A Journey In My Head | Teen Ink

A Journey In My Head

May 13, 2016
By Americatapia BRONZE, Springville, Utah
Americatapia BRONZE, Springville, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Alexa Garcia. There is this beautiful place I love to go. I found it in an  interesting way though. It was kind of magical you could say, because at the time I felt really sad and this place made all that go away. My family and I live  really close to these gorgeous woods. One day I was disagreeing with my mom like I always do. Well that day I got out of hand. I was just really stressed out and my parents didn't understand, so I did the most “logical” thing I ran out of my house into the woods, by the way i've never been to the woods because i'm scared a bear might pop out. Well I ran and I  ran until I heard a strange noise. It sounded like a horse but it couldn't be, there were no other people living in the woods or so I thought. I tried following the noise and it didn't work out so I just kept walking.
After what felt like hours I saw something. Out in the middle of the woods were these big white doors. I could hear music and these gorgeous shining light literally pointing at them. I opened them but inside was this man asking me my name. I said “My name is Alexa Garcia”, then the man said I wasn't on the list. “On what list,” then the man said.
“Never mind I'll just take you to the counselor he will know what to do,”.  Then I went in another pair of big white doors. Inside were a lot of people most were wearing white. Except one man wearing red and white who had a long beard and when he spoke his voice sounded so powerful and calming. The man seemed to recognize me. “Alex good you finally found us.”
“Excuse me I have no idea who you are.” “It’s alright you soon will .” Then they told me I could explore the place. I was anxious everything here looked so amazing. Then I saw this man sitting in a bench by himself. I know I'm not supposed to talk to strangers, but you know me the smartest teenage girl. Well I went up and asked the man why was he alone and why he was sad. He looked at me funny . Then he answered, “It’s just my family isn't here with me, at the same time I'm glad they're not.”
“Sir im pretty sure your family would love to be with you”. Before I let him answer I heard it that horse neigh. He said it was his pegasus making that noise. “ Yes, a pegasus. He told me we could go look at it¨, but he still was looking at me like if he remembered me from somewhere. He also said his name is Arthur. He said Arthur, but I call him Arthur because it’s easier to say. He also gave me a beautiful necklace with a crystal on it.
We went into this beautiful garden with the flowers that moved and birds that sang, fairies, an old man with a really long white beard and wore a robe. It all looked like it came out of a book. I saw these little kids with long white robes. It was really bright in here. There were lots of animals like dogs,cats,pegasus,majestic birds, and a lot of butterflies. The man kept on showing me everything there was. The floor looked like clouds. It looked nothing like the humid woods I was in  a while ago. The fairies were one of my favorites. They would magically appear a ball of yarn to play with the cats.
He then said everything here was gorgeous, but there was also a world like this,but it was full of evil people who could trick me. I met a lot of very nice people. I was missing my family although. I went back home it felt late but when I got out everything was exactly the same. I ran back home and saw my parents and hugged them. “Mom, dad I'm sorry I ran away I wasn’t thinking.” “I found a magical place full of amazing animals and great people.”
“ Oh honey you were playing a game in the woods.” “No, mom i'm saying the truth.” 
“Alexa honey just go to bed you need to reset.” “Okay mom, I love you guys,”  I woke up and I wanted to run out the door to the magical place. “Mom, can I go play outside”.
“Yes, honey but come back early”. I ran out and found the doors. Although the bright light wasn't shining on it anymore. “Weird, they just might be having technical difficulties”. Well I went in and the guard wasn't there. I was trying to look for Arthur but I couldn't find him anywhere.
Then it hit me all these people looked sad. I couldn’t find the beautiful animals including the beautiful pegasus. Then I remembered what Arthur said. That there was another world just like this one but it was full of evil people. I tripped over a girl she said her name was Ariel, she was with her friend Valentina. They were really pretty and nice but the way Valentina looked at me kind of scared me and made me mad. I was glad when they said they had to leave. I tried to get out but it was like a maze and i couldn't find the doors. I was trapped. I went to go look for the counselor.
