The Wolf In Sheep's Clothing | Teen Ink

The Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

October 19, 2022
By RieMill07 BRONZE, Kearney, Missouri
RieMill07 BRONZE, Kearney, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Which one should she choose? There are so many milk options and Kyliena had forgotten to ask her parents which one to grab before she ventured off. Now they were all the way across the store and she needed to grab the right milk so she could join them again. 

She tried to think back to whenever she made her cereal earlier in the morning but failed to conjure it. She decided to grab the blue one, but as she started to reach for it there was a loud crash behind her. She quickly spun around to find an old woman in front of the doors with the contents of her bag spilling out. Her instinct kicked in and she quickly rushed over to her. 

“Do you need some help ma’am?” The old lady turned to the sound of her voice.

“Why, young lady, that would be very nice,” she responded. Kyliena bent over and began stuffing her items in the bag. Bread, milk, apples and sugar. The contents reminded her of apple pie which made her stomach grumble. “Ah you poor girl. You must be so hungry, look at how thin you are,” she said, looking her up and down, “here, why don’t you help me to my car and I’ll give you some money so you can buy yourself something to eat.”

“No, no, I couldn’t take any money from you, but if you need some assistance to your car, then I am more than happy to help you,” Kyliena remembered the countless times her mother had told her to not go with strangers, and she knew they would be expecting her, but she couldn’t just make this old woman walk to the car by herself. 

“Aren’t you just a Doll? Now what’s your name, Dear? I’m Mariana, but you can call me Mary,” she said as she adjusted her grip on her cane.

“My name is Kyliena, it’s lovely to meet you, Mary,” responded Kyliena as she followed Mary out into the parking lot. 

They walked in silence with nothing but the sound of Mary’s cane hitting the ground and her sad labored breaths. Finally, they stopped outside of a small black Chevy at the far end of the parking lot.

“Where would you like the grocery bag?” Kyliena asked, silently hoping that the lady would be quick so she could get back to her family.

“You can just put it on the floor in the backseat while I grab you some money,” Mary answered, unlocking the car for her. Kyliena bent over the seat, trying to find an empty spot on the floor board when she was violently shoved forward. Her head hit the floor with a deleterious crack. She felt hands on her legs, bending them inwards.

“What the-,” Kyliena yelled, but she was cut off with the slam of the door behind her. Still face first in the floorboard she felt the shutter of the engine and was jerked sideways with the sudden movement of the car.

“Don’t worry, Sweetie, we’ll be home soon. Then you won't have to worry about anything,” her voice sounded soothing and Kyliena’s eyes began to feel heavy. Darkness engulfed her and she felt nothing but emptiness. 

The sound of humming and the bright stream of light awoke Kylienna from her comatose slumber.  It took her a moment to realize where she was, then the panic set in. She was lying on the couch in the living room of what she assumed was the old lady's house; however, sitting across from her was instead a very young looking woman. She had long black hair and a small, thin body. The woman looked up from what she was reading and a smile formed on her face.

“You’re finally awake,” she pointed out. Kyliena figured the smart thing would be to run, try and escape but she couldn't force herself up. It felt like a hand was on her shoulder, reassuring her that it was okay, but deep down she knew it wasn’t. “Why don’t you come to the kitchen with me, Dear? I’m going to make your favorite, apple pie,” The woman stood from her chair. “Well are you coming or not, my sweet?” 

She felt the invisible, hand-like pressure on her shoulder release enough for her to sit up and her legs, like led, trailed behind the woman. 

“Sit in the chair, I’ll get the oven nice and toasty for our sweet little snack,” she ordered, licking her lips. Kyliena followed the instructions, fearful for what the lady might do to her if she didn’t. 

“W-who are you? What happened to Mary?” Kyliena asked, her voice barely audible.

“Why, my girl, I’m Mariana,” she responded.

“B-but you’re younger and different,” Kyliena, taken aback, stated.

“Magic, my girl, magic,” Mariana explained simply. “Tsk,” she said, changing the subject. “It’s missing the most important ingredient. Do you know what that is?” she asked, looking down at the pie in-front of her.

“N-no. I don’t.” Kyliena responded. A toothy, white grin spread across Mary’s face.

“My secret ingredient,” she said, pausing, “is you.” Kyliena’s heart began to race as Mary creeped closer to her, knife in hand. “Don’t worry, I won’t make it too painful,” and she lunged. Kyliena wanted to move, so desperately she did, but she was stuck in place and the next thing she knew, her world was dark.

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