 7, 2023
By evelynyanez170 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
evelynyanez170 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On a chilly day during October, in Snowspell Village there was a family getting ready to move to their dream house,somewhere where it didn’t snow as much.This wasn’t just any house,it was the most expensive looking mansion anyone has ever seen.The Fisher family is a wealthy family of 4,Mr.Fisher,his wife Mrs.Fisher,and their two children,Albert was more grown while Allison was still a baby.

A few months passed by and the Fisher family had been living a good life at their dream house. Suddenly one day around March,the Fisher family had received a strange letter to their house.The letter that they had received was crumbled and had terrible handwriting saying that they were being watched by an unknown person.Mr and Mrs.Fisher just brushed it off and thought it was just one of Albert’s funny pranks.Albert was the jokester of the family he would always joke around and do funny pranks.That was until they started getting these anonymous letters every single day.Mr and Mrs.Fisher thought this prank wasn’t funny anymore and told Albert to stop.Albert was abstracted about what his parents were talking about,if Albert didn’t send those letters then who did?This unknown stalker knew who they were,their names,and everything they did.

The next day Mr. and Mrs.Fisher decided to go to the police station to report the disturbing anonymous letters that they keep receiving.How could someone be so nefarious?Unfortunately the police station just prattled, and thought it was just some kind of joke and didn't do anything about the letters.

The next day in the afternoon, Mr.Fisher had invited his friend Roger over and told him about the letters.Roger suggested that they should set up security cameras around the house. Mr.Fisher thought that was an excellent idea, so he and Roger set up security cameras around the house.

The next morning Mr.Fisher woke up and instantly checked the security cameras just to find nothing.Mr.Fisher was in shock it was like he had seen a ghost. ”What?How did the cameras not catch the stalker?”,Mr.Fisher stated. Mr.Fisher woke Mrs.Fisher up and informed her how the security cameras didn’t work out.”How is this even possible?”,said Mrs.Fisher.

Suddenly, that same day they received another anonymous letter, this time it was a photograph.Mrs.Fisher took a look at the photograph and got sad as a broken heart.Mr.Fisher had noticed his wifes sad reaction and asked “What's wrong?”.Mrs.Fisher gave Mr.Fisher the photograph and left to her room upset.Mr.Fisher took a look at the photograph and it was him holding hands with another woman.Mr.Fisher knew that photograph was fake, he was on fire with rage, this anonymous stalker was trying to ruin their marriage.Mr.Fisher tries to explain to Mrs.Fisher about the fake photograph but she wouldn’t listen.

One day Mrs.Fisher finally decides to talk to Mr.Fisher about how she wants a divorce.She didn’t even let Mr.Fisher explain.

Mr.Fisher had totally forgotten about the cameras and had Roger come over to take a look.”Hm that’s weird, the cameras should've caught the stalker”said Roger.Mr.Fisher thought it was strange that the camera recorded the whole day except whenever the stalker left a letter.That’s when Mr.Fisher decided to stay up all night so that he could catch the stalker.Everyone was asleep even Mr.Fisher ,until suddenly he hears someone.Mr.Fisher goes to check out what that noise was, and it was Mrs.Fisher? Mr.Fisher had caught his wife deleting the footage of the stalker leaving letters. Does this mean Mrs.Fisher knew who the anonymous stalker was this whole time?Mrs.Fisher was in shock to even say anything.Mr.Fisher takes a look out the window and sees Roger his “friend” with a letter in his hand.Mr. Fisher had no words.Mrs.Fisher and Roger were the anonymous stalkers,well not so anonymous now.

Mrs.Fisher was a cheating gold digger who got bored of her marriage and Roger was only “friends” with Mr.Fisher to get closer to Mrs.Fisher.

Mrs.Fisher finally gets the divorce she wanted but she and Roger end up in jail for third degree felony(stalking).Meanwhile Mr.Fisher and his children move to an unknown small village while he tries to process what had just happened.

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