The girl | Teen Ink

The girl

January 26, 2023
By Anonymous

Amidst a terrible famine, a family of four lives in the rubble of a recently sieged city.  There were two boys and two girls. Maggie was just a schoolgirl before her city was attacked, but now she has much more of a purpose. Before the so-called doomsday, Maggie had another sister Meredith but she was lost, killed, or taken in the disaster. Who knows? It was left all up to Maggie to find out what happened to her sister.

After collecting her thoughts, she decides to start by going to her sister's room and look for anything out of place. After going through her sister's room, she noticed her sister's arrow-shaped necklace, which in the fourteen years of knowing her she had never seen her take it off.

 It was just lying on a book, pointing at a line that read “You’d think solving mysteries would bring you closure, that closing the loop would comfort and quiet your mind. But it never does. The truth always disappoints.”

That line had her rethinking everything. Could it be a coincidence or a clue? She left that thought alone, drifting around her mind uncontrollably. She tried to keep looking for clues, but she couldn't stop thinking about that sentence. She decided to get some rest hoping she would forget or come up with something. She woke up the next morning with a clearer mind, going back to look for anything that might help her find her sister. She was rummaging through her room, throwing everything everywhere. After no luck, she decided to lie down on her sister's bed. As she was gazing off at the wall, she noticed a painting that looked like it was being illuminated by light glaring through a hole in the wall. The light was highlighting a couple of words on the painting, those words being: “Sometimes the truth hurts”. That confused Maggie; she didn't know what to think about that.

Maggie thought back to when her city was taken. There is this group of strange things.  You can't even call them people but, we call them the reapers. They only attack at night; by the time you see them, you're dead. The city tried to fight back but they had already taken the capital by the time the sirens sounded. It went house to house, block to block, ending anything with a heartbeat. Then there's maggies family. Meredith had always been preparing for something like this. She had her family build secret rooms and crawl spaces all around our house, but she told them to never to tell her where they were. Which always had them intrigued, but they just thought she didn't care enough to know where they were.

The night the city was attacked, Meredith told her family to go to one of the rooms and not to come out till they heard the bells ringing, but she didn't follow them in there, which was weird. It was just pure silence other than the occasional screams as it found them, but it never found Maggie. They could hear it crashing through the streets, but it never came to their house. After two or so days, they lost track of time, then the bells finally chimed, meaning it was safe to go outside. Finally, they could leave. It was so quiet in the city, nothing at all, just complete and utter silence.

Those words on the painting and in the book were somewhat similar, which was weird. Maggie only had one more option, one more chance to find her sister. She needed to find one last clue that might point her in the direction of Meredith. Maggie went back to Meredith's room to immediately notice the big map on the wall with a red circle surrounding a little town to the east. She took that as her last clue and set off to that little town. She left her home with enough food and water for two days of travel. As she was traveling through the hills and forests she felt somewhat familiar with the landscape. Up until she crossed the bridge, which is when she started to feel lost, she was just spinning in circles trying to regain her understanding of the terrain, but then she heard the bushes next to her crashing. Maggie then crept over to the bushes very cautiously, she saw a little boy who looked very tired.

“Hey, little boy,” Maggie said “what's your name.”

He said in a fatigued voice “my name is Olivander.”

“Where are you coming from? Why do you look so tired.”

“My village was just attacked," he said. "I have been running for hours.”

“Is it the village east of here? Can you point me in that direction?”

“You don't want to go there," he mumbled, “but just cut through that tree line and keep going straight.”

“Thank you," she said, giving him one of her rations of food and water, “good luck Olivander.”

She got her bearings and headed towards the tree line. After a little more traveling, she made it to the city. Immediately her smell was overridden by the rotting flesh, her hearing was overpowered by screams and houses crumbling. All that Maggie could see was burning houses and what she thought were corpses, but it was hard to tell. Once she was done with the overwhelming amount of death and destruction. She heard a scream, Maggie ran in the direction of the scream to find a little girl cowering in the shadow of a beast. The beast was massive. It had fangs the size of swords and claws as big as daggers. It was just standing there looking at the girl with wide eyes. Maggie called the beast. It then slowly turned its head to look at maggie with a wide grin. Once they made eye contact the beast's grin went blank. Then this monster slowly started transforming into something, its bones snapping its skin lightening. It then shrunk into a human, revealing itself to be her sister, Meredith.

“Maggie screamed struggling, to find the words “Meredith, why, how would you do something like this.?”

“They made me,” Meredith mumbled.

The author's comments:

Mystery story

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