I Was Your Daughter | Teen Ink

I Was Your Daughter

May 27, 2022
By Anonymous

The rain rapidly poured onto the street, drenching everything in its sight, except for the bright blue car, under the shadows of the overprotective trees. Within it sat seventeen year old, Anna Feldspar, wanted to for murder of her best friend. However, only she knew what really happened that day and whose fault it truly was. 

Two Weeks Ago:

“Anna! Come here!” Vivian vividly called out. It was a dreadful, cloudy, gloomy day, as the events of the day were to make the day even gloomier. Anna rushed over to Vivian and pulled her into a tight hug. Vivian had been her best friend since the second grade, soon to be told in her memory.
“Vivian! I’ve missed you,” called out Anna. The pair embraced until both had squeezed the oxygen out of their bodies. Anna knew something was wrong with Vivian for the two never went over two days without talking to one another, this exchange of no words going for over two weeks.  Vivian suddenly looked uncomfortable and proceeded to tell Anna something so horrific, it may never have been said out loud again. Anna was overwhelmed with great amounts of emotion, unable to fully comprehend what had just been told to her by her very own best friend. Vivian had watched a murder, with her own two bright blue eyes, and knew who commited the murder. It was her father. 

Anna knew what her father was like. She knew since the first day she chose to hangout with Vivian in the third grade. As she walked up the broken and cracked sidewalk, she could already hear the shouts and screams that came from a terrified voice of Vivian’s mother. From that day on, Anna vowed to never speak of these events or ever leave Vivian on her own. However, this came on as a surprise for Anna. While she knew the kind of cruel person Vivian’s father was, she never thought the problems would escalate to this extent. 

Anna jolted up in her bed, terrified by the images constantly replaying in her head. Those of Vivian’s father murdering someone. Although she hadn’t phsyically witnessed the murder, the words describing it was enough to bring dreadful thoughts to mind. Anna knew that if her feelings were this extensive, then Vivian must be going through hell right now. The black, silent night slowly drifted onwards as Anna tried to get some sleep, often awaking due to her feelings being trapped within her. 

Anna woke up silently, remembering the past occurrences of last night. She knew something had to be done about Vivian’s father. She called Vivian immediately, calling to ensure that she could have plans with her, this time they had to talk about it. She walked out of her home immediately after making the call, she hurried to her bright blue car, which sat under the arched trees. “Vivian! Over here,” Anna called out from a small, black chair that sat in front of a cozy cafe. It was a gorgeous summer day, the birds chirping, the sun shining, the only thing that wasn’t bright was what Anna and Vivian were about to discuss. Vivian looked around alert and vigilant and sat down, Anna seeing how uncomfortable she looked, possibly more than the last time they spoke. She wondered if something else had happened. Of course, the worst came to mind. “We need to call the police Viv,” Anna softly exclaimed, the look on her face was perplexed. “No! We cannot do that! You know how my father can be. There is actually something I have to tell you about him. Please, try to understand,” Vivian spoke, tears welling up in her dazzling green eyes. Anna knew that the worse was going to be spoken of now, she felt the pain in her best friend’s voice. “He was angry about something last night. My mother hasn’t been home for two weeks now. He hasn’t been able to vent his anger in the forms of abuse as used to with my mother. I am so happy she finally left him. He has been drinking more now and yesterday he was drunk when I came home. He mistook me for my mother and tried to abuse me. Luckily, I escaped from his reach and spent the night with my cousins. He was going to hurt me, Anna. His own daughter. The one he used to bring to his work, always telling them how proud he was of her. I can’t go home now either. He knows that someone witnessed the murder due to his coworker, is his side drug dealing job. If he finds out it was me, he won’t spare me. I do not know what to do anymore,” Vivan let out a deep sigh. Anna took a deep breath, allowing the information to sink into her brain. Holy sh*t. She realized and understood that her best friend was almost abused by her own father and if he finds out that she was present at the crime, she won’t escape his evil wrath. “Even more of a reason for us to call the police. Viv, I love you. You know that. I can’t let you walk around fearing everyone you see, due to your father’s abuse and anger issues. He will find out eventually and before then he should be put into jail. There is enough evidence out there that he not until committed a murder, but also is a drug dealer. Viv, please tell them,” Anna spoke, shuddering from the thought of Vivan’s father even doing such a horrible act. “We cannot tell the police. My father knows so many people, all of different professions. He will find a way to get out of this. If he finds out that his own daughter had him arrested, he will come after me and kill me. When that time comes, I won’t be so lucky,” Vivian said in almost a whisper, tears now streaming down her pale complexion. Anna knew she had to do something. 

Anna pulled her hood over her entire black appearance. She sat outside Vivian’s home. The home looked dark, but she could see the shadows within the home. She was going to walk into the home and make sure that Vivian’s father knew that his actions had major consequences. She cautiously walked out of her bright blue car, checking to see if anyone was walking down the street, only seeing a vast amount of black sea darkness. Little did she know, the moment she reached the home, she would framed and would be the most wanted girl for murder of her best friend. At the reach of the door, Anna was already shivering in the thought of what she might find or witness inside that house. Upon arrival, a jumble of actions were thrown at her. She didn’t think she could comprehend the whirlwind of emotions heaved at her. The next few things that happened were to be kept by Anna and Anna only. 

“Stop! I promise to never tell anyone what I saw! I will keep it a secret! Don’t do this! I didn’t see everything that happened! I promise to never tell anyone! Please!. Please,” Vivian screamed, her lungs exploding in fury. Anna knew at that moment that she should have called the police a very long time ago. This went on for too long and she knew it better than anyone. Now there was no way for Anna to leave the home, she just had to hide and make sure that nothing bad happened to Vivian. However, she also knew what a dangerous person Vivian’s father was and she couldn’t stop him on her own. Her father hurled Vivian across the room, raging in anger. “You are done! I do not care if you claim that you didn’t see everything! I am not getting arrested for this! Honey, I hear it isn’t so bad up there,” her father mercilessly screamed. With that, he pulled out a gun from his back pocket and Vivian screamed, her heart unleashing the grave amounts of terror within it. 

The shooting sound sent a bullet through Anna’s ears. The sound resembled the screams of a scared young girl who grew up in an unstable household. It resembled Anna’s best friend Vivian, who lay motionless on the ground next to her father who sat next to his daughter’s dead body. Anna started to run towards her best friend, knowing the worst had happened and had also forgotten that Vivian’s father was still there. He watched Anna run over to his daughter’s dead body and realized that he hadn’t created this mess here, she had. Anna Feldspar had just murdered her best friend and is wanted by the police. He ran up to the telephone that hung in the kitchen and quietly explained how Anna had killed his daughter, the sadness in his voice could fool anyone. As soon as the phone call ended and sirens came into the stretch of his ears, he walked out of the door, laughing. He casually threw the letter that sat by the door into the ongoing fire. The letter that said he was to be admitted into a mental asylum as soon as possible. As the sounds of the sirens became more permanent, Anna suddenly understood what was happening. She ran out to her bright blue car, drove it under the shadows of the protective trees and wondered what is what like to be wanted for the murder of a best friend.                                                    

The author's comments:

This piece is constructed and dedicated to my recent interest in the murder and thrill genre. It is also a very new genre to me as I've never written within the boundaries of this genre, so the topic is very new, but interesting to me.

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