Interwoven Wolves(3) | Teen Ink

Interwoven Wolves(3)

February 3, 2021
By SparrowSun ELITE, X, Vermont
SparrowSun ELITE, X, Vermont
200 articles 23 photos 1053 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It Will Be Good." (complicated semi-spiritual emotional story.)

"Upon his bench the pieces lay
As if an artwork on display
Of gears and hands
And wire-thin bands
That glisten in dim candle play." -Janice T., Clockwork[love that poem, dont know why, im not steampunk]

Previously: Echo got lost and was saved by her friend, Frost. But after Frost saw a mysterious mark on her ankle decided to kill her. But soon a wolf walker named Secret bit Echo, and her bit knocked her out. Echo heard her and Secret talking about killing her, and ultimately ended up betrayed by Frost with a month to live.

It was kinda awesome that not only was magic real, but Frost was part of it. but at the moment, she didn't care. Frost would be glad to see her dead, and was about to start lieing to her to regain her trust, so she could learn more about the mark on her ankle. but what was it? maybe the crescents were moons, and it was something to do with the wolves? but wait! she had seen a wisp of smoke briefly after tripping, and that was probably related to it. Was it good or bad? Maybe she could use- no, get Frost to tell her(though Frost was using her, would that really be so bad?)... tell her a load of lies. no, she needed to figure out what it was and if it could save her. maybe she had magic powers? or cold turn into something? she closed her eyes and concentrated, but it was shattered like ice by Frosts voice. "Are you trying to do magic?" "I don't want to talk to you." "I'm just saying, nothing happens for a month." liar. or maybe she was telling the truth. she had no clue anymore... "Why aren't you ripping my throat out?" "because were friends. i can only get you a month. after that, I would kill you in a heartbeat, you wont be yourself. We'll kill you before, because living like that is worse then death." "and living like this is any better?" "well, yes. you dont want to know what it will be like after the month. thanks to s, you wont." liar. "tell me what will happen." "I can't. but i can show you things you've only ever dreamed of." an attempt to win her over. she wouldn't be lured. "i doubt that. i wish you wold leave me alone.... what kind of things?" Frost smiled, that speacil smile she held only for Echo. amused and endeared. "the forest has many secrets. you wanted magic?" Echo didn't want manipulation... but this was magic. "maybe..." "we have a whole month to show you everything, lets go explore." because she would kill her in a month... but she had 30 days to live. every second her heart beat was precios, and if she could see magic before she died, instead of mourning herself, she would. so she stood up and followed. "Secret, I'm taking her to go see the magical stuff." "ok, make sure she stays away from..." Frosts expression darkened. "Of course." Echo wanted to ask what, but knew she would only get a lie. they left the cave and secret turned to her. "Echo, I've sworn that if you try to run off I will kill you. I intend to keep that oath." "yes, because killing friends is acceptable in wolf culture. understood." "Echo-" Frost sighed. "Yu dont understand. that mark makes everything different. You're cursed now." "what does it mean?" "i cant tell you. climb on, we'll be quicker if you ride me." Frost turned into a wolf. She climbed on, but not without a last sting. "do you have a red cloak?" Frost growled. "not funny. maybe if you just give us a chance, you would understand." "not likely." Frost sighed. "I understand why youre upset, by your being shortsighted. Death isn't the sam thing to you as it is to me." "i would assume killers see things differently." "I've never killed a human. and Secret is going to kill you, not me." "same difference to me." Frost started running, then stopped, rubbing a tree. "Wolves are weird." "I'm leaving Secret a message. we wont be back until at least 10, which means we'll be late for something." "and youre rubbing a tree." "I'm a wolf. i can clearly smell the message, so can my pack." "mmhm." "whatever. i want to show you something."Echo climbed back on and Frost ran to... another tree, in a clearing surrounded by mushrooms. in the dusk it looked acient and mighty. "this tree changes and binds wolfwalkers." "changes? binds?" "yes. babys of the wolfwalkers are changed here, they become wlfwalkers. then at 16, we become incompatible with humans. at 18, we're bound to the forest. we are the protectors of the forest and its secrets. and getting to turn into a wolf whenever I want is kinda awesome." "youre going to be stuck here forever?" "yes. once I'm 16 i start to lose some humanity. haven't you noticed I've changed recently?" "a little. youre turning 16 in 3 months, right?" "yes. I'm already starting to change. but its my duty to serve the forest and its secrets, and to I've my loyalty to the pack. and part of that duty means you have to die. everyone has a part to play." "maybe mine isn't being killed. and maybe you dont get to decide it for me." "Echo, we are more powerful than you and we have the support of