Golden Girl | Teen Ink

Golden Girl

December 7, 2020
By callistashepard BRONZE, Gilmanton, New Hampshire
callistashepard BRONZE, Gilmanton, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Golden Girl 

“You got this… please stay with me Isabelle'' I cried. Beeeeepppppppppp goes the heart monitor. “Doctor! Please! Come help!” “what Jason? What's happening?...” He looks over and sees the heart monitor going off. “You have to get out Jason leave. Now!” the doctor yelled. Nurses started to fill the room. “No I need to be with her! I need to, I can't leave her! Please!” I was shoved out by all of the nurses ``No!” I screamed as I was banging on the glass door. All I wanted was to be able to shatter this glass to go see Isabelle. The door then creeped open and I lay my eyes on her and the nurses were just off to the side of the room. Dead silent. I'm sorry Jason, she's gone now. “No No No No No No.. this can't be true. Tell me you're lying! Please! You have to do something! Anything, why are you all just standing here!” “Jason I know this hard to grasp and I'm sorry but we have done all that we could.” the doctor said as she laid her hand on my shoulder.  “No No No” I sobbed. I couldn't believe I had lost her. “I promised her I would be with her when it was her time to go! And you shoved me out! You knew there was nothing you could do and you shoved me out. She is going to think forever now that I left her at her most vulnerable time!” “Jason she says come in she won't blame you! I'm sorry you couldn't be with her. We needed to try to do something and we couldn't do that with you in here. I fell on my need beside her on the bed and started to sob, my love was gone forever and there was nothing I could do.  I brushed my hands, threw her beautiful blonde hair one last time and opened her eyes to see her magnificent blue eyes for the last time ever. “I will never forget your beautiful eyes and hair my love, I promise”. 

“Hey! I'm Lily.” 

“hey im jason, it's so nice to finally meet you.” 

“I know I feel like I've been waiting so long for you. I can believe you're finally here, it's like a dream come true.”

“I know me too, so where's a good place to eat around here?”

“Lets go to the pub on 4th street, they have the best burgers”


“I can drive you home” “okay thank you” so I started to drive… but not to her house, to mine. “Where are we going? This is the wrong way.” I knew that so I just sat silent. “Hey stop just take me home!” she yelled as I just kept driving, “we're just going back to my house. I forgot to grab my stuff.” “what did you forget?”. I am again just as quiet as we started to drive down this dirt and rock filled path in the deep woods and I could start to see my cabin lights shining through the trees so I know I'm getting close. As we pull up it's all pitch black other than the one light I have on the porch. And it's dead silent. I park the car and shut it off and turn to grab my phone and I grab Lilys as well and walk around to open her door. She gets out “what a gentleman.” she says. I grab her hand to try to convince her to come in. She is following behind me and as I start to open the door I turn and kiss her. I opened the door and it started to get hot and heavy between us, but it was all part of the plan. As we were kissing in, I started to back up towards the door in the living room and she followed and right when I knew she was too sucked in to notice. I opened the door and pushed her in and locked it shut. “Hey what're you doing?” she says as she starts bangin on the door. And she looked down and noticed the doggie flag at the bottom of the door just wide enough for two hands to fit in. “let me out please let me out what's the point of this?” she cried. I bent down to look at her and talk to her through the door. “Im sorry but you don't understand. I lost my girlfriend to cancer and I miss her so much you wouldn't believe. And you just look just like her! You have to stay! You have to!” “I can't stay, please let me go. I don't know you please don't hold me here. Please i'll leave and never tell anyone you did this just let me go!” “you have to stay with me for one month and I will let you go. One month just give me one more month with you and treat me like I'm your boyfriend… Please, I won't hurt you if you do, I promise.” “You're crazy! I'm not your girlfriend just let me go!” “If you want to get out. You'll be my girlfriend.” I said. “Okay.” she said, sounding defeated. Three weeks had passed. “Hey love how are you doing down here?” “I'm kind of hungry, can you bring a snack down?” “Yes and i'll come down and we can watch a movie.” This was regular and I finally felt like I had her again and I wasn't so alone. I loved it. This was what I was missing. I laid next to her and ran my fingers through her hair. “I love your hair, it's my favorite aspect of you. That and your eyes, roll over, let me take photos of them.” The final day had approached. “I get to go home today right?” Yes you do… but I just need one last thing first.” “okay what is it?” “I'm gonna let you out just come with me.” I unlocked the door and took her by the hand to follow me into the kitchen, and handed her a pill “take this” and she grabbed the water and downed it and then kept following me and she instantly fell to the floor and passed out. I picked up her passed out body and put it in the back room on the metal bars holding her limbs and head steady and still and she started to wake up. “What are you doing???” “get me out of here!” she yelled. “I told you I need one more thing before you go… I need your eyes and hair.” “WHAT NO! You can do that, you can't take my eyes!” she started to scream and I grabbed my tools and started to go to work. I started by taking out her eyes as she sat and screamed in pain. “Im sorry im so sorry I just need these there just like my wifes I miss her so much im so sorry.” I said as I popped out the other eye. And she started to move less. And I grabbed my scapple and started to remove the top of the head for the hair. “I'm sorry Lily but I have to get this for isabelle.” “Isabelle looks. Look what I'm doing for you. You'll have your hair back now.” I screamed as I looked up into the sky. Lily's dead body was just laying one in the metal holder. And plopped the eyes into a jar of chemicals to keep them from dissolving and I put that and the scalp in the fridge. “I'll save it for Later my dear, I'll have it for you next time you're here. I promise.” 


