Bob and Maggie | Teen Ink

Bob and Maggie

December 11, 2018
By Anonymous

I am sitting outside on my ranch drinking whiskey. I see my wife inside the house; she is coming outside to sit next to me. I almost lost this wonderful woman that now I have the honor to call her my wife. To tell you the story I have to begin at the beginning.

I was settled in Los Angeles; I was not used to the heavy traffic, the noise, or the smell. This was nothing like Ohio. Overthere you barely see a car, although the smell was the hardest thing was to get over with. The smell in Ohio was of wood and clean that was the hardest thing to get over. The first day I went to the new office; I did not know what I was going to face. I wake up a four am. like I did when I was in the academy. I got up, took a shower, brushed my mouth, and changed into my new uniform. I did my breakfast; I never get breakfast from one of those fast food changes. I drive to the headquarters. I park my car take the elevator to the fifth floor. When I walked out; this lady is waiting for me. She introduces herself as Maggie and handed me a folder that is about four inches thick.

She says, “This is due in two days.”

while she turns away from me. I look around the office to find my cubicle;  I find it is in the corner. I open the folder the target’s name is Jack Roy. this suspect has done several crimes like armed robbery, has held people hostage, and has killed several people. I was flipping through the file looking at his crimes and found a name in the file that I recognized. I look up the name I recognized to see if they had a correlation with the target. I should that they were in a criminal gang. They all ready got the guy I recognized. The name I recognized was of my brother that was accused of doing a crime that he says that he did not due. I know that he is not lying; I could just tell.  I went to see if I could find Maggie to ask her something. I went around to the front and asked a person if they know where Maggie was. He told me that she was in the other corner from where I was. So I walked to her cubicle

“Hey Maggie, can I take this folder home,” I asked.

“Yes, you can it is due in two days,” she replied.

“Why did I get this case?’ I asked.

“I don’t know the corporate told me to give you this case,” she said, You are one of the few people that ask me if they can take their case home. Each time it is due to something emotional; what is it with you.”

“To tell you, I can’t,” I said while sighing.  

“Come on I won't tell anyone it is my job to keep secrets, you do know that.”

“Ok, I think that this has to do with something that got my brother in prison; so I will see if this does have a correlation.”

“I will try to help you the most that I can.”

“Alright got to go, see you tomorrow,” I said with a smile.

“Alright see you tomorrow,” said Maggie smiling back.

I went back to my car and headed back to my house with the case in the passenger seat. Every stop I would look over to make sure it was there. When I got home I went into the living room and put every single page out so I can see them and not miss one. I got a whiteboard and but all of the people that had connections with my brother and Jack. They meet with almost the same type of people; these people were that they were very big persons in the crime world. The only thing that was different was that Jack had met with this one other person that my brother did not meet.  

The next day after I woke up; I headed to work. Still hating the city in every way as before. No going to work I was not nervous anymore due to the fact that I now that there was someone that I liked to be around. I went into the parking lot and went up the elevator and there was Maggie. She handed me another folder.

“Some more information,” she said.

I looked at her with a grin and said thank you. I went to my cubicle and made sure no one was looking at the case. I opened the new information it had about three pages of information, but the last page had a form that allowed me to go out in the field. I was so excited that I went to her desk and said thank you while hugging her.

She said, “ Be careful now.”

I signed right there and then gave it to her. The information was where one of his meetings will take place. The place was going to be in the harbor about one hour from the headquarters; the meeting will be a ten in the night in two days.

I work on the case, to get more information on why he chose that spot. It turned out that he chose that spot due to him having a company that owned one of the ports. I know that he was going to have very strong security; so that meant that I have to get there before he gets there or I have to plant a bug. The only problem with the bug was that I didn't know where exactly it was going down. So I went with the idea that I was going o do a stakeout. I went on a map and show how the port was. Where I could possibly hide and still let them be visible. I choose this spot on top of these three containers. It was perfect to see the whole port. Out of nowhere, Maggie came from behind me.

She asked, ”Can I come and help you.”

“ No you can’t, I can’t put you in any danger this is something I gotta do by myself.”

“ I won't get in the way, I promise,” saying it with a sad face.

“You know that I am doing this due to it meaning something special to me.”

“Yea I know I just need you… to be safe so you can’t get hurt,” she said.

