Project Horror Story | Teen Ink

Project Horror Story

March 1, 2023
By Anonymous

Project Horror Story

Coming home from school, my dad told me that we are going on a vacation and that I wouldn’t be at school for a couple of days. I was wondering why, but I minded my business and went to my room to pack up my clothes. “Hope! It’s time to go, your dad is waiting!” My mother called. I yelled back, “Give me more time, Mom, I’ll be right there!”  A couple of minutes later, I headed downstairs to go out to the car. First, my parents and I went to get a birthday cake and some snacks for my birthday. I am turning 17 this year. When it comes to my birthday, I don't really like celebrating it. I don’t know; it's just not my cup of tea. We left the store and headed into a long car ride, eating some cake. All of a sudden, something happened. Everything went dark. 

The car broke down and my dad got out to check it out. We didn’t have the tools to fix the engine, so we were not prepared for this to happen to us. My dad tried to call someone to help us;  we were in the middle of nowhere but a forest. My parent’s phone didn’t have service and my phone was dead. We didn't have a map either because we forgot to bring it. My mom and I got out of the car and looked around to see if there was anything nearby, like a house or somebody, but there was nothing. Nothing at all. 

“What if I go look around the forest and try to find someone?” I asked my dad. “Well, sweetie, you can’t go alone and your mom needs to stay with you.” He said. My mom and I went into the forest and walked until we saw an abandoned house deep in the forest. “Mom, should we see if anyone is at the house?” I said, worried about what could happen to us. “Well this is the only way we can try and get help.” she said. We went up the steps and knocked on the door, but there was no response. The door was unlocked and we went inside and heard footsteps that were so quiet that my mom couldn’t hear them. I held on to my mom, scared for my life. “What was that?” I asked, as my heart raced. “What? I don’t know what you are talking about!” She said, confused. We heard a loud bang, as if something fell. Me and my mom ran out and we heard yelling.  The day was turning night and the sun was leaving. 

There was my dad calling for us. He found us, scared, having no idea who it was making all the movement in the house. “Dad, there's someone in that house, but they won’t even come out.” I said, “We should go, I don't want to cause trouble here. It might be safer to go somewhere else,” he said. As we walked away from the house, trying to not get hurt in any way possible, we spotted a puppy. “I want to keep it, Dad.” I said, “No, we are not bringing another pet home.” I got upset for a moment, “Let's call it Piper” I said, petting the dog.

 All of a sudden, I heard a gun fire at us and saw it was coming from an old man. “We aren't doing any harm!” My dad yelled, trying to stop him, but the old man didn’t listen. He ran after us with a shotgun and the sun was no longer there, so we couldn’t see him as much anymore. My mom, dad, and I all ran as fast as we could to try and escape from the old man who was still shooting at us. My mom was crying her eyes out, hoping she wouldn't die. We heard my dad scream as he was shot in the leg. He could no longer run anymore. We tried everything to just pick him back up but he wouldn’t let us. “Run before he gets you guys. I don't want you to die because of me.” he said.

 I started tearing up when he took his last breath. He was bleeding so much that he couldn’t stay alive. “It's all my fault” I said crying and blaming myself for this mess. My mom pulled me and ran away before anything else happened. We tried to run as fast as we could, but our legs were getting so tired that we couldn't run any longer. That old man was still shooting, but missing every shot. 

Right then, a bullet hit my mom. She fell to the ground and I pulled her by a tree, trying to stop her bleeding. She looked at me with her sorrowful eyes. She held my face with a look of “goodbye.” I didn’t want to leave her there; I couldn’t let go. I ran off as fast as I could, trying my best to keep going. My legs were so tired but I didn’t stop. I kept running until my chest didn’t feel any pain. It felt like the pain and suffering weren’t there anymore. I didn't feel like I was in a big loop anymore, unable to escape. Then, suddenly,  something hit me in the head and knocked me to the ground.

 It was all black then, until I saw my mom and dad looking at me like they were in peace now. “Wow”, I thought to myself. I couldn’t believe my eyes! “Mom! Dad!”, I yelled running to them as they faded away. Then I heard a man talking as I was waking up, realizing where I was. The hospital?.  My head hurts! I realized there was a doctor right in front of me, checking if I was feeling ok. ”Who are you?” I asked, “My name is Joe, you can call me Doctor,” he said with a smile. “What happened?” I asked, not remembering anything that happened but a man chasing after me. The doctor looked at me like he couldn’t believe that I couldn’t remember anything. “You were in a car crash and unfortunately your parents died. You've been in a coma for eight years.” I didn’t believe the words that he said to me. I just couldn’t believe that they died in a car crash. I started to tear up, thinking that I was dreaming. “I’m sorry for your loss.” The doctor comforted me, saying everything was going to be ok. He took me outside the hospital knowing I can’t walk as well as I did before. As he helped me outside, I noticed a man who was helping others.  I just fell in love with him, even though I didn’t believe that I was in a hospital because of a car crash. I felt that there was another reason why I was there. “Something feels off”, I thought. 

After a month, I got cleared from the hospital and in a few years later I had a family; a husband and a daughter. I still couldn’t get the man with the shotgun out of my head. I thought “It felt so real.” 

 My husband left to take our daughter to school, then left for work. Something doesn’t feel right, something feels like something bad is going to happen. As soon as I called my husband, there was a knock at the door. I thought it was my husband coming home early because he had forgotten something. So I opened the door. It was not my husband. 

I looked at him for a moment and he said, “Hello, Hope, nice to see you again,” said the man.  Right then, I realized it was the man who had the shotgun! Before I could say anything, I was stabbed in the stomach. That was the moment I realized it was going to be the last time I would see my husband again and my daughter. I woke up again in a hospital and I managed to survive the stabbing. The doctor gave me the news telling me the police finally arrested the man who stabbed me and he was now in prison for life. I am so happy knowing I get to live my life not having to worry about anything like that again. This is how my story ends and ever since I have not dealt with anything like that again.

The author's comments:

It was do for a project, came up with the story

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