The Grim Rock Monster | Teen Ink

The Grim Rock Monster

September 12, 2022
By LittleLos36 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
LittleLos36 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Grim Rock Monster

It all started on that day, the boys were excited to finally go on the camping trip. They all got into the car ready to make the long drive to the forest. Little did they know, they were going to have a whole different experience than they were expecting.

The drive was long but fun. They laughed and joked, “Jonathan would probably be the one to get lost,” said Tom. Everyone laughed and continued joking. “We’re almost there guys,” said Chris. They all looked out the window. Big pine trees as tall as skyscrapers, rocks, and leaves spread out on the ground, what a beautiful view Chris thought. But as they gradually got closer and closer he couldn’t shake this sinister feeling coming from the forest.

They arrived and took out all their gear. Flashlights, lamps, tents, sleeping bags, and plenty of food. Everything you need to camp. The boys set up tent and decided to start a fire as it was getting darker out. “I’ll go get some wood for the fire,” said Jonathan. “Alright, be quick because it's getting dark,” said Chris. Tom smirked, “don’t get lost.” Chris laughed.

Jonathan made sure to be quick, he grabbed wood swiftly. As he was grabbing the last pieces, he noticed something on the ground. There were flies surrounding the mysterious figure, it sat still in between the leaves and next to a big tree. As Jonathan looked closer, he could see a weird substance at the bottom of the tree trunk. He cautiously walked towards it. As he got closer the horrendous scent grew stronger. “What the hell!” screamed Jonathan. He stood still in fear, not being able to take another step.

Meanwhile, back at their setup spot, Tom and Chris were getting food ready to eat for the night. They packed sandwiches for their first meal. Suddenly, they heard a loud scream. “What was that!” said Tom. “I think that was Jonathan!” said Chris. They got up and ran towards the scream as fast as they could. “There he is!” shouted Chris. As they joined Jonathan’s side, they

saw it. A corpse lay still on the ground. Scratch marks all up and down the ripped skin of the torso. The body was freshly killed. They all gazed in silence, unable to make a move or sound. 

“What the hell could’ve done this!” said Jonathan. “I don’t know, but we have to do something about this,” said Tom. “Let's call the police,” replied Jonathan. “I want to investigate myself,” said Chris as he started walking around searching for clues. “Investigate?” shouted Jonathan, “We need to call the police and let them handle this.” Just then, Chris found claw marks in the dirt leading deeper into the forest. “Come on guys it was probably just a bear,” he shouted while walking off towards where the claw marks led. Jonathan looked at Tom with panic in his eyes. They both hesitantly followed Chris deeper into the woods. “We shouldn’t be doing this,” said Jonathan.

After a while of walking, it got dark so they used the flashlights they had brought with them. They came across an abandoned building, a mansion. It sat in between the tall trees. The claw marks led towards the front porch. The building was old and rotting from how long it had been there. Abandoned. Unused. Forgotten. The boys stepped on the stairs of the porch walking towards the rotting door falling off its hinges. “I don’t think this is a good idea,” whispered Jonathan. They opened the door walking into the foyer of the mansion. There was a strong rotten stench of mold that filled the room. As they walked, the floorboards creaked loudly. Boarded windows lined the wall. Cobwebs and dust filled the musty room. Up above a grand, well not so grand anymore, chandelier hung high on the ceiling.