Instead of the kind man I met yesterday was this man dressed in green. He had a face that made me feel scared. He looked normal but his stare scared me. I asked him where I was. He said I soon will know. I ran out and tried to find a place to hide. Then I bumped into Valentina and Ariel. I fell down it mud and they started laughing and taking pictures I was really scared. Then I started feeling something. I was still wearing my crystal necklace when I heard Ariel scream. I opened my eyes and she was covered in itching dust. I looked at my necklace it was shining very brightly.
Then I closed my eyes and I was back outside. I found the really shining doors and I went in to find Arthur. I ran up to him and hugged him. “Thank you so much for the necklace thanks to you I could get out of that horrible place. “Your welcome and I told you there was also an evil, always find the bright doors”.
“I have to go home I'll come back tomorrow I'll see you guardian angel.” He really was an angel to me. I went back home and tried to to have a good evening and tell my parents everything. “Mom,dad today I was almost trapped in an evil magical world”.
“Ok honey, what book were you reading”, said my mom.
“I wasn't reading a book it’s real and there were eagles, locked up dragons, huge cats, and a witch. The witch wasn't green like in the story her skin was a normal color but she looked hideous and made terrible pranks. I also met these girls who were laughing at me mom  they were really mean to me and thanks to the necklace I have on I survived.”
“Alexa where did you get that necklace, it looks expensive”. “My guardian angel gave it to me.” “Alexa you are not allowed to go go that place anymore.”
“Mom but I love that place it makes me happy.” I ran to my room and I was kind of upset, but not really. I really wasn't upset because I know I was going back I could feel it. Then my crystal started shining I really didn’t know what was going on so I was just going with the flow. Then I closed my eyes for a few seconds and when I open them I'm outside in front of the big doors. I didn't want to go in at night, I had the chills but something was making me. I go in and I find a lot of people sitting in a circle including Valentina and Ariel.
Then mean man that tried to stop me from leaving said, “My friends we are going to to have to forward our plan more, but for that we need the girl.”
I made a type of squeal sound. “I think we don't have to find Alexa anymore, I think she was the one that found us”. I started running and running I was really scared and I didn't know what to do.  I went into the stables and guess what I forgot there were dragons there. I got kind of scared but I started thinking about my pegasus. I started crying and someone opened the stable doors. It was a fairy.
“What are you doing here, never mind don't answer because I don't understand.” She handed me a piece of paper. It was from the powerful man in the good world. It said “Alexa dont be scared, as long as your brave the crystal will work the magic is in you and don't worry if you can stay there until morning the crystal will take you back home.”
I was kind of relieved but at the same time I had a lot of questions. What did he mean by the magic was in me, I'm just a normal teenage girl who doesn't make the right decisions obviously. I tried to calm down and then in the bottom and said that the fairy looks after me. After all that fighting with my parents I still missed them. After what felt like forever I fell asleep with the fairy on my side. When I opened my eyes I was back in my room and I was really happy. I ran to my parents room and my sisters room. I don't really talk about my sister because she is little and had no idea what was happening.
I went into my room and saw my mom crying. “I know Alexa deserves to know the truth, but the exact same thing happened to me it was so scary and I wasn't brave enough. After I found the truth, it hurt so much, and I was happy and I left my house and I couldn't see my family anymore,  I don't want that to happen to her.”
Then my dad answered, “I know honey. It is hard, but we have to tell her so she can stay with us.” I had no idea what was going on, but for some reason I felt sad.
“Mom tell me please.”
“Okay, honey come sit down.”
“ Stop crying mom.”
“I know sorry honey.”
“Okay so when I was your age I had a lot of problems because I was different I didn't like things girl my age liked.”
“I got really upset a lot and one day when I ran to my backyard I saw big white doors.”
“Just like me.”
“Yes, well after that I met great people, bad people, magical animals, all was good until I wanted to stay. I ran out of my house and when I got to the magical place I found out the bad magic worked on me and I never saw my parents again.”
