The Lonely Man | Teen Ink

The Lonely Man

January 18, 2019
By Anonymous

There is a loud roar coming from the kitchen and smoke starts to cover the walls. Shrieks and screams follow.

"It is a quiet night." the lonely man stated as he turned to his wife with a grin.

"Yes very quiet indeed." the wife smiles contently while knitting. Her hair is matted and her body twisted, teeth scattered in her mouth and crimson red stains covers her hands. 
The man picked up the news paper ‘Psychiatric patient escaped’. He starts to chuckle, it started real low and then gradually becoming louder and more manic. The screams from the kitchen have now ceased.

"Its evening, I think I'll retire to bed now." the lonely man grinned as he slowly makes his way to the staircase. He turns before heading up.  
A woman sits dead in the living room. Her body warped and discolored. In the kitchen a fire consumes two young children trapped in the cabinet.  

"Ahh yes, a quiet night indeed.."the lonely man sighed happily as he starts back up the staircase with a trail of smoke guiding him.

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