“Fine but you better follow me and my orders.”

“I will do.”

I tell her to meet me in the parking lot after work so we can make sure that the spot is the right one.

After work like around five pm. I wait for her to come to the car and I wait for about ten minutes and that's when I see her. She sees me and starts to head my way. We both get into my Camaro and start to head to the harbor. We got to the harbor and where we're trying to see which port belonged to Jack. We found it at the end of the harbor and we got out and found the exact container; we park the car far away from the stakeout spot. We waited on top of the container. It was about one in the morning the next day. Three SUVs came out of the darkness; they were in a line. They parked the car and these men in black suits came from the cars. Jack was in the middle car. They passed a suitcase of full of something, this was due to one of the men having trouble picking it up. Maggie called the SWAT unit to come in; one of the men got a phone call and the whole scene left in about five seconds. I knew that they had an inside man (a Mole). The SWAT team got to the scene after they all left. I looked at Maggie; She knew exactly what was happening. I took her home.

She told me, “ Will get them next time.”

I was in the office five days after the stakeout; Maggie came to my cubicle. She handed me some papers it had some more information on Jack. this time they were able to track is address. It was in the mountains near the hill.

I told Maggie, ”Can you get me a SWAT unit ready as soon as possible.”

She looked at me and nodded, “I have already done that.” I got up from my seat and thanked her while hugging her.

I walked out to the back side of H.Q. and I put on my SWAT uniform and went in the APC. With the other members. We got to the house breached down the door. We went in altogether. This house was a mansion it had three floors. Every single room we went in to make sure Jack was not in any room. We split up in two teams; my team went outside and the other half went to the second floor. I was in the middle of the group I was in. we heard gunfire on the second floor.

We heard through the walkie-talkie, “Come up, Come up, we got five gunmen on second!”

We got to the second floor; we know they did not want us to get to the third floor. So we shot the five gunmen and headed up to them. Passing some wounded teammates. The people that know about first aid stayed. While the other part went to the third floor. That is when we heard it the motor of some sort. We all looked at each other knowing what was going to happen. We all ran to around the third floor to see if we could find a hatch or something that would allow us to go to the roof. Someone found the hatch and we all climbed it to see a helicopter fly off north of us.

This caused me to get mad.

The next day I went back to H.Q. and I saw Maggie she already knew what happened yesterday. For about two weeks from the last event. Maggie came up to me and gave me a file. I said,” Thank you,” already knowing what it was. She said, “I want to go.” I shook my head knowing that she was going to be fine.

We went to the car and we went to the location. It was on top of the hill. I told Maggie to go from behind and I was going to come in from the front. We come in sneaky, trying not to make as little noise as possible. I was inside the house. Then, I heard some voices coming from the garage. I booked it to the room; when I heard Maggie screaming. I ran to where the screaming was coming from. It was down this very long hall that had three rooms each side. I opened the door and there was Maggie next to Jack. Jack had a Desert Eagle held pointed to Maggie's head.

“Don’t you dare move,” yelled Jack.

“Do what he says,” said Maggie.

“I will. Don't you worry,” I said in a calm voice. “Jack do you remember my brother, John.”

“Yeah, I remember that name. That was the bitch that I put in prison.”

“Don’t you dare call him a bitch. He will be more of a man then you will very be.”

“How is that?”

“How did you put him in prison,” I said with my blood boiling.

“It was very easy. Everything I had to do was pay one of the officers to book him in for a murder.”

“Did he do the murder?”

Hell no, he was scared even to touch a gun.”

“So he got framed for the crime.”


“Do you know who killed the guy.”

“Yea it was the same guy that booked him. Enough talking I am going to leave in this car with or without her.”


That is when I hear a loud bang. I look down at my leg and there is blood all over it. I fall to the ground and pass out. The next thing I knew is that am in a hospital. I look to my right and there is Maggie. She sees me move and comes up and holds my hand. What happened.

She said, “ You got shot by Jack.”

“Did he get away.”

“No, after you went to the ground. I picked up the gun and shot three times through the window and one of the shots hit him right in the head.”

We both looked at each other and kissed.

After that day I know she was the one. After three weeks of physical therapy, we got married.

The author's comments:

this is about how Bob got some answers on his brother sentence. While finding his field partner. 

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