Murder In The Hamptons | Teen Ink

Murder In The Hamptons

May 24, 2022
By deleinynava BRONZE, Denton, Texas
deleinynava BRONZE, Denton, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A ritzy party. Never in my life have I been invited to a Ritz party, well, not many parties here in general. Ever since I moved to New York, I have been working day and night doing what I love most, writing. Therefore, going to parties hadn't really been on my mind for a while. I am currently working on a science fiction novel that hopefully will lead to my big break as a writer.  I mean, I love writing for my blog and other areas of writing, but I finally want to be recognized as a true author to the world. Anyway, I assumed going to this ritzy party would be a great way for me to get connections in the writing world. As well as to catch a break from writing for once (my hands tend to cramp a lot), but most importantly, to meet her. The woman who inspired me to pick up a pencil and start writing my first ever story. Esmeralda Cruz. Yes, the person who changed my entire life had invited me to her ritzy party. Esmeralda Cruz was one of the most known Sci-Fi novelists in the world, her novel “Fallen Moon”, went #1 across the country recently. Apparently, my daily blog had come across to her on social media and she loved it so much and reached out to me. Ms.Cruz wanted to meet me as well as just express our love for writing at her ritzy party. I was more than excited to meet her. 

The day upon arrival at the ritzy party was chaotic. I was digging through my closet trying to find something reasonable to wear. I don't own many fancy clothes, so it was very difficult.  I finally decided to wear an old plain black silk dress, a set of fake pearls, and black high heels.  I think I definitely got the fancy wardrobe down. After many minutes of running down the sidewalk, I was able to catch a local taxi. The ritzy party was at Ms.Cruz’s own mansion in the East Hamptons. The car ride was extremely long, but I knew the ride would be worth the experience. I sensed we were getting closer to the house as I started to see green grass, and rich ladies walking their tiny dogs. We finally pulled up to the breathtaking home that belonged to Miss Esmeralda Cruz. The mansion was blocked by a huge black and golden gate, the gate alone was enormous and alluring. As the gate opened, it revealed a beautiful vanilla colored mansion, with thousands of windows, and a gleaming glass chandelier, visible from the outside. I started to feel overwhelmed as I took my gaze from the chandelier, and realized the amount of people inside. It wasn't a lot, but it definitely wasn't a little. I said my thank you to the taxi driver, and processed to enter the mansion. As I entered ,the environment felt even more strange, but at the same time I felt happy to be there. Like I was a part of something. Ever since I moved to New York I haven't had many social opportunities like these. As I was lost in thought, I heard someone happily call my name. “Luna”, said the soft familiar voice. I turned around and I saw the person I've been aching to meet since I was a kid. Ms.Cruz had a beautiful blue gown, her dark wavy hair up in a perfect bun, a dazzling smile. Despite her age,her eyes were still full of youth.

 Ms.Cruz was absolutely welcoming to me, and even asked if I wanted a tour around the house. As we were walking around, we were also speaking of our love for writing, reading, and of course I had to tell her how much I love her recent novel “Fallen Moon”. She was the most humble woman, so if you fellow bloggers are reading this just 

to see if she was terrible, stop reading. Anyway, as I said before, her home was absolutely gorgeous. Her library was enormous, and looked like it was taken right out of the Disney movie “The Beauty and the Beast ''.  Of course, she also showed me her living room and drawing room. They looked normal…no sign of anything out of the ordinary. When we were in the living room she showed me the first ever copy she got a hold of, of her novel “Fallen Moon ''.

 “I was hoping to give this novel to my best friend Elizabeth Anderson tonight for her support after all these years, I’m sure you know her” says Ms.Cruz smiling, while gazing at the novel. 

“Yes, of course, I know a few of her books' ' I say, yet mildly lying. I knew of them, but I never actually read them. 

“She's a true genius that Elizabeth, publicists need to give her a chance” says Ms.Cruz sympathetically. 

“I agree,” I say, giving her a small smile. 

“Well, you must be hungry” says Ms.Cruz kindly. 

We both went downstairs and I thanked Ms.Cruz for her warm welcome. That was the last time I saw her alive. 

