Love Psycho | Teen Ink

Love Psycho

September 12, 2022
By JazmineBates BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
JazmineBates BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Six months, that's how long Kai and Mai have been dating in secret from Anya. Although Kai knew it was wrong to be dating both of them at the same time, he couldn't choose between the two. So Mai decided to make the decision easier for Kai. So today is the day Mai would ascend with her plan. Before Mai carried out her plan for today she called Kai. Over the phone, Mai asked Kai if he had seen the rainbow outside this morning. In an austere tone Kai replied back saying “I haven't seen a rainbow this morning, it has been cloudy except for a small part in between the clouds like a mini stairway to heaven”. Mai laughed off Kai's reply like it was nothing and asked him if he's still with his wife Anya which Kai replied back with a “yes” in a questionable tone. Hearing this made Mai jealous and eager to carry out her plan sooner, but she calmed down and tried to hide her capricious mood. Mai quickly hung up with rage and fury and mumbles to herself uncontrollably saying “Sooner or later you will only love me Kai and we will be together forever, and no one can come in between us”. After that phone call she grabbed her knife and put the knife in her purse under some miscellaneous things that were in there to make sure it was hidden from anyone's sight. She looked at herself in the mirror and noticed that she wasn't the same girl Kai fell in love with back then, but he will learn to love the new her whether he likes it or not. So with that in mind she smiled and walked to Kai’s house, which Anya is alone at right now. Mai soon arrived at Kai's house and knocked on the door. After a few knocks Kai’s wife Anya opened the door. Mai slowly studied Anya up and down and then came to the conclusion that Anya Alkard is the exact antithesis of her. The whole time as Mai was studying Anya, her body started boiling from the inside with pent-up anger to the brim. Mai calmly asked if she could talk with Anya, so being a polite woman Anya agreed and let Mai inside. As Mai went into the house she sat down while Anya asked if Mai would like something to drink, which Mai replied back saying “red wine would be nice” with a smirk on her face. Anya walked into the kitchen and went to go get the drink Mai had requested. As Anya was gone all Mai could think about was how happy she would be when Anya is out of the picture. Anya arrived back shortly with Mai’s drink and handed it to her with a smile. Mai said to Anya, “I have some news about your husband Kai. I know this is something no wife would want to hear but I think you should know this.”. Anya quickly asked in a worried tone “Is Kai ok, did something happen to him?”. Mai replies back with “yes, yes, he's ok but he just doesn't love you anymore” Mai made sure to emphasize the word “you” to Anya. Anya went silent for a minute as she was trying to get her mind to wrap around what Mai had just said to her. Anya quickly got up from the table causing the table to lose balance and spilled Mai’s red drink on the carpet, which caused Anya to excuse herself to go get a towel to clean up the mess. When Anya arrived back, she looked like she had just got done crying herself a river.  Mai watched with a smirk on her face as Anya cleaned up the red substance on the floor. As Anya got done, she stood up and turned around to walk to the laundry room. Mai took this as an opportunity, so she rushed quietly behind Anya and snuck up on her. Mai had her knife in her hand and started stabbing Anya with a smile on her face as she said “this is for you, Kai, now you will only have me to love and we can be happy together now”. Mai watched as Anya fell to her knees like she had been struck down by the gods themselves. After a few stabs Anya was dead while Mai was flaunting in Anya's blood in victory until Mai turned around when she heard footsteps and the door open.  It was Kai, he walked in and what he saw was unbelievable. He dropped his things and asked Mai “who did this” to which Mai replied back saying “ it was me my love I did it for you, I did it for us so now we can both be happy”.  As Kai was walking closer to Anya’s dead body, Mai thought Kai was going in for a kiss, so she closed her eyes and leaned in to which Kai pushed Mai out of the way. Kai slowly held his dead lover's hand and asked Mai “ How could you, you just took two of the most important people away from me”. Mai looked at Kai with a confused look on her face and then she realized why Kai couldn't choose between the two. It was because his wife was pregnant with his baby. Mai replied back to Kai after realization hit her and said “well all that doesn't matter anyways because all you need in life is me and no one else Kai”,  She started laughing. After his confrontation with Mai he quickly pulled out his phone and called the police. When the police arrived the first thing they noticed was how the sun was only shining down on Kai’s house, they rushed in and looked at the scene. They could see Anya’s lifeless body on the floor with Kai's body crying over her. They rushed to Kai's side and one cop said “I know this is a hard time for you sir, but can you please try your best to explain to us what happened”. Kai stayed silent for a few minutes before he responded to the police, he told them everything that he had witnessed. After the police heard everything Kai had to say they arrested Mai and asked her if she felt guilty about what she had done. Mai giggles and replies “ no I do not because everything I just did, I did it for him, I did it for us”. After the confirmation they just got from Mai the police arrested her and started taking her to the police car.  Before Mai left in the police car she said one last thing to Kai she said “I’ll come back, my love don't forget your mine and only mine”.

The author's comments:

I hope that from this story people will get that sometimes love can lead you to doing crazy things. 

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