A Hidden Rainbow | Teen Ink

A Hidden Rainbow

October 11, 2022
By Anonymous

A Hidden Rainbow

I shoot a quick message to Faye, my good ol’ friend I’ve known since 1st grade. Faye is such a good, and very caring person, although she can be shy to most people. I put my phone down onto my bed carefully, and I start to walk out my carpeted-floor room. I open my door and step out onto the slippery tile, as I think, “Where do we wanna go for that few day trip we have planned?… Blackwood Forest? They have a camp there, if I am not mistaken,” I paused for a moment before resuming, “I can bring it  up since she doesn’t have any ideas of where to do”

I start walking out the doorway, and going on my way to my kitchen. I look out on my counter as I wonder what I want to eat, before heading over to my refrigerator. I look for my bacon and some eggs. I found them and I took them out of the fridge, and I walked over to my stove, then started the stove in two of the four burners. I take out two pans and set them over the small flames as I spray some Pam in the one for the eggs.

I notice my phone isn’t in my pocket, so I go back to my room to grab it and put it into my pocket. I then start cooking the eggs and bacon, wait a bit for it to cook. I place one egg then a few slices of bacon then another egg. Do that twice, and suddenly two egg and bacon sandwiches. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, signifying a text. I pull my phone out as I sit down with a plate that holds my sandwiches. I check my phone,

Faye: I think I got an idea for where we could go for our trip! =)

I start to type for a bit before sending.

Me: ahhh! Perfect timing! Where do you think we could go?

She types for a second, and she stops, then continues.

Faye: What if… we go to a forest, or like camping! Camping seems reeeeaalllly fun! Do you know a good picnic place?

I pause for a second, thinking if Blackwood Forest would be a good place to camp at.

Me: I know a forest, but not sure if it’ll be good. Look up “Blackwood Forest”

Me: It’s pretty near to us! We could go if you like the place and the camp! I will go ahead and finish eating real quick before responding-- bleh, see you after eating Flay Faye da Fable!

I do get a text shortly after my text. I keep my phone down and I turn on my television and watch a show as I quickly eat my sandwiches. After a little while, I finish my sandwich as my phone gets a few text messages. I get up to get a drink, after that; I finally check my texts.

Faye: ohhhhh! That sounds like a good forest!, anddd alright, see you soon =)

A few minutes later…

Faye: I just looked it up and it seems to have a good amount of high reviews and people love the place!

Faye: Tho, we could go for the whole weekend if you want. I don’t mindd. Respond after you finish eating Ro-ro-ro Rowan da Ray-zor Blade

After I read all of the texts, I respond with:

Me: I think it’ll be a good place to go! When do you want to come over or want me over to further talk about this?

I then slip my phone into my pocket and I go grab a cup and fill it up with some strawberry milk, and wait for Faye to reply back,

Faye: What about in an hour, I’ll be over?

Me: Seems like a plan! See ya then!

I take my cup and lay down on my couch and watch a show for noise. Little did I know, time decided to go pretty fast. My doorbell rings and a pattern of knocks I recognize, so I shoot up from the couch and run over to the door and swing it open to see Faye Fable!

In front of me stands an average height woman, and she is wearing her signature semi-thick jacket that is cloudy night sky blue with faded deep forest green patterns. Her pearl-like sky blue shined from the light from outside. A clear complexion shines on her face, her face shows that she is a bit more on the thinner side even under her big jacket.

I invited her into my house, excited to see her again after the few months we last hung out together. We sit down and start talking about the trip and when we should go, 

“So, when do you want to head over to the forest?” I ask her,

“What about tomorrow?” She replied,

“That's- that’s a good idea Faye!”

I give her a small hug and we sit around, watching television for a bit. I check my phone, and notice it was time for dinner,

“Faye, what do ya’ want for dinner tonight?” I ask,

“What about we go to… Burger Prince?” She replies quietly

I look up there menu and and read what they have to Faye, and she wants their Double Bacon and Cheese Royal Burger, the same order I get,

“That seems to be what I get every time as well!” I state.

“Ohh! Very cool!” She responds,

I place the order and get into my car, and drive my way to Burger Prince, then wait for our food to get ready. A bit later, they bring out my order, and I start to head home with the warm burgers and large iced soft drinks. I pull into my driveway and head into my house as Faye makes lots of sound jumping up and slowly runs over to me.

I show her I have the food and drinks in my hands, and I start to walk to the kitchen so we can eat. I start by putting the food onto the counter carefully, as I take my food out and open my burger. Faye walks over and gets her food, teasingly pretends to take my food, and I grab her burger,

“I guess both are mine then,” I say teasingly to her as I hand her the wrapped burger. She responds with a touch to my cheek and a smile.

We quickly eat up the burgers and drink our drinks then we relax on my couch, until we fall asleep. Luckily an alarm woke us up, I set for the mornings to help me wake up.

“Morning Faye, think we should pack some clothing and snakes for the forest trip,” I say sleepily.

“A-alright alright,” She says as she rubs her eyes to wake up. I stand up and realize Faye doesn’t live here so her clothing isn’t here. I discard that fact and pack a backpack for myself, until Faye comes in and says she’s going home to pack and she’ll come back after. I nod and finish packing and cook a breakfast for me and Faye.

Me and Faye eat the small breakfast I made and we get into my car and start driving down to the forest,

“Are you excited for the two-ish days in a forest?” I ask, to fill the silence

“I am very excited, youuuu?”

I nod as I play some music we both like, and we just sit there and enjoy each other’s company. Until we make it to the Blackwood Forest, I park into the proper area. We get out and start walking to our cabin in the camping area.

We make it to our cabin and get ready to start unpacking in our separate bedrooms. We both are silent, until a sudden but very faint growl comes from deep in the forest. We both peek our heads out the door to seemingly check up on each other.

“Did ya’ hear that?” Faye asks, a bit worried and her voice seeming unsteady.

“Yes, you did as well? Like that growl?” I ask, as I walk out and go over to her, and give her a small hug. She hugs back tightly. 


I grab my backpack of supplies, and we start walking along the dirt path, as we are going to see if we can find the marsh. Think it’s called Riversticks Marsh.

The author's comments:

This was for a school writing project. Might continue to write it eventually, no promises.

The story isn't fully complete but is enough a small preview! 

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