Harmony's Grief | Teen Ink

Harmony's Grief

October 18, 2023
By Anonymous

The raindrops puttered violently on Neptune’s cobblestone. It was sunset, so the droplets were illuminated by their life-star’s rich royal blue. Harmony trembled on her later walks, haunted by someone else’s memories. In another lifetime she might relish in the comfort of those interconnected streets, but now she hardly recognized their intentions. War’s afflictions unto her had broken her identity, though she hardly dwells on that reality anymore. Every so often though, on a rainy day, the friction burns would ache and send signals to remind her of that moment on the timeline that feels heavier than the rest. Previously, she always held him at arm's length, only ever intending to build amity between them. But with a protective arm stretched out an imposing man still has access to a hand. After a frightful stroll, Harmony made it back to her cottage on Freedom Lane where she would enter through the bare wooden door to sit in her grief. She would try and sleep in it all night if it allowed her rest. 

She arose the next morning after the crystal-blue sunrise. She washed off the heavy grief in salty steam before leaving for her morning stroll. The path follows fountains with stone statues of the forgotten heroes of Neptune and men who raised Harmony from birth, surrounded by patches of new life purposely placed. There is where her roots are found; she cannot feel them elsewhere. By a pond decorated with lotus flowers, Solace meets Harmony on her strolls. He cares for her wellbeing and she enjoys his company. He looks like the Sun of Earth to her with his warm, kind complexion. On this day, Solace reminded her of her future. 

“Broken Harmony, why do you wander?” he asked her. 

“I wander in directions sparse from my grief. It wallows loudly in my home where life should lie.” 

“But why wander? What do you search for?” 

“I search for nothing. I am but a memory. What right do I have to search?” 

“You are not a memory. I have found you here. You are lost, but clearly you must exist. Come back to now with me, Harmony. It is not as frightful as when you left, I promise you. The people have missed you since you left.” 

Harmony listened to Solace’s words. She sat on a mossy log near the pond they had circled back to and considered what he said. The words felt like a blanket enrapturing her and supporting her heart. She recalled the worst moments that defined her life and the beautiful ones that defined her self. She recalled her past and her future. She interrogated her fear and dug deep to find the self she lost. Finally, she stood and looked into her reflection in the clear pond water. With revived strength of will, Harmony dove into the water and cleansed herself back to purity. She found herself in the water and made a new, reformed covenant. She stepped out of the pool fortified with fresh vision and identity, powerfully prepared for the future. 

The author's comments:

I spontaneously wrote this short story late one night when I kept seeing and hearing the word harmony in my life like a broken record. The story poured out of me without warning and it is incredibly dear to my heart. Symbolism is highly significant to the story. I encourage you to look into the symbols and connect their meanings to the world around you. 

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