What Happened, Ms. C? | Teen Ink

What Happened, Ms. C?

February 3, 2019
By emet_shifrin BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
emet_shifrin BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'd hate you even if I didn't hate you!"

-Patrick Star (Spongebob SquarePants)

It all started when I got to class as I normally do, late. I get to school at 8:41, rush up the stairs with my backpack on my back, and my jacket and my phone in my hand. I go up the stairwell no one uses, to prevent taking longer than I need to. I run to my locker, throw my jacket in, and rush as fast as I possibly can to my classroom. To my surprise, Ms. C is back from maternity leave, but all the other teachers are missing.

Everyone seems so excited Ms. C is back that they don't seem to notice that everyone else is gone. I get in my homeseat, and I ask Vivienne, my homeseat neighbor, where the other teachers are. She then told me that Ms. C told them the other teachers all called in sick. I was a bit sceptical, but I waited until later to investigate. Jasper came later than I did, and he too looked kind of confused. I told him what I was told, and he thought something was wrong too.

During Reading/Writing, Ms. C seemed very rigid. She was very down to point, and kind of mean. I thought it was because she didn't have her coffee. Megan and I offered to get her coffee for her, but she rudely declined. Now, Megan was a bit confused. Before I went to Spanish, I talked to Megan and Jasper. I explained to them what I thought was happening, which was that Ms. C was hiding our other teachers in a closet. They thought it was extreme, but they didn't have any other ideas.

During lunch, we made our move. We all went to the “bathroom” and checked out the teachers lounge. We got in, and saw no one. We were nervous that we were going to get caught, but no one was there. It was like a ghost town. We looked in every corner of that room, but we found nothing. Megan was giving up hope. She thought that we should go back to our class, so  Ms. C wouldn’t be suspicious of us. I still thought that Ms. C was hiding something, but I didn't know what.

During STEM work period, I talked to Jasper about it. We then emailed all of our teachers except for Ms. C, and asked them if they were ok. Mr. C replied back within minutes. He said, and I quote:

“i aM mr. c, and i am great. i am jUst Sick. do not worry. whatever you do, listen to ms. c. she Is probably very stressed about what is going on. Your teaCher, mr. c”

After receiving the email, I showed it to Megan and Jasper. They were also a bit confused. I realized that his capitalization was wrong, and that is very unlike Mr. C. While I was examining the email with Jasper and Megan, Amalia, being the nosey person she is, peeked over. She saw it, and asked us what is going on. We reluctantly explained to her what we thought, and she realized what we meant. We all then looked at it some more. Amalia then noticed that the letters M,U,S,I, and C were all capitalized.

She then shouted “MUSIC! That is it!”

Ms. C must have heard her, because she was walking towards us. We were then very scared. I changed to a tab with Club Penguin Rewritten on it. We then all got in trouble for gaming, and all of our computer privileges were stripped from us. I felt like Ms. C had known.

But, while we were doing our other work, all of us suddenly had to go to the “bathroom”. We all thought of places in the school that had to do with music. Jasper thought of the band room, Megan thought of the music room, I thought of the room where violin is taught, and Amalia thought of the music storage room. We first checked the room I thought of, and nothing but a ripped piece of paper, it wrote, “Cold,” I thought to keep it. We then went to the room Amalia thought of, and there was nothing but another ripped piece of paper, it said, “Warmer.” It fit perfectly with the other ripped piece of paper. We all ran to the band room, to find another piece of paper, but with nothing on it. We were confused, but we didn’t see our teachers, so we moved on. We then went to the music room, to find all of the music items from the other rooms, but we heard a lot of constricted screaming. We all separated, and in the middle we saw our teachers, tied together by hands and feet, with their mouths covered. We freed them, and they said, “Thank you! Ms. C captured us! She is a robot! She knows you guys freed us, now she is coming for you run!” We knew that something was wrong, but we didn’t know she was a robot. We all tried to get through the maze of instruments to escape, when we heard a loud knock on the door...

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