The Thirdwheel | Teen Ink

The Thirdwheel

September 12, 2022
By mf0377380 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
mf0377380 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Thirdwheel

The husband's car parks slowly in the driveway. The tires crunch the gravel on the driveway slowly. The husband lets out a tiring slow sigh. He inserts his house key and turns. He steps into the house, it is quiet as a graveyard. Exhausted he yells “honey I'm home”. The husband had been working hard on a project at work that his boss has austere expectations of him, so he's been working late to finish it on time and perfectly. As he sets down his keys he hears his wife's footsteps upstairs. He makes his way upstairs to his bathroom to take a shower and hears his wife mumbling in their bedroom. He showers and makes his way to their bedroom but doesn't see his wife but thinks nothing of it. He gets dressed and makes his way downstairs and sees his wife's silhouette in the laundry room but goes straight downstairs to start setting the table. He gets downstairs and the beautiful aroma of potato soup fills his airways.  The husband wipes down the and puts plates and silverware on each plate. He pours him and his wife a glass of wine. He takes a light sip and hears his wife's footsteps walk towards the stairs above him. 

The husband hurries to check on the potato soup he gives it a good stir and tastes it a little weird like something is missing. It's missing slat, he heads to the pantry and looks for the salt but has no luck. He gives up and waits on his wife, maybe she will know. The husband reaches for his glass of wine. At that exact moment, the doorknob twist open and his wife walks in with a bottle of salt. The husband dropped his glass of wine and his expression changed capriciously. Since he was scared, he couldn't move. He is able to move again and tells his wife to be quiet. He explains to her that there was someone else in their house. He points upstairs telling her the other person is upstairs He then tells her that they will hide and call the cops. In that instant the door to the upstairs creeks. They try and make no noise whatsoever. They are hidden well in the garage and all the lights are on so they can see this person's face. The face of their third wheel. The loud footsteps get closer and closer. Then it goes quiet. The garage door wings open. A tall human-like creature walks in and turns to look at the husband and wife. As the husband catches a glimpse of its face he notices the human-like thing is an antithesis of his wife. 

The creature's large feet stomp toward them and they run. The creature had a human-like face that reflected that of his wife. He couldn't get that things face out of his head. The picture keeps replaying in the husband's head. They run and lock the door behind them but the monster kicks it down with no trouble. The wife looked at him in terror, she also couldn't believe what she was seeing. The husband takes her hand and sprints for the house phone. He quickly grabs it and takes them to a closet in their game room. He silently dials 911 and waits for someone to answer. An operator responds but the footsteps get louder so, he hangs up the phone. He covers his and his wife's mouth. The footsteps stop, and everything goes silent. They wait for what feels like hours to hear some noise indicating the monster left but hear no noise whatsoever. The husband and wife are both nervously waiting. The husband builds the courage to peak and sees if he can catch a glimpse at most. He carefully opened the door just enough to peak one eye put. He sees nothing, he scans the room once again and sees nothing. He is relieved and tells his wife it is safe to go out. No more than a second later they hear loud footsteps walking down the stairs. 

The husband tells his wife to hide again. He had to come up with a plan to make it to his gun safe and kill the monster. He had to figure out how he would get him and his wife safely to the gun safe. He thought about luring it to another room so he grabbed the phone dialed a random number and threw it into another room farther down the hallway. It rings and footsteps storm towards it. He doesn't hesitate and grabs his wife's hand and runs for the stairs. The wife tries to keep up but she isn't as athletic as her husband so she is much slower and has trouble keeping up with her husband. Half the way through the hallway they hear the monster’s loud big feet stomping toward them. The husband looks back and sees the monster's hideous face again. The husband tells his wife to not look back and just run. They reach the bottom of the stairs and turn back to look and the monster is no more than five feet from them. The husband wasted no time and took his wife's hand and ascended the stairs with all his effort but his wife couldn't keep up. The wife tripped over a step and fell. The wife screamed but there was nothing the husband could do but get to that safe. He didn't shed not one tear because of how scared he was. He ran without no looking back scared for his life whatever that thing behind him was. He made it to the top and went straight to his room where the gun safe was. He barged in there and slammed the door shut. He went to his safe and grabbed his shotgun loaded two shells and lay aiming at the front of his door waiting for that hideous thing to open the door. All he could do is think of getting revenge and killing this thing. He lay with one finger shaking. Seconds pass and the door opens the husband wastes no time and before he can even see the thing he shooter.

His wife's body drops to the floor, and loud footsteps follow.

The author's comments:

This story is a horror story with lots of excitement. It involves twists and turns that you won't see coming.

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