The demon | Teen Ink

The demon

September 24, 2019
By RitaPierce BRONZE, Doylstown, Ohio
RitaPierce BRONZE, Doylstown, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
One cannot be brave who has no fear

I wake up in a cold sweat, “I had another nightmare” I mumble. They get clearer every night and always tell the same story. I find myself trapped in a field that continues forever, never changing no matter how far I walk. The sky is dark and empty. It has no stars and no moon, it looks as though the sun is setting, painting the sky a deep red but there is no sun. I always look up into that lonely sky  just in time to see the colors mixing together in a whirlpool of black, gray, and red. The whirlpool sucks all of the depressing color out of the field leaving only white. After the color is gone the whirlpool closes, like a mouth and becomes a shadowy black figure almost in the shape of a snake. It calls out in a slick voice “Axl...Axl I’m coming.” I always wake up the second he finishes in a cold sweat. Every night I find myself unable to move, paralyzed as the shadowy figure hanging over me bares sharp white teeth. Tonight is no different I fall asleep and am quickly transported there. The whirlpool comes right on cue and after months of this torture I decide that I’m done. The second that shadowy thing appeared before me I scream“HEY YOU” he looked around and gestured to himself. “YES YOU, WHO ARE YOU AND WHY DO I KEEP COMING HERE?” “Oh you? You’re here because I need to meet my quotient of possession and murder and you’re my solution to both.” He replied bluntly in an oily voice. “But I can’t seem to figure out how” I sigh and say “Fine I’ll help you, but only so you’ll leave me alone.” I start directing him on how to open his mouth and sinisterly laugh while he wraps his long tail around me. “That’s how they do it on TV” I say not sure if it will work. He ends up looking almost comical but soon I feel all control of my body being taken away from me. The only thing I can do is watch in horror as I wake up in my bed and head to the kitchen to grab a knife. “Thanks Axl you really helped me out there, as a reward I’ll leave your spirit alone… for now.” I wake up the next morning and quickly turn on the news to see my face on every channel the news anchors screaming for my blood. “Axl Greenwood is wanted for the many horrific murders that happened last night, he also released many other serial killers from their cells last night. One of the guards on duty said he went around asking each and every prisoner guilty of murder how they killed their victims. He set all of the ones who had commited the most horrifying murders free after they told him how and where he could get the needed materials. He somehow managed to do all of this right under our guards noses. Later that night there were many murders committed in the exact same way he was told to do them.” I looked down at my hands covered in blood and when I went to my bathroom to wash off my hands I found many many more bodies than the news anchor had said there were. “A...a lot of people are going to be found missing” I manage to stutter before I pass out right there on the floor.

The author's comments:


I wrote this story to the prompt "Ademon wants to possess you but he doesn't know how".

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