He Did It | Teen Ink

He Did It

December 8, 2022
By A_distraction BRONZE, Park City, Kentucky
A_distraction BRONZE, Park City, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Random piece that I made that isn't connected to the other part yet.
Leo whispered, "I love you," in a soft voice. Leo, a once kind and attractive guy who had altered into something worse, is Kaede's partner.
"Leo, I believe you do not even mean it, and I can smell that vodka you drank." Kaede said, upset.
"I’m still sober enough to kill you, darling, so don’t push your luck," he chuckles, grinning.
She states, staring into his eyes, "What the heck is wrong with you!”
"Now, girl, get the belt. Your behavior tonight irritates me.” With such a grin on his face, he responds.
She turned around enough to face him and sobbed out in despair, "I'm sorry! Please don't use the belt.” She says as her face is soaked in tears.
“Get it now." As he smacks her, he exclaims in an irate tone.
She stands up, approaches the bathroom, retrieves his belt in an attempt to keep the tears from running down her cheeks, then enters the living area and gives it to him. He smiles and snatches it.
“It's time to start making me happy now, move a little closer and just get down on your knees.” As he laughs, he responds.With the belt, he starts to whip her. It's better to keep as much calmness as possible in the hope he stops, therefore she tries her best to calm herself. Her forehead was slit by the belt buckle, and she was experiencing difficulty breathing as blood started to flow down her cheeks.
"Stop, please just stop... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please, d-don’t touch me.” Kaede mumbles as her body is coated in blood and tears. She trembles her way back to her feet before attempting to escape and hide in their wardrobe. She looks for some fabric and wraps it around her head's gash. He made himself laugh as he slowly made his way around the property while clutching the belt.
Wherever you are, get out right away. You understand you can't remain hidden long. You'll regret it once I catch you," he grins. Once she hears his steps creeping down the hallway, she begins to become more frightened. As she wraps up in a corner and wipes her eyes, she makes every effort to find a place behind the piled clothing and totes in the closet. While she takes every attempt to be calm, she could hear his footsteps getting closer to the entrance. He opens the closet door and immediately sees her and drags her by the hair and picks her up by the collar of her shirt. She is lifted off her feet and quivering with terror. She attempts to get around and run, but she fails to do so.
“There you are. Did you truly think you could even get away?" He simply observes her whilst he talks. She merely cowers and whimpers as she is attempting to hold onto the cloth she used to protect her head wound.
“I know you are bleeding, what do you think I was trying to do?” He takes the cloth and flings it across the floor while it was soaking with her blood. She began appealing for him to let go of her.
"You're begging so beautifully, as if anything could save you from this."
"Just please let me go!" She chastises him.
“If you yell at me once more, I'll give you a justifiable reason for doing so. Got it?” He yells at her while communicating in an aggressive manner. As emotions flow down her face, she complies.

"Well, I recognize the consequences you'll face for attempting to run from me. I'll beat you till you're unconscious and afterwards abandon you tonight in the cold. What do you say?” She remained there attempting to break his grasp and go, but she was unsuccessful. She is wobbling on the floor as he throws her down and hovers over her.

The other part

Kaede fought everyday trying to move on from this monster, but eventually her sanity crumbled. She broke down in tears as she wandered around her apartment with a knife in her hand, her conscience pressuring her to cut herself. Ace, her friend, is screaming and shouting at her over the phone to stop thinking about the terrible act and start thinking about just the positive aspects. Over the screams within her mind, she can hardly even understand him.
Ace begged as tears streamed down his cheeks, "You don't want this, Kaede, I believe you wouldn't want it to end like this. This is not really you, we already know what would happen if I let you do this.”
"Come on Ace, I genuinely desire that more than everything else in the world. I like how the blade feels against my flesh, and I feel relieved as I see the blood flow out. The only thing that can quell this insatiable need is this." Kaede grins as she replies.
Without being able to speak, he began to breathe slowly and heavily while sobbing out inconsolably. The blood fest began as the need became almost intolerable and continued for a considerable amount of time. She felt her consciousness slipping as the adrenaline started to run low, it became extremely painful and exhausting. Ace becomes anxious and attempts to comfort her.
"Kaede, it's alright, I'm here. Nothing is wrong. We are all alright. Breathe. I'll continue to remain here.” Ace says in a calming tone.
"Ace, I don't feel very well. I should probably just end it now. Honestly, I think it is a pretty good option. I really don't want to keep doing all this." Kaede struggles to respond as she weeps profusely.
In a gentle approach, Ace comforts Kaede. Please set the knife down and then you'll feel much better, Kaede; it's okay. Basically, I really do not want your beautiful skin to suffer more scars.
"I can't even stop Ace. Because I need that ecstasy I gain from this, new marks will begin to show every moment we chat." Kaede responds in a voice that is fading.
"You only have to overcome the demons in your mind, Kaede. Yes, you can, I believe you can. Given that I'm concerned that you are currently bleeding from those wounds, please at the very least call 911.” Ace consoles her.
"I'll be okay.." A crash can be heard over the phone, and Ace begins to worry as Kaede mumbles weakly before passing out.
“Kaede! Kaede! Please answer! Please wake up, Kaede." Ace reluctantly hung up on the phone after shouting into it and proceeded to contact 911.

The author's comments:

This piece is just coming out of my research of trauma in abusive relationships and how it can affect a person. I have not gone through this so it may not be the best.

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