The Kingdom Of Avaloria | Teen Ink

The Kingdom Of Avaloria

May 16, 2024
By JKoester25 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
JKoester25 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, in the enchanting realm of Avaloria, where magic flowed through the very air, a land of wonder and adventure awaited those with hearts full of curiosity. In this mystical realm, kingdoms flourished, each with its own unique charm and secrets to discover. In the Kingdom of Evergreen, towering ancient trees whispered tales of forgotten lore, their branches reaching towards the heavens. Talking animals roamed freely, sharing their wisdom with those who were willing to listen. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the gentle melody of hidden streams. It was a place where nature and magic intertwined, creating a harmony that enchanted all who set foot within its borders. Meanwhile, in the Kingdom of Crystalia, shimmering crystal towers pierced the sky, reflecting the sunlight in a dazzling display of colors. Within the luxurious walls of the palace, sorcerers and enchantresses studied ancient spells, harnessing the power of the crystals that adorned their surroundings. The kingdom was known for its grandeur and its mysterious ruins, rumored to hold the key to unimaginable power. As the sun set over Avaloria, painting the sky with hues of gold and purple, the realm brimmed with endless possibilities. Until a beautiful baby girl named Aria Stormheart was born, her hair was the color of midnight and eyes like emeralds. The townspeople took one look at her and knew she was the one to save them all. Since the village Aria was born in was nestled among the lush forests and sparkling rivers of Avaloria, From a young age, she was captivated by the enchanting beauty of her surroundings. She would spend hours exploring the mystical woods, discovering hidden caves and ancient ruins and at that moment her mother knew it was time. When Aria got home the next afternoon from exploring the mystical woods her mother and father were in the living room waiting for her. “What's going on?” said Aria as she shut the door, “honey, there is something you need to know” said her mother while looking at her father. “Ever since you were little, you've always had a curiosity for life around you and what your mother and I do.” nervously said her father. “We are not your real parents, we were hired by the King and Queen of warriors to raise and watch over you until you were ready” said her parents. “Ready for what?” Aria questioned. Her father looked at his watch and said, “Oh no, No time for any more questions, we're going to be late.” her father said while rushing out the front door. When she arrives there are two people standing there. As they get out of the car one says “Welcome Aria, to the Hall of Whispers. This is where you will be spending most of your days training. Here you will be trained by the best and be expected to be the best. You will train day and night until you get it right, no exceptions. You will go on quests and battle with mythical creatures that come in your way and you will succeed. Now if there are no further questions we would like to show you around.” said the first mentor as they all walked into the Hall of Whispers. As Aria steps inside the Hall of Whispers, she is greeted by an elegant atmosphere. The air is filled with a gentle hum of ancient magic, and soft, glowing orbs that light up the grand hallways. Tapestries that portrayed legendary battles and heroic warriors that decorated the walls, telling tales of bravery and triumph. As they continued down the hall, they came across a vast courtyard, bathed in golden sunlight. Lush gardens, blooming with vibrant flowers and enchanted plants, surround the training area. The sound of water trickling from a nearby fountain adds a soothing melody to the atmosphere. Within the training chambers, Aria finds herself immersed in an atmosphere of focus and determination. The walls are adorned with ancient symbols, pulsating with mystical energy, giving training warriors the energy and courage to keep on fighting. As they finished up the tour of the Hall of Whispers, as they made their way to the exit “are there any further questions?” said the second mentor. Aria just shook her head. Then the first mentor blurted out “My apologies, I forgot the most important part. I am Master Raelin and this is Lady Seraphina” pointing to the other person standing next to him. “Now if there are no more questions, Aria must start training right away.” Lady Seraphina said while turning around and walking back towards the Hall of Whispers. Aria turned around to her parents with a sad look on her face “Will I ever see you again?” she said as she collapsed into their arms. “I know we will, but you better get going,” said her parents. Aria finally let go and started to walk back to the Hall when she realized this wasn't going to be easy. She was sitting in the courtyard when the lights suddenly darkened, a sword dropped right in front of her out of nowhere. Aria bends down to pick up the sword when she abruptly stops and slowly looks up to see a Gloomfang - They lurk in the shadows, with sharp fangs and a sinister grin and are ALWAYS read to fight. Aria finds herself face to face with the forbidding Gloomfang. The air is thick with tension as they lock eyes, both aware that only one will emerge victorious. Aria, only armed with the sword, charges forward with steady determination. The clash of steel echoed through the air as she skillfully dodged the Gloomfang's razor-sharp claws. With each strike, Aria's resolve grows stronger, fueled by her unwavering belief in the power of good. But Gloomfang is no ordinary foe. It's dark magic pulses through the battlefield, threatening to consume everything in its path. Aria's heart pounds as the battle rages on, Aria begins to tap into her inner strength. She channels the unknown energy within her, pushing back as she unleashes a powerful spell, surrounding the Gloomfang in a blinding light. The ground shakes beneath them as the final blow is struck. Aria's sword pierces through Gloomfang's heart. The beast lets out a bone-chilling howl before collapsing to the ground, defeated. Breathing heavily, Aria stands victorious.

The author's comments:

This piece was written out of randomness, I just started writing and this is where it got me. When people read this I hope they at least find it interesting and not too boring.

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