The Story of Kalama | Teen Ink

The Story of Kalama

February 6, 2015
By uzziah crisostomo BRONZE, Keeau, Hawaii
uzziah crisostomo BRONZE, Keeau, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time in a majestic world, there was a boy named Kalama who was very curious. His parents would never let him out and see the world so, he was stuck in his home till he was 13. One day, Kalama wanted to go and see his first sunrise. So he snuck without his parents noticing. So he snuck out and met some dwarfs that were very kind and generous and asked him, hey young boy, what are you doing out here so early? Kalama said, I wanted to see my first sunrise. The dwarfs said, you haven't seen a sunrise before!? Kalama said, nope because my parents wouldn't let me come outside because they said it was too dangerous. The dwarfs said, alrighty then, we?ll take you to the best place to see a sunrise. Kalama said, OK! So they went on a short journey to the cliffs to go and see the sunrise. While on they?re journey they meet mean dwarfs who bully very nice dwarfs around. So once the bullies see the dwarfs, they start bulling them around until Kalama comes and says, hey guys whats going on around here? The bullies then say oh… are these your friends? Kalama says yes… why? oh… nothing. The bullies then run away because they were scared of humans like Kalama because humans are bigger and stronger than dwarfs. They then finally reach their destination the cliffs. The dwarfs say, There it is Kalama, your very first sunrise. Kalama said, its sooo beautiful. Kalama was so happy. When he got back home, his parents were so happy he was back. He told them his story about the journey to see his very first sunrise. His parents said WOW! they finally let him be able to go outside and play with his dwarf friends. He later became a owner of a astronomy laboratory, and with some help of his co-owners the dwarfs, where you can look at stars and other planets.


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