You Are What You Eat. | Teen Ink

You Are What You Eat.

September 12, 2022
By debanhibueno BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
debanhibueno BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

TW // cannibalism

(Background: October 17, 1991, a lot of kids have been going missing, I’m starting to suspect that something is going on) October 17, 1991 I will always remember that day, Friday morning we had an assembly, everyone was meeting up in the auditorium, it was nosy, people were screaming, laughing with their friends. Then all of a sudden this short, buff man starts tapping on the mic, “Attention, attention”. Everyone goes silent, this is our first time seeing this man so we were all caught off guard. He introduces himself as Mr. Richardson, the new principal of Pasadena Memorial High School.  

 Our old principle had quit and gotten a better opportunity or at least that’s what they say. He starts talking about how he knows that there have been some kids that have gone missing and there is absolutely nothing to worry about, that everyone is safe at Pasadena Memorial. After he’s done with his “speech”, everyone gets up to go to their classes, while I’m walking to my class he stops me and says that I have to go to his office because I had dropped my ID in the hallway and my ID was in his classroom. …..

I knew something was wrong because why couldn't he have just given it to my homeroom teacher and she would have given it to me. He walked with me to go to his office and right when he got in his office he had to step out because some kids had gotten into a fight. I was already very suspicious of him because he had just given me a weird vibe right off the bat, so I decided to go through his stuff while he was gone dealing with the fight. I started going through his drawers and I found absolutely nothing until the very last drawer was locked. I ended up getting a bobby pin from my hair and opening it, and I couldn't believe what I saw.

There was a list of all the names of the kids gone missing with pictures of them dead but that wasn't all. There were pictures of the school lunch food which is very eerie because why would he have pictures of the lunch food and why would he have them locked up and that's when I put two-and-two together and it hit me. The list of the missing students that he had were the students he had killed and fed us their bodies for school lunch, that's why he had taken pictures of the lunch food.  He walked in and saw that I was holding the pictures he said it wasn’t what it looked like, but I knew he was manipulating me, he then proceeded to close the door from behind him, I was already frightened at this point and then he slowly started to approach me with a grin on his face I took little steps away from him each time he would come forward. I slowly made my way towards the door and I started to unlock the door like how a sloth would move. The door unlocked and I went bolting out like a track-star. I ran to the nearest room that I saw and it was the janitor's room. I went in and everything was dark, after searching for the light switch I finally had found it. I heard footsteps outside of the door. Someone was walking back and forth. Suddenly the door knob started to move and he opened the door slowly, it was Mr. Richardson. I immediately started to push the door back for it to close, he pushed harder and harder till he finally got the door to open. I was so frightened because he had this look on his face like he wanted to kill me, and boy was I right. He took out an injection of medicine and put all his force onto me and tried to inject me with it. I fought and fought until I finally threw it out his hand and it had landed on the left corner of the room. We were both fighting to get it first. I had gotten a broom and started hitting him as hard as I could. He had started to get more furious so he broke the broom and started reaching for the injection so I bit his finger. I finally got the injection and injected him in his neck and he was out like a light. At this point I didn’t know what to do so I just stared at his body on the ground and then it hit me. The janitor's room was next to the cafeteria kitchen so I left the room and made sure I locked it. I took a trash can with me so I could put all the materials that I was going to need to get rid of his body. The lunch ladies were on break so I had a while to get what I needed. I started grabbing every big knife that I saw and I had got a meat grinder. I headed back to the janitor's room and that's when it all began. I started with cutting every part of his body in little pieces so it would be easier to put it through the meat grinder. I then plugged in the meat grinder and started to put his body through it and it looked like ground beef when it went through. I then proceeded to put it all in little bags so I could give it to the lunch ladies and have them serve it for school lunch. 

Furthermore, the news had gotten out that the principle had gone missing. Everyone was so worried, but I was the only person who knew what had actually happened. Later on that day the school lunch was nachos with ground beef ( I wonder where they got that ground beef from?) I went into the lines to get my food, and I quietly just sat down watching everyone eat Mr. Richardson. 

The author's comments:

This is all fiction. 

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