The Father and the Bull | Teen Ink

The Father and the Bull

October 18, 2022
By Anonymous

Alone sat a graying old priest on a bench named Father Michalis. Everyday, he would sit down in the park near his parish and feed the birds. Sometimes the birds wouldn't not come and other times, he fed the strays that would pass through instead. Although his prime was far behind him, he did not seem to care at all.

On special occasions he would encounter people walking by, he was pretty good at striking up conversations, and would always invite them to stay and feed the birds. Some were rude and merciless, some were rarely kind to him, but regardless he didn’t seem to care because he was content on feeding the birds.

One day, a well dressed man wearing a golden suit sat down next to Father Michalis, the man's abruptness scareding the birds who had been resting on top of the old priest. “Why good morning sir,” The Father said with a brightness in his voice. The warm greeting unfortunately was not repaid, for the man in the suit merely responded with a cold and sharp, “Morning,.”. His voice was like a sharpened steel blade that could cut through wood.

“What’s wrong sir?” The kind old priest whispered. The cold man glared at the clergyman and lit a cigar that was hanging from his mouth, he inhaled the smoke and proceeded to blow it in the old man's face. Father Michalis swatted atwaved the smoke out of his face and asked for his name, “The name’s Moloch and I know you very well Michalis.” He looked confused upon seeing Moloch, he did not expect to see him in the flesh

“Why have you come here, demon?” He questioned the man with a stern voice. The mysterious man pulled out a briefcase containing thousands of papers, he flipped through them and pulled out a note. “As you may know, God and I do not exactly have a good history, something’s coming and I thought I would tell you myself.” He said with a smirk in a reptilian tone. Father Michalis’s face became tight and angry, his fists became curled and he felt a fiery passion.

“Begone demon, damn you and your legions.” Michalis proclaimed, trying to take authority. Moloch rolled his eyes and sighed, the sound of snakes hissing and slithering could be heard as he breathed. “Oh well, I guess I’ll get going. Damn me to Hell… At Least I’ll see your wife there.” Father Michalis stood up quickly and glared deep into The Demon’s eyes. “Do not speak of her, you snake.” Father Michalis said in a stern, abrupt tone.

Moloch laughed and pulled out a vial, inside was a small distortion. That suddenly came to resemble a shape… A woman’s shape. Father Michalis looked at the vial and realized the soul of his wife was in it, he started to tear up at seeing her after all of these years. “Work for me and I’ll let you touch her. Do a little favor for this old bull.” Moloch spoke temptations into the Father’s ears, letting doubts fester up and boil within. But Father Michalis took another look at the vial and saw she bore no birthmark on her, she always had a little birthmark on the top of her forehead.

He was about to throw everything away for his wife, but he realized it wasn’t even her. His faith was emboldened and he cast holy water onto Moloch’s skin, He screeched in terror and his true devilish form was seen only in flashes. “In the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. I cast you out, you manipulative and rebellious snake.” And with that he slithered away…

Father Michalis sighed and wiped the sweat from his face, he almost gave into temptation again. From the woods, a lone stranger strolled along and sat next to Father Michalis. “Are you another demon too?” The tired priest spoke. “Nope saw what happened though, just a demon hunter strolling through.” The stranger said…

The author's comments:

I plan for this to be added to a much larger project I am working on. Enjoy this small story right now :)

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