The Impossible Investigation | Teen Ink

The Impossible Investigation

September 23, 2022
By Charles_Bailey01 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Charles_Bailey01 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Impossible Investigation

In a small town named Hillwood there was a big mystery in this small town. In this town there were people who went missing and there were people investigating but no one ever found clues. Not until the famous investigator who was most famous for the solving the most impossible investigations, and is name is Jake.

In the morning Jake was traveling to this small town at the time the rooster crows. When he got to the town the sun was still rising and he was going to the local police station for some information about the people that went missing. When he arrived at the police station there was only one cop there. Then When Jake saw the cop, he said “huh look fairly busy here aren’t you. When the cop heard him, he looked up from reading from the newspaper and said, “Yea I am busy”. Then Jake got close to the officer and explained why he was there and the cop started to act serious. When Jake explained everything to the officer the officer lead him to the evidence room where all of the evidence was at for the crime scenes. When Jake saw the evidence he was surprised to see only a few items from only 10 crime scenes. Jake then says “is this all of the evidence you got from the crimes. Then the officer said “ Yes these few items we got are all of the evidence.” Then after talking about the items two more officers walk in giggling and laughing. Then when those officers saw Jake, they got real serious because they know who he is. One of the officers “Hello mister Jake it is a pleasure to be in your precents. Then after seeing the officers, he started to head out to go look at the crime’s scenes. When he arrived at the at the crime scene where the very first crime happened. When he went to go studied the scene he saw something in the corner of his eye that caught his attention. It was somebody staring at him in the woods. When Jake saw him he ran toward the guy was at and he saw no one there. He had a very weird feeling about this town.

            After the weird occurrence he started to head over to other crime scene which was in the middle of the woods. So he went around the woods to see if there were any clues that the officers didn’t see and there was. It was writing there and it said October 4th. After he saw that he started to go to the police station to show them what they missed but he noticed something weird. There was a car following him and never noticed it until heading to the police station. So instead of heading to the station he started to head to a little convenient store. When he he arrived at the store he went inside to see if was still being followed but he didn’t see the car that he was being followed in. Then he hears a ting sound which meant someone walked into the store. The person who walked in was fairly tall guy and started too walk toward Jake. He went next to too pick something to drink and said to Jake” You look new here” And Jake said “Yea I was just coming through.”. Then The guy said “ This town has been different since the 10 people went missing”. When he said that Jake just had a weird feeling about him. Then they guy just left the store but Jake wanted to follow him and sure enough the car that the guy got into was the same car that Jake was followed by. So then after the Guy left Jake started to follow him to see where he would go. When he followed him the guy was heading toward where the first crime was. So Jake follows him knowing that this guy has so be the one that made 10 people go missing. After a while the guy arrives near a house close to the scene. So when the guy got there Jake started to run after guy and he gets tackled. When Jake tackled him he starts to handcuff him and call the police. So after the police got there Jake went into the house where the guy was heading too and found the people there. After helping the people out off the house they started to call the family of the people.

            After all of hard work Jake did he still stayed at the small town for a little to see if would happen but nothing happened. So he went back to the police station the next to say goodbye to the officers. After he thanked him for there hard work that they did he started to leave to find a new Impossible crime.

The author's comments:

The reason i wanted to write this piece is because I wanted to a little bit of mystery 

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