Mr. Linden’s Library | Teen Ink

Mr. Linden’s Library

May 13, 2023
By Anonymous

One day not just any ordinary day there was a girl who wanted to read the book. Her name was Lucy Jones. She was walking down the street to go to school. She had a feeling like it was going to be a different day today, but what she didn't know was that today was not going to be any ordinary day. 

She was walking to her first class, English. Lucy enjoyed English class because she loved going to the library and reading all of her favorite books. She felt like the library was a whole different world to her, a world full of adventures. Lucy loved reading; she read almost every book at her last school. Her new goal was to read almost every book in her new school. 

She was sitting in her English class when she overheard some boys talking to the girls about this book that has been in the school for years and that no one has read it. The boys said if someone did read it something horrible would happen. Lucy thought they were probably just trying to scare the girls because it was Halloween soon. She loved Halloween and couldn't wait for it.

 It was almost the end of the day, but not quite yet she still had ElO. At her last school she would try to go to English class for Elo everyday. So Lucy decided why not go today. So, she was walking to English class and saw her teacher Mr. Linden. He was a very kind man, but apparently everybody thought he was crazy, mad, psycho, and coo-coo. Lucy was looking at all the different books with wonder. She remembered those boys in her class talking about the book that has never been read. Then she saw them talking about it again. She heard one boy say, “ This is the book!!, he pointed at it with a concerned sound in his voice. The book looked so old that it could have been presented at the museum, but she couldn’t stop looking at the beautiful flower-like designs that were engraved on it. When the boys left she right away stood up and raced to see it up close. When she was looking at it she realized some interesting writing on it. Like it was in a  different language. Lucy felt this urge to open it. She was wondering what it was for or about. She was getting the tingling feeling like she had to bring it home and read it. So without thinking she brought it home and put it on her bed. Lucy was just staring at it wondering why she brought it home.

The next morning on the news there was some talk about a girl who went missing. A GIRL NAMED LUCY JONES…………     To be continued

The author's comments:

To tell the truth it is really hard for me to relate to this girl because I can't just pick up a book and love it right away. It's really hard for me to find a book that I call perfect. 

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