The Space Survival | Teen Ink

The Space Survival

June 15, 2021
By Anonymous

The year is 2090, a new rocket by Spacex has been launched from cape carnival, Florida, headed for deep space. The rocket contains a satellite that sends a signal to almost everywhere in the galaxy, looking for other forms of life.   They send a signal with a secret universal code, to try to find other species of life, and they say the exact coordinates of earth, for us to meet them. It’s been 1 year since the launch, it’s been around 11 months since it got deployed in space, finally, on December 15, 2091, something crazy happened.

To continue, the crazy thing that happened was that we saw in one of our deep space radar satellites, an object heading towards earth. There were about 100 of these objects right next to each other headed for earth. As soon as the satellites saw it, it reported immediately back to earth. Everyone on earth wondered if it was gonna be friendly or not, everyone was hoping it would be friendly.  On the satellites, it said it would be arriving on earth sometime next week…. Finally, it was 10 minutes away from earth, the low orbit satellites saw it coming, and all countries on earth started to prepare their defenses just in case. A few seconds away from entering the earth's atmosphere, everybody could see the ships from the sky, they looked massive.  And they looked much more technologically advanced than us. And then suddenly….

Suddenly,  All the alien motherships started to spread out and go to each major city of the world. They started to fire their ion cannons to the city, in every major city in the world. Suddenly, when they fired, the whole world went into a panic. Nobody knew what to do, every country in the world tried to launch their air forces to try to match up, and NASA’s new ion satellite tried to fire at them, but only shot down a couple before one of the ships destroyed it. New York, a new air defense system tried to shoot but failed. After a couple of hours, all defenses on earth were deployed; they were barely a match for the motherships with their ion bombs and cannons. All the cities had ashes and were ruined.  The death toll was rising fast. People and important people were trying to flee to underground nuclear bunkers.  The air force was trying and they did get a few hits. The world had one last option, to nuke them.  

March 2091, Out of the ashes General Johnson was ordered by dictator Vladimir Gorbachev, to launch a plasma nuke. Silos started opening all over the world. And suddenly,  plasma warheads were being launched to the alien motherships, and suddenly when they were about to hit they exploded but not by the ship, but by a ship shield.  All the missiles headed for the mother ships exploded on the shield, only one managed to make it through, but only causing some damage.   When the world was out of missiles, they only had one last option to escape to mars to save humanity.   All launch sites across the world try to takeoff stealth to mars, but only 1/10 made it out of the earth. General Johnson was one of the people to escape to Mars. In the end, only a couple of rockets made it to mars, where they hid. In the end, Humanity on earth was destroyed except for people in bunkers. The only people that were safe were people hiding on mars. In the end, Space X was responsible for this by sending our coordinates of earth and causing us to lose our home planet and almost all of humanity. This is something we will never forget, and we must accept mars as our new home. 

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