“Oh, mom. I'm really sorry. I will really try not to go anymore.”
“You have to go honey, for some reason they want our family to meet them, I tried to ignore it, and your sister is also going to meet them, Alexa if your crystal feels different it means your going into the wrong doors.” “Okay, mom.”
“Alexa know you need to find your guardian angel he has to tell you something, how does he look.”
“He has white hair, looks about sixty and he's tall and has green eyes.”. “Oh honey!”
“Whats wrong.” “Nothing sweetie.”
“Okay mom, I'm going I love you guys so much, never doubt it.”
I ran outside and saw the doors and went in. I was sure this time I was in the right place because it looked beautiful and it was really bright, but something was off, first of all the guard wasn't by the doors anymore. Then I saw  them it was Valentina and Ariel. “What are they doing here there evil”. I couldn't find Arthur I was really scared, that's when I heard a whisper. It was Arthur. He was hiding behind a huge pillar.
“What's wrong Arthur,” I said. “They somehow managed to take over this world and  I don't know how. “Did you guys let them in or something”. “No we didn't that's why I don't know what happened, give me your crystal that will help us”. “Okay let me get it off”. “Okay”. “Arthur, I, I dont have the crystal”. “What”! “It must have fallen down or something”. “I know what happened, when you were alone in the stables they took it”. “I wasn't alone though”. “Then who were you with”. “Remember the fairy you guys sent to help me”. “Umm, we didn't send no fairy because our faires can't go out in the real world the only people that can send them are , Oh no”. “That was an evil fairy not a good fairy, she must have taken the crystal”. “Yeah I see it in her hands”. “Oh know they are going to use it for evil”. “They think that but they can't because it's you Alexa who carries the magic”. “I dont think thats true”. “It is everyone in the family has that power including your mom and dad they just don't know it”. “You don't even know my parents”.
“Yes I do especially your dad”. “How”? “You could say I raised him”. “Okay, whatever how are we stopping them”. “Well we need to get the crystal”. “Look those mean girls have it”. “Do you think you can get it”. “I dont know im scared of them”. “It's  okay, Alexa remember i'm your guardian angel”. “Okay I got this, I got this”. “Okay they are leaving with it”. “Wait where are they going”. “Im guessing they are going to the big house”. “Okay i'll be back”. “Hey Valentina, Ariel come over here”. “Its you, don't you understand you won't beat us because you're ugly”. “I can still beat you and that my friend is my crystal so give it”. “Oh sweetie it's  mine now”. “Valentina you can be better you know and I know Ariel is just following you, but you can be a better person”. “Honey if I wear a ¨better person” don't you think I wouldn't be in the evil world”. Then I remembered what Arthur said about the magic being in me. In that moment I heard Valentina make funny noises. I turned around and she was covered in slime. I was laughing my head off, it was really funny to be honest. Well then Ariel backed away and said she didn't want to hurt me. I pulled the crystal away from Valentina and smashed it on the ground. I felt so relived. Next I locked both of them in the stables with the pegasus. I ran to Arthur and told him I had smashed the crystal on the floor because I found my magic. After that Valentina somehow found a way to get out and told the mean man. He asked her for the crystal but she didn't have it. Then out of nowhere everyone from the bad world started disappearing, and somehow my crystal came back and was around my neck. As everyone left the people from the beautiful world came back. Then three people I have never seen go into this world approached me. It was my parents and my little sister Marlene. “Mom, dad what are you guys doing here”? “We all wanted to say the place one last time”. “Dad you have also been here”. “Yes, I have”. “ Who was your guardian angel”? “ I didn't have one”. “Wait then why do I have one”. “You can say I had a guardian in the real world but know he is here”. “Who is it”? “Honey I think you know who it is”. “Oh my now I remember, dad it really is him”. Well after that we spent a nice evening there and went back home. I went to bed and when I turned to the corner I saw Valentina. Well it turns out it was my imagination. Well ya after that I went to the beautiful place a lot with my sister Marlene.

The author's comments:

Well we had to write something for my creative writing class. I started writing this story and I liked it. The reason I liked it was because it was inspired by many people in my life.

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