At Deaths Door. | Teen Ink

At Deaths Door.

March 7, 2023
By Anonymous

   I’m not sure why I could see things that the others couldn’t. Sometimes I scared myself. When someone was to die, I always saw a black figure at their door. The first time I saw it, it was on Mr. Pattinsons door. I saw it a few weeks before he mysteriously disappeared. They found his body in his own freezer the night before my seventh birthday. Apparently, he had been drowned then dismembered and finally frozen for around three weeks. I heard my mom and dad talking about it. They looked disgusted at the thought of the case. He had been missing for three months. The police never found the person who did it. sometimes I wonder who did it and got away with it. I never saw it again until I saw it at my own door. My grandmother died the next evening from a tragic car accident. But at least she didn’t die a prolonged death, she hated the thought of having her son cry beside her while try to decide if he should take her off life support. But even after her death the figure still stayed at my door. I never knew why it stayed then next thing I know I’m dead. I died at age fifteen of a tragic roller-coaster incident along with my father. My brother was stuck caring for my now disabled mother. It was I who wanted to ride the lighting serpent. It was my fault. My mother was hit by falling chunks of metal that had fallen from the loosened screws on the roller-coaster. They tried to revive me but a pipe from under the roller-coaster had punctured my lungs. After I died, I just wondered door to door looking for my dear mother. But soon I was replaced, and everything truly went black for the final time.

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