I went over to the main room, which had numerous dishes to choose from. The plates were so shiny, I could see my reflection. I decided to go for a cordon blue, with a side salad. I wasn't sure where to sit, but I sat down with a random couple. After about 30 minutes of holding random small talk with other people, we heard a scream. The scream came from upstairs and everyone froze in place. People's faces were filled with fear and others were instantly standing up. We heard someone running downstairs, based off of the attire they were wearing, it was Ms.Cruz’s maid. 

“Ms.Cruz, Ms. Cruz, someone killed her!” yelled out the maid in terror. 

Everyone gasped, some screamed in fear, but we all got up to leave quickly. I felt myself feel weak, I couldn't believe what I was hearing, tears trickled down my cheek. She was my hero. Sadly, we could not take any chances, and needed to leave. Before we could even take at least 5 steps, the security guard blocked the main door. “No one is leaving until the police arrive and they say you are free to go” exclaims the security guard, trying to hide his fear. After about 15 minutes, the police finally arrived. They all came in with their guns pointing down and told us to stay in our place. We were instantly put in a locked lounge, and many police came in to interrogate us, while the detectives went to collect evidence. They started off interrogating the ones who were closest to Esmeralda Cruz. I agreed with their decision, it's always those who are closest that can hurt you the most. In all honesty, I wasn't exactly listening to what the suspects were saying, but I was acknowledging their appearance. 

The first person I saw being interrogated was Elizabeth Anderson, Ms.Cruz’s best friend she told me about not even an hour ago. Elizabeth was in shock, and had a few tears rolling down her cheeks. She had her hand on her chest, as if she was about to faint. I truly felt sorry for her, I couldn't imagine losing my best friend. I then turned my head to the left and saw the head chef being talked to by a police officer. The chef wasn’t crying but had a worried look on his face. I noticed that he had a butcher knife on his waist accompanying his white clothed chef look. I thought to myself, is that the weapon that could have possibly killed Ms.Cruz? No, it couldn't be, but anything is possible. After all, they haven't said a description of the murder. I then saw the maid being interrogated 

but by about 3 police officers. She was the one who witnessed the murder, and  was sobbing into a towel. I could tell the detectives were having difficulty understanding her. I don't blame her though, witnessing a murder must be brutal.  Next, the personal assistant of Ms.Cruz was being asked many questions. The detectives were repeatedly asking her for any signs of hatred towards Esmeralda Cruz. She denied saying everyone loved her. Although, one thing stuck out to me. She kept on writing on her notepad. I could tell it was out of nerves…or was she meaning to write a book about this? 

They soon asked me questions about the relationship between Ms.Cruz and I. I explained I had only just met her tonight, and nothing felt odd. She was happy, and simply showed me around her home. That's all I had to say. I sat back down, and a detective walked in about 5 minutes later. 

“What have you found?” asked the police officer urgently. 

“Well,a bloody book, it is titled 'Fallen Moon’, the cover is full of her blood” says the detective with a worried look. 

I got chills down my spine. It was so obvious. Jealousy was the answer to the murder of Esmeralda Cruz. I got up and talked to the officer and the detective, but I insisted on speaking outside of the lounge. I explained to them what Ms.Cruz had told me in the living room. She was going to give Elizabeth Anderson her first copy of “Fallen Moon '' tonight. There was no doubt she had to have been hit with the first copy by her best friend. I also explained how this was entirely possible. I recalled that Elizabeth Anderson's career as an author had been in danger for a while, and jealousy can lead to terrible things. They agreed to take her to the station. Recently, it turned out that I was right. Elizabeth Anderson requested to write a book with Esmeralda Cruz, but she refused because they had different writing techniques. Ms.Cruz thought the book would never be a success, especially since she was planning to retire soon. Elizabeth brought it up again, that night of the ritzy party, when she was in the drawing room with Ms.Cruz. One thing then led to another. Esmeralda Cruz was found bleeding from the back of her head with her bloody novel of “Fallen Moon '' right next to her. 

The author's comments:

This is a creative writing story. Enjoy!

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