In Loving Memory | Teen Ink

In Loving Memory

September 12, 2022
By SGonzalez BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
SGonzalez BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I don’t know if I can take this any longer. Hearing the preacher talk about my best friend in the past tense. She doesn’t deserve this. She doesn’t deserve for her name to be engraved into a stone. She was more than that. Elizabeth left behind a mark on everybody’s life. She gave advice that no other person could even think of. She put everyone’s needs before her own and even when she was at her lowest, she made sure to make everyone feel like they were valued.

I feel like I’m forgetting her already, and I want to beat myself up for it. How could a light that shined so bright it lit up the entire world be forgotten so quickly? I don’t understand why this had to happen to her. Out of everyone the universe could have taken, they took her.

I don’t really remember the moment I heard the news from my parents, but I remember the setting. We had just gotten into a huge fight over the phone, and I wanted to come home and apologize to them. I walked in and the entire feeling of the room was just off. The volume of the TV was all the way down. All the lights were off in the house except for the kitchen. And my parents. They were just standing in the dining room. Stunned. Speechless. They looked as if the world was crumbling, and they were just now realizing how much they hadn’t appreciated all that they had. I don’t recall the exact words but the next thing I remember is running out the house and heading directly to the neighborhood playground. My parents didn’t know what to do but to call after me, “Nadine, Nadine!”

This playground holds so many memories. One of my first memories with Elizabeth is her screaming at me to go down the slide. We were six years old. I was such a scaredy-cat, and I was nothing like her. She was curious and a daredevil. She wanted to try everything and trust anyone that she became friends with. She gave everyone the benefit of the doubt.

I can’t help but reminisce about the moments we had together. We were best friends. We ARE best friends. I won’t forget her. I won’t allow myself to.

Next thing I know, the funeral service is over and that’s it. That’s goodbye.

But it’s not goodbye. Not until I find whoever did this. Elizabeth was the sixth person to have been attacked by this… person. They’re not a person though. No human that’s in their right mind would do this. They tortured her and left her to suffer the last hours of her life. I won’t let them live free when they took the life out of the only person that deserved to live.

I have no idea where to begin looking though. This murderer must live on campus. They’ve gotten into most dorms to find their next target. Who would want to do this to Elizabeth? She never gave anyone a reason to dislike her. I can’t do this alone. I need help. Veronica. Veronica is the only person that would know Elizabeth as much as I do.

Oh my gosh! Veronica! I never even checked in with her after the funeral. I need to find her. I have to know how she is. It was always us. The trio. How could I be so selfish? Wouldn’t she want to help too? I have to ask.

“Veronica come on, you can’t be alone right now!”

“Nadine, I can’t!”

“You can’t what?”

“I can’t… I can’t look at you without thinking of her.”

“I have news. I think I know who might have done this.”

Silence. Silence is all I hear until her door opens. She’s wearing Elizabeth’s bracelet. Since when has she had that? That’s not why I came over though. And I don’t think she’s left the same position since the funeral until now.

“What do you mean?”

“Look I did research and most of the time a killer’s target is always someone they're intimidated by. Zeke. Zeke is always so quiet. Him and Elizabeth were always competitive when it came to academics. He’s always been on the outside of everything. Everyone knows that the shy and timid ones are the ones you need to look out for.”

“Nadine, please. Elizabeth’s funeral was today. I’m not ready for this right now and I don’t think you need this right now either.”

“But Veronica…”

“No. We don’t need this. This isn’t your job. Just leave it up to the investigators.”

“You might not want to help, but Elizabeth suffered the last hours of her life. I will not let that murderer be free another day.”

I ran. I mean how could someone that says they’re best friends with someone not do anything to help them. But I have to be right. Zeke is definitely the killer. He’s the only person that had a reason to do this to Elizabeth.

The library. Zeke is always in the library. Look at him. Studying like he didn’t just do the worst thing a person could possibly do. How could he act so nonchalant about all of this?

“ZEKE! I know you did it! I know!”

“What are you doing Nadine?!”

“Why did you do it?”

“Do what?”

“You killed Elizabeth!”

“What? Nadine, come on. You know I’m not capable of doing something like that.”

“Really? Do I? Because honestly, I don’t know you that well. In fact, nobody really does because you’re always so quiet. You were intimidated by her. That’s the reason, isn’t it? That’s why you followed her to the same university.”

“Are you kidding? Elizabeth’s competition was the best part of my day. And that’s not the reason I came here. You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Denial. You’re denying it.”

“No, Nadine. I came here because you came here. I’ve been obsessed with you ever since high school. The reason I loved competing with Elizabeth was because she was best friends with you. You all were always together. If I hung out with her, that meant I got to see you.”

“No, no, no… You have to be the killer. You have to. I have to find them.” I began to hyperventilate.

“Nadine. Slow down. You’re fine. Come on, let’s go outside.”

We stepped outside. I don’t know how to feel about this. Who else would do this?

“Zeke, you have to help me find who did this to her.”

“Nadine. Listen. You need to think who’s the closest to her. Besides you, obviously.”

“Elizabeth had a lot of friends, but Veronica and I are the closest to her.”

“Have you ever thought of what Veronica was capable of doing?”

“Veronica would never do such a thing. EVER! Why would you suggest that?”

“I’m just saying. Out of the three of you, Veronica is the quietest.”

“And you’re quiet too.”

“I know, but Veronica has always had this sense to her. You and Elizabeth grew up together and were next door neighbors. You all met Veronica in high school. Maybe she was secretly jealous of how close you two were.”

Oh my gosh! I should have known.

“Nadine what’s wrong. Come on, talk to me.”

“Veronica! She was wearing Elizabeth’s bracelet when I went to check on her. Elizabeth never took that thing off. How could I not suspect her? It’s Veronica! It has to be.”

I don’t even want to remember the look on her face. She killed an innocent soul. She ended the life of someone that deserved to live longer than anyone could.

Elizabeth had her life taken away from her. She hadn’t lived yet. She never got the chance to find love, have kids, and grow old with her friends. But I’m going to live for her. She would have wanted me to accomplish things whether she was here with me or not. I’m going to live and see everything through her eyes. She deserves at least that much.

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