Apartment 501 | Teen Ink

Apartment 501

September 12, 2022
By garzaomar BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
garzaomar BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was early on a Sunday morning when the manager arrived at the front office and started counting the room apartment keys, we were missing one key he said and called her assistance. If she had seen the keys for room 501 she said no. I have not seen them at all she said, the manager walk up the stairs to go check the room to see if it clear, “knock knock”no answer he called her assistance to come to the room with the extra keys to open the door when they open the door they could not believe what they were both seen her assistance went numb when they saw a dead body on the room couch it smells so bad he said. The manager called the cops to come take over the crime scene, the cops arrive to the crime scene and started looking around to find anything that could lead the crime scene to capture the person that killed this young man, the dead body was identify as Kevin Nash and was born and raised in California he was also a military soldier that was off duty from afghanistan war. They were told that Kevin was drunk on the bar the night before he was found dead with military friends, all the military friends were interrogated but they could not find anything. The manager told the detective they could see the footage outside Kevin's room to see what time he arrived to his room and with whom he had been hanging out with inside his room.In the footage the detective could not really see who were Kevin's friends but there were 2 persons outside with him, they found fingerprints on the room the belong to one of his friend he was identify as Jose Rangel and he was also a military soldier off duty. They were both ascended to new positions but Kevin Nash was one position up from Jose that could be one reason he could take Kevins life, but there were still not info evidence to accuse him for murder. There was still one more friend that needed to be identified so they brought Jose inside the interrogation center and made him snitch on his friend so we could identify the second person. He was identified minutes later after they interrogated him. He was Omar Penas and he was also a military soldier off duty, they also brought him to interrogate them both. The detective was so austere with the 2 military friend they would not cooperate with the cops they left without charges, they had to move dawdle and faster they did not have time so they needed evidence so they can charge both of the military friend so the detective put a microphone on one of the friend car so he could hear what they talk about and have evidence to get them through in jail.

The detective was having esoteric with one of the cops and they said that they had found the weapon that murder Kevin and had fingerprints all over it the detective was shock and went speeding to see the guns. The weapon was a military only gun and it was under Jose name the detective was exacerbated to throw them in jail it was the only evidence they had that really helped them, the fingerprints came in and they came positive for Jose Rangel so he is know on the capture list Jose did not wanted to go to jail so he took the easy route and committed suiside.The body was discovered in his house and his complicit was thrown in jail for keeping the secret about the murder. The detective was happy at the end finally rest that the killer is captured and everyone around is safe. 

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Afra ELITE said...
on Sep. 14 2022 at 6:41 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

This was exciting!!!