The boys decided to start exploring upstairs. As they walked up, the boards creaked loudly. When they reached the top there was a doorway, they walked through it to find a hallway leading to many different rooms. “We should all stick together and try not to get lost,” said Chris. “Yeah I'm not trying to get separated from you anytime soon,” said Tom. They walked into thefirst door on the left, A library. Grand and full of old books. “Woah! this place is humongous,” whispered Jonathan. Tom grabbed one of the many books set on a shelf. The cover was blank. Inside the book was the number 2, the rest of the pages were blank. “That's weird,” Tom thought, as he yelled “Guys come look at this”. Chris and Jonathan took Tom’s side and looked at the book. “Why are all the rest of the pages blank?” said Jonathan. “It might be a clue” replied Chris, “Look for more of those books”. They kept searching for more of the empty books. Eventually they found all of the empty books in between lots of regular books. In total, there were four books, all with different numbers inside. There was a desk in the middle of the room, which had a typewriter and another book on top. “So what are we supposed to do with these numbers?” asked Tom. “In this book there is a poem,” said Chris. The poem read “4657”. These were the numbers that were in the other books. “I think this is the order that the books are supposed to go in,” said Chris. They lined up the books in the correct order. Something was missing though. They checked the books one more time, finding letters on the spine of the books. When all the books lined up in order, they spelled the word “Down”. “I think we need to enter this code somewhere to find out what the code means,” said Chris. They looked around the room to see if there was anywhere to input the code. Nothing. “Try typing it into the typewriter,” said Jonathan. Chris typed the password into the typewriter. Immediately after, the fireplace that was on the wall in the library started to lower down revealing an elevator. The boys watched as it finished opening up. “Come on guys,” said Chris. The boys walked into the elevator. On the button panel there was only one button with an arrow pointing downwards. Tom clicked the button causing the elevator door to close. The elevator started to lower but it took longer than expected to arrive at its destination. The elevator finally stopped, opening into a very dark room. The boys pointed out their flashlights stepping into the dark room. “What the hell is this place?” said Tom. The room was very cold and open. It looked like a cave with big stone walls lining the hallway. The boys decided to continue walking down the mysterious cave. At the end of the hallway, stood a big metal door with a button next to it on the wall. Jonathan pushed it causing the door to open. Red lights flashed as it opened with an alarm. They walked into a big lab with test tubes lining the room. Blood splattered all over the walls, and bodies of scientists covered the ground. At the very end of the lab was a big empty room with a broken glass wall between both rooms. It looked like something was being contained inside but escaped. The boys stood in shock. “What the fuck happened here!” screamed Jonathan. “We have to get out of here!” replied Tom. Just then a loud screeching sound came from where they entered. A tall creature stood on its eight legs like a spider at the end of the hallway. It was tall and skinny with the flesh of a human, sharp claws perfect for ripping through flesh, a mouth wide open with teeth sharper than a lion with a long tongue sticking out, and big dark black eyes staring at the boys with the intent of only one thing, killing. It let out a loud scream running towards the boys. “Run!” screamed Chris. The boys began to run over the many bodies of the dead scientists. On the right side of the room was another hallway. They took the chance running into the hall. Doors lined the hall on the left and on the right side there was a big glass wall looking into a large lab area . At the end of the hall, was a sign above a door. It read “Exit” in big red letters. “Over here guys!” screamed Tom. Chris followed behind Tom and Jonathan behind Chris. Tom ran through the door, shoulder first, busting it open revealing a flight of stairs leading upwards. The boys ran up the stairs with the yells of the monster following close behind, echoing through the flight of stairs. They made it to the top and exited through a door leading out into the forest behind the house. They ran towards the front of the house. Tom turned around and saw Chris following close behind him with Jonathan. Behind Jonathan was the monster screeching and growling. As they got closer to their camp, Jonathan tripped on a root sticking out from the ground. Chris and Tom turned around to see his foot stuck in the root. “Jonathan!” screamed both Tom and Chris. It was too late. The monster had caught up. It wrapped its tongue around Jonathan lifting him up from the ground breaking his leg. Tom and Chris watched in horror as Jonathan quickly became lunch for the monster. Crying, they both ran towards Chris's car. “Go!” Tom screamed repeatedly. Chris started the car and instantly drove off. As they left, they could see through the rear view mirror their tent and the monster chasing them. It eventually stopped, screeching one last time as it disappeared from the boys’ sight. Shortly after Tom found a phone in the car and called the police to tell them what happend. That was the last time they would ever see their friend and Grim Rock Forest ever again. 

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by resident evil.

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