A Clueless Evening | Teen Ink

A Clueless Evening

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

August 3rd , 6pm. I had arrived at Mrs.Hernandez manor feeling excited as ever as I had not played games since i was a child. It was a pretty rainy evening to be exact. I was the first one to arrive , Mr.Lopez followed as he arrived shortly after me. The time was now six-thirty. Everyone was gathered in the living room by this time chatting and catching up. Mrs.Hernandez walked in and announced we would be playing a murder mystery game. All of us were very excited. We drew cards to determine our positions for the night. I happened to pull the detective card which worked in my favor. Mr.Lopez pulled the murder card which no one know but me. His body language said it all. The time was now six-forty five. We were set to begin at approximately seven. This was no ordinary murder mystery game , it was set up like a hide and seek game. The game finally began. I rushed to find a good place to set up for the night. It was a pretty large house so Mr.Lopez had a lot of ground to cover. My hiding place was a celler i happened to stumble upon by a secret door. Speaking of secret doors , who knew how many were hidden all around the manor. The time was only seven - thirty. Time was going by extremely slowly. I thought maybe I should branch out as I was the detective after all. Maybe I should start on the top floor and make my way down. I ascended up the stairs. As I finally reached the top of the three story manor I noticed how much worse the rain had gotten. I walked into the first bedroom hoping to maybe find someone. Suddenly the lights went out. I heard a faint scream from below me. I rushed to the second floor. We all gathered where we heard the scream. We saw the most heart aching possibility. Mrs.Hernandez was laying there , lifeless as she had a single stab wound to her neck. Mrs.Cameron sobbed as we heard her slightly mumble “Who would do this to my dear best friend.” The whole group comforted her. Well, it seemed like everyone besides Mr.Lopez. Seems a little suspicious on his part. Was this a murder mystery game taken to the next level? Who would dare kill our good friend like that? How would there even be one reasonable explanation for this?  I wondered why Mr.Lopez was still nowhere to be found. Was it him who killed her? No it couldn’t be. He would never do that right? It's eight-fifteen and the lights are still out. I caught up with Mrs.Cameron as she was searching for somewhere to hide. Do you think it is suspicious Mr.Lopez is nowhere to be found? “I'm sure he is hiding himself and did not hear the scream.” Mrs.Cameron said. Well I think we should come up with a plan to try and see if they kill again. Suddenly the lights flickered back on. The game was now resumed. With Mrs.Hernandez dead , most of us were on edge. Until I see Mr.Edwards who appeared to have zero emotion on his face. Did we assume something wrong about Lopez? What if Edwards was the responsible person for this murder? The thought definitely lingered in my head for a moment. If it was Edwards then how would he clean everything up that quickly seeing how fast everyone got there.  Poor Mrs.Cameron was feeling Blue. I went up to Edwards and asked him who would ever do such a thing. He was being quite pushy with me , almost as if he did not wanna talk about it. We all branch out again. I found Mrs.Cameron to discuss a plan. “Why would you think Edwards would do something like this?”. He was always jealous of how close you two were to each other. “I had no clue he felt like this!” He has always been quite clingy towards you. Next thing we know the lights turn out again. We hear yet another scream. “Wait.. If you’re here and I’m here. Don’t tell me Lopez is next.” We rushed to where we had heard the scream. And as we guessed , It was Lopez. Which means it had to be Edwards , just as we thought. I decided to take matters into my own hands and dial 911 and let them know what was going on. Mrs. Cameron ran out of the house in tears. Poor woman has lost two of her closest friends tonight. “How devastating” Edwards says. Why would you do this? The police are on their way. Looking back on it was probably not the smartest decision. It got me dead. You are cruel to do this to her. “Well now I have her all to myself right?” We hear the police arrive. The police sirens were the last thing I heard that night. I accepted my fate. It was a pretty clueless evening to say the least. Mr.Edwards got away and covered all his tracks. How could such a person get away with all this? 

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Afra ELITE said...
on Sep. 14 2022 at 6:41 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
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Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

This was so interesting!!!