The Desolation of Mars | Teen Ink

The Desolation of Mars

October 29, 2021
By Anonymous

Long ago, before stargazing and astronomers, there was a thriving colony on Mars. They lived in peace with one another, going about there daily lives. Among them lived power hungry individuals, willing to do whatever it took to gain power. The majority of these people wanted nothing but peace. The power hungry people, however, wanted nothing to do with peace and could not rest until they had established a monarchal society with them at the top. Knowing this was impossible to accomplish, they settled for rising up through the ranks of their current communist society. Once they got to the top, they would gradually get everyone to except them as the leader of Mars.

So this is how it began, a particularily prideful individual, named Boe, recognized that he must get rid of certain people in order to achieve his goal. Knowing he was never going to make it to the top in any fair way, due to his infamous saying, “I am your rightful king.” Unfortunately for him, he was caught in the act of hiring an assassin and was ordered to years in prison. Embittered by what had been done to him he swore to himself the people would pay. Nevertheless he lay for years in the prison left to rot. The people who put him there soon forgot about him and moved on with their lives. 

Years later one of the power hungry martian who had risen to the top came down with a terrible disease. This disease was unlike any other disease they had seen. It caused their body to essentially self destruct and eventually explode making a bloody mess. No one could explain what this sickness was or where it came from. In order to avoid this disease from spreading, in case it was contagious, they ordered people not to go outside of their homes until they figured out more about the disease. 

Despite their utmost efforts to keep this disease from spreading, the virus still continued to spread and grow like inflation. The martians started getting used to this lifestyle of torment. Walking out into the street and seeing someones blood boil up and explode was a rather normal sighting before to long. Just as they were about to despair some random martian claimed that if he was made leader, he would give them a cure for this illness. Not recognizing who this martian was they asked, “Who are you?” To this he replied, “I am your rightful king.” At this they instantly knew who this was and denied him claiming they’d burn before bowing to him. Seeing this Boe threw the cure to the ground and was overtaken by the mob. With no cure Mars’ soil ran red with the blood of the martians due to the disease. This is why, to this day, Mars has remained red. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece as a fun tale about how Mars became red.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 15 2021 at 2:59 pm
McDonnyyysLuvva, Belfast, New York
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
This is an interesting explanation for why Mars is red.