A Junkyard Discovery | Teen Ink

A Junkyard Discovery

May 1, 2023
By Anonymous

Nancy and her friends Aiden and Carlos were roaming the streets on their bicycles. They came toward the edge of their town that was followed by many acres of deep woods. There was a junkyard at the edge of the woods that nobody cared to clean out. So it was just there near the woods. 

The junkyard was a sports field many many years ago. But now it is just filled with broken supplies, old car parts and trash. Even if nobody comes by, it is still a good place for Aiden, Nancy and her friends Aiden and Carlos to linger around and kill time.

It was the beginning of summer and Nancy and her friends had plenty of time until they started 6th grade at their new middle school. They came to the junkyard and parked their bikes nearby.

‘’Hey, what if we go to the lake later?’’ Carlos asked.

‘’Yeah, that will be a good idea.’’ Nancy answered.

‘’I’m going to check out the footlocker to see if there are any more birds or eggs in there.’’ Aiden said.

‘’Yeah I guess we can come with you.’’ Nancy answered and all three of them walked to the footlocker.

The footlocker was really old. It had no door on it. There were pictures of the teams and athletes on the walls. Finally the friends walked near a nest that was located in one of the corners of the foot locker. The bird already flew away.

‘’Nope. The eggs didn’t hatch.’’ Aiden told the other. ‘’I guess we can go back.’’ he said while walking back he tripped over one of the opened lockers.

‘’Ouch!’’ Aiden shouted and landed on the floor. 

‘’How did you not notice that?’’ Carlos laughed. 

‘’It was closed! How did I trip over it?’’ Aiden said in confusion.

‘’Well, let's see.’’ Nancy walked to the locker and opened it. ‘’Look, there is a key!’’ She told the others.

The three of them started searching for what the key was for and then finally Aiden shouted.

“I think I found it.’’ In the edge of a dark corner he found a key lock that was all rusty from all the years that it wasn’t used. All three stood by the lock and thought about what to do. Either they open it or call their parents to figure this mystery out. 

‘’Let’s open it and slightly look at what it is.’’ Nancy finally said. 

‘’Then we can always call our parents because this looks unsafe and our parents probably know what to do in these situations.’’ Carlos said and Aiden inserted the key and twisted it.

There was a secret passageway that led to a bunker down below. Carlos stayed behind and Aiden and Nancy slowly crawled through and down the steps. It was dark so Nancy turned on her flashlight. Then she came across a dusty box and started wiping it to see what was written.

‘’E-x-p-l-o-s- explosive material!’’ She screamed and accidently knocked over some glass container that was on the same shelf. 

‘’Is it even safe to be down here and breath this air?’’ Aiden asked as he observed the broken glass container.

‘’Yeah, I think we’ve had enough.’’ Nancy answered.

Shortly after finding out what was in the bunker, they finally decided to come out and call their parents because they didn’t know what to expect. The parents of all three friends quickly came with some company of police officers.

Later that evening, after the investigation had happened, it was official that there were weapons and explosive material down in the bunker.

The three friends and their parents gathered.

‘’Good thing we decided to get help.’’ Nancy said with relief to her friends. 

‘’Yeah just imagine what could have happened.’’ Aiden said with terror.

‘’At least we are now famous for discovering the bunker and we are going to be featured on the news.’’ Carlos said.

‘’Now, we wanted to go to the lake earlier.’’ Nancy said. 

‘’ Yes! We can go now, before it gets too late.’’

The three friends walked down to the lake and continued to discuss their interesting day.

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