I pull into the parking garage and park my car in the back corner next to the only other car in the garage. And I knew who it was, it was Emily Richardsons. I had watched her come to her car here every day after going to the gym. Her and her blonde hair and big blue eyes. She always comes alone. It just hit 12:56 am and she always comes out at one. So I grabbed the bag in my passenger seat and got ready for her to come pass. Just as she was passing I grabbed the bag and put it over her head “stop screaming, NOW!” as I tossed her in the trunk of the car… as we pulled into the driveway I went to the truck and the back headlight was pushed out. “F--- you god d--- I swear to god if the cops find me because of you!...” I screamed and grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her close into my face. I grabbed her and started to drag her inside by her hair and I tossed her down the stairs, locked the door and went back outside to my car. As I go to leave I see blue and red lights and I hear cop sirens… no I think to myself, no no no no, I start to panic. I ran back inside. “F--- you you made this happen you made them come, you act liek my girlfriend and act appy right now or I swear to god ill blow your head off.” “okay okay please don't hurt me!” she screamed. Bang bang goes the door “open up! Police!” screamed the police officer. I opened the door and said, “Hi officer, how can I help you?” “I saw your taillight bashed in… is everyone okay here sir?” “yes just me and my girlfriend and we are perfectly okay sir.” “maam? Are you okay?” the officer directed to Emily. She sat there silent, I squeezed her hand to urge her to say something, she sat there silent. “Sir we're gonna have to take your girlfriend in for questioning outside, your welcome to wait inside but stay put.” as soon as they took her out I knew my fate. I wasnt gonna last long, all she had to do was tell them I had taken her and tell them about all the other girls I have also previously taken. I was panicking but I knew what I had to do there was no other choice. I went downstairs to the special fridge and I grabbed the scalps and the eyes and my gun and I ran upstairs. “I love you Isabelle and I'll be with you soon I promise” I said to the beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes. I opened the door and the officers glared over at me, “sir put that do- '' and the officer started to say bang  goes one shot into the officers head bang and bang goes the other two shots into emily and the second police officer. As I stand there I hear “officer braden, where all coming in for back up don't fear” in a muffled voice over the radio on the first cops chest. So I bend down, grab the radio, pick it up and say, “don't bother… we're all already dead, I'm going to see isabelle.” then bang goes the last bullet into my own head, I lay there dying with the hair and eyes in my fingertips… I'm coming isabelle. 

The author's comments:

This story is a strong meaning of love being taken too far 

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