The Mystery of The Vacation Home | Teen Ink

The Mystery of The Vacation Home

May 3, 2022
By Anonymous

Becky is a 17-year-old girl who feels like she is lost. Until one day she decides to take a trip to a vacation home by a lake with her friends.

It was a beautiful sunny day, and my friends and I decided to take a trip. We all decided to take a vacation to a lakeside home. We all got packed up and started heading toward the vacation home. We were all so excited, none of us had really gotten a chance to hang out much. Once we got to the vacation house, we got out of the car and headed inside, and figured out who got which rooms. The house was huge, it had 6 bathrooms and 8 bedrooms. A few hours later we made dinner and watched a movie. 

It was getting late so we all decided to go to sleep, we had a fun day planned for tomorrow. We all went to sleep, then in the middle of the night, I heard someone walking in the hallway. I got up to peek out through the door to see who it was but I didn’t see anyone. I thought to myself maybe it was Natalie that got up to go to the bathroom or to get a late-night snack. I went back to bed wondering if it was Natalie or not. Then came the morning I got up and walked downstairs and saw everyone in the kitchen, except one person, was missing. I asked if they had seen Natalie anywhere and everyone shook their head no. I thought to myself maybe it was her that I heard in the hallway, so I ate breakfast and got dressed, and decided to take a walk outside. 

When I walked near this shed that I didn’t even notice was there last night, I decided to take a look inside and when I looked inside I found Natalie lying there with blood all over her, I ran back inside panicking. I told my other friends what I found and they ran outside to go see it and then they came back in, we were all freaking out and we tried to call the police. 

 None of them could get a signal on their phone, so we all went around the house locking every window and every door hoping that when we go to sleep the killer won’t be able to get in the house. But what if the killer is already in the house? A few hours later we finished eating dinner and went to bed. Once I went to sleep I heard someone in the hallway again and I saw someone that looked familiar to me holding a knife about to go into someone's room. I went back to grab my phone to take a picture of the person. 

Then I decided to try and stop the person that was about to kill somebody, but it didn't work out very well because they managed to cut me. But I managed to kick them in the face. But I wasn’t able to make it in time to save my friend, Sierra, just like I wasn’t able to save Natalie. The next morning when we got up, I still had the picture on my phone. I gathered up all my friends to show them the picture. One of my friends slowly started to back away, she tried to escape but luckily I noticed and had managed to catch her. Once I caught her trying to sneak away, we put her in a chair and tied her up, and started asking questions. She refused to answer them, then a couple of minutes later of trying to get answers out of her. She decided to finally speak and say why she did it. She planned the whole thing, that she was gonna get us to agree to go on vacation together and plan to kill us off one by one.

All of us were shocked at her responses, we were all confused on why she wanted to kill us off one by one. She told us that she always felt left out of everything and she wanted to get her revenge on us for leaving her out and always making fun of her. We all said we were sorry and that we didn’t mean to make her feel left out and everything. She forgave us but what she didn’t know was that someone was able to get a signal, and call the police. The police were on their way, and once they got there we told them what all happened. 


They arrested Natasha and put Natalie and Sierra in a body bag and took them away. When we saw them taking their bodies away we all immediately started crying, we felt so bad that they lost their lives. I just wish I could have done something to save Natalie and Sierra. Well, guess we all know to pick and choose friends that won’t try to kill us just because they felt left out and felt like all we do is make fun of them. 

The author's comments:

This piece was put together last minute, but I managed to get it in on time and I did make some adjustments to the story to make it more better and have it make more sense.

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