The lady in the forest | Teen Ink

The lady in the forest

September 12, 2022
By alejandrom2024 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
alejandrom2024 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sun shined and the birds sang, the beautiful family woke up with energy to have an amazing vacation. The parents walked towards the kids room and asked them on what adventure they would like to go on, the kids happily chose to go camping. The parents were more than happy they were ecstatic to go camping. It was their first time camping. A few more hours passed by and the family was ready and excited to go camping, they got in the car and made sure everything was secured, after everything was secured they hit the road. They made a few stops along the way since the camping place was far away. The kids were very happy as they started looking at all the beautiful trees around them. But one of the kids spotted something strange as they got closer to the camping spot, it was a sign that said ‘’no trespassing’’ but the parents were too focused on the road they didn't see the sign. The family gets to their destination, everyone was very happy to set everything up but the kid didn' feel okay he had a weird feeling that something bad was gonna happen but he ignored it.As the night begun the parents wanted to start a campfire and everyone agreed with it, except one of the kids.He decided he wanted to explore more into the forest but before getting to the camping area the parents told them not to separate from the family because the camping place was a dangerous place it had been known for many kidnappings and many couldn't figure out why. The kid didn't listen and separated from his family and went to explore on his own. As he began his journey of exploring the forest he started to see a lot of posters posted on different trees that said ‘’missing’’ and he started to get scared because a lot of people went missing in that forest. He started to quickly walk back to where they were camping but it was too late. The lady in the forest grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards her and the lady ran to her secret abandoned house. The kid was in tears crying and screaming for help but no one could hear him. He was stuck with the evil lady. The lady was very mean and scary looking. She had red evil eyes and she could kidnap anybody that got lost in the forest. The evil lady left every few hours to go take a nap and in between those hours the kid took advantage and made an escape. “BANG’’ He broke through the windows and the lady heard the windows break, so she ran and chased the kid. After running for a while the kid ended up near a police station and the kid quickly told the police officer what was happening and they all sent people to find the lady and she was eventually found and the police arrested her and made sure she never got out. The kid was brought back to the camping spot he and his family were at by the police officer and the parents were very sad that the kid was lost but they were happy once everyone was reunited together. The kid apologized to the parents and promised he'd never go alone in the woods. The family packed all their stuff up and prepare to return home.

The author's comments:

We were writing short stories in class and i decided to write about this scary and mysterious story.

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