A morning with mary jane | Teen Ink

A morning with mary jane

March 18, 2015
By michellen BRONZE, Jupiter, Florida
michellen BRONZE, Jupiter, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Day by Day

As I wake up regretting the day before, I head for my pastel blue toothbrush, on my granite countertop and stare at myself in the mirror pondering why and how it is I became an alien. My morning routine usually consist of me feebily dragging myself out of my king sized bed and making it. After this I pick up any and all things off the ground that I consider grimy and out of place. For being extraterrestrial,  I consider myself very well kept. As a child my creator always taught me that cleanliness was the way to life, I now consider this the most valuable piece of knowledge ever being given to me since I exited my eggshell. After I clean my dome i brew some water in my vintage tea kettle and pick up a new edition of "Mars Weekly 2020",finding nothing but melancholy news about children being shipped to earth and never returning. I put the paper down and gaze out my window admiring my view of open plains and a sun that is now rising, depicting different colors of not only oranges and reds, but pinks and purples. I then spend an hour bathing in lukewarm milk, for it is a mandatory skin rejuvenating treatment done here on Mars. I then dry off with my insta dri suit and glance at the human shaped clock, on my animal shaped wall and notice I am late for my job interview at the FBI. Now you might be thinking this is a criminal investigation job but in reality, in this career you go into depth about the human DNA and research any new pieces of evidence linking to the idea that, there is human life on earth.

The author's comments:

This mini story i created is based on a prompt i found scrolling along on a tumblr page

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on Mar. 20 2015 at 6:47 pm
michellen BRONZE, Jupiter, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Day by Day

Thankyou Mr.Sheridan

Ricky said...
on Mar. 20 2015 at 12:31 pm
That was awesome mi