Dreams That Can Carry | Teen Ink

Dreams That Can Carry

April 26, 2014
By Anonymous

One night a girl named Mary got swept up from her bedroom. Before she knew what was happening, her feet levitated off the floor and Mary soared through the starry night. Dinosaurs trampled her neighbor’s backyard, mermaids floated in her pool, and sparkles rained down on them. There was a little hill at a nearby park that she was flying over, but something peculiar was happening on that tiny hill. It was morphing into an ice cream mountain and small penguin families were living on it. Pretty soon after this, Mary started to sweat. That is because she was reaching the Rainbow Sand Dunes, where if you are not careful you could get swallowed whole by them. Quickly, Mary flew over them and headed for the nearby mountain. This particular mountain had a huge, sparkling, purple jewel placed on the very tippy top of its tallest peak.

Now Mary was an only child and an exceptional daughter, always obeying her parents and achieving the high academic goals her parents had for her. Unfortunately, her mother and father still wanted to ship her off to a boarding school over the summer instead of going on a cruise through the Caribbean. Mary’s mother has one weakness: jewelry. If Mary could give her mother that jewel, then her mother would be so moved with love for her daughter that she would cancel boarding school for the summer and take her on a cruise through the Caribbean. As Mary was venturing toward the mountain a strange wind started to blow and a soft humming noise echoed throughout the mountain tops. As she gazed up, Mary swirled into a vortex of giant, fluffy cotton candy. Cottony fluff started squeezing Mary until she could no longer see anything but blue and pink fuzz. Luckily, this was not Mary’s first experience with cotton candy. Her father would take her to the circus when it came to town every July and he would buy her a stick of sugary cotton candy. When Mary had finished all the cotton candy she would always notice that the stick had a hole at the top and the bottom, because she would use it as a spyglass to watch the circus.

This made Mary think that if she ate a hole through the cotton candy she would find the stick which held the cotton candy together. So she started gobbling down cotton candy and eventually Mary found the stick that was holding the spinning tornado of candy. Mary stuck her legs through the hole, put her arms up and slid right through the stick. Once she had landed firmly on the ground, she realized that she would need to fly to get the purple jewel on the mountain top. Mary knew she had flown before when she was carried away from her bedroom, but for the first time that night she had both her feet on the ground. She pondered her capability to fly. Glancing around Mary realized that she had seen all these things and places before, in her dreams. All she needed to do to fly was to dream her most wonderful dreams. Mary dreamed as hard as she could and her feet slowly started to rise off the ground and she flew to the tallest peak of the mountain. There she grabbed the purple, sparkling jewel and dreamed all the way back home.

The following morning Mary gave her mother the jewel. Moved with compassion, Mary’s mother decided to cancel boarding school for the summer. Impressed, Mary’s father treated Mary with a scrumptious stick of fluffy cotton candy.

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