nature and the forest. work with us." Echo stopped talking. this was stupid. "Well, lets go, i want to show you a nest." "seriously?" "just trust me." "youre going to kill me or let me be killed. i absolutely do not trust you." "fine. lets go anyway." Echo reluctantly mounted her. "how come i got knocked out? did you drug me?" "no, Secret bit you. It magically put you to sleep." "of course. why wouldn't the creepy wold people have magic bites?" "seriously. you are way to upset about the mark thing." "are you kidding? I'M ridiculous for being upset that YOU are going to kill me?" "You care to much about death." "lets just go." her breaths were numbered, she didn't want to waste them on the traitor. they arrived at a giant nest with a huge, beautiful phoenix in it. Echo squealed in delight and it looked at her. the tips of its feathers were fyre, and its nest made of charred branches. it glowed in the early spring night... spring. a time of beginnings and rebirths. what a perfect time to die. "we can only do one more thing if we want to catch up with the pack, we dont have time to stay here." "I dont have time for anything." "a month is longer then you think." "why are you so blunt?" "why wouldn't i be? youre going to die in a month. my alphas going to kill you. why avoid the issue?" Echo sighed. "will you please tell me what the mark is?" "no. its time to go, we have to hurry." "yep." Echo climbed on and Frost went back to the cave. "what the heck? we were just here." "i know. come on." nobody was there, human or wolf, except one or two pups and a couple babies, and a teen wolf watching them. Frost led her deep into the cave. "now dont ever come here alone, you'll get lost, but if you have a guide then... aha, here it is." after passing at least 2 dozen branching halls, they reached a plate. on it was the moon, full in a clear sky. "Secret uses this to control the weather. only alphas can, otherwise a pup would end up breaking the sun or something." "oh, yes, shes so benevolent." "she is. she makes whatever sacrifices are nessacary-" "including human.." "yo wont be human. and yes, she protects the powers that litrslly make our world work right. and once a month, she gives us a full moon. i cant describe how it feels, running with the pack by light of the full moon. its out time to be free, and wild. and im missing it to show you this, so lets hurry and catch up." "I'm not a monster. you go, i dont really want to yell at the moon with my future murderers." "you know, i really love how accepting you are." Frost smiled sarcasticlly. "Come on, i cant leave you here with only one remotely capable wolf." "then i guess you'll stay here." "absolutely not. come on." "id rather walk." "fine. but hurry." she intended to, she wanted to could tell Frost was slowing down so she could keep up, but she got to run. after a few shortcuts they joined the pack, where Echo lagged behind. everyone else ran free, howling in jy. but one lagged behind, keeping pace with her, until they arrived at a huge cliff and they all started howling, which hurt echos ears. then the wolf that lagged behind, who had a grey and brown coat mix, grabbed her, biting her. she didn't pass out tho, but she couldn't make a sound. he dragged her away, and she couldn't do anything, he was to stong.suddenly, he tossed his head and threw her, so that she was trapped on a ledge below the cliff. "FOREST! What have you done?" Secret thundered. "She was marked. I did my duty." "you undermined me. i had my reasons for letting her live. she would nothave had the chance to change. but yo took things into your own jaw and for that i banish you." "for killing a marked girl?" "for disobeying and going behind my back." Echo glanced down. she had space on the ledge, but no way up or down. ""You will be escorted back and unbound." "what? it was only-" "you have tried to challenge my authority to many times now." "but-" "Secret? Echos still trapped and she cant talk." Frost turned down to Echo. "unbinding will trap him as a wolf." oh, no wonder he was so upset. but what did she do now? "Yes. Promise, Bear, keep an eye on Forest." two wolves nodded and went over to him. "We can just leave her there. i dont see any way to get her back and its only the difference of a month." uhoh. "no, shes there because of Forest, she didn't try to run away." "so how do we get her up?" "she probably knows something, but because of Forest she cant say. we dont have time to wait for it to wear off, a giant eagle could get her." she had no clue. she definitely couldn't climb, not even with a rope. "why not let a giant eagle get her?" "no," "it wouldn't kill her the second it picked her up, we could snatch her from its grip." "oh, good idea! bt what if its not low enough?" "that's a risk ill take." why couldn't Echo speak? she thought that was a terrible idea, she didn't want to be caught by a giant eagle... but what if the eagle did get her away and she could escape it? she leaned back, and fell into a cave. perfect! she could hid from eagles here. Frost looked back over. "Uh, where'd she go?" "Shes gone?" "Yes..."

The author's comments:

I think the next one will be written in poem. Or maybe another, i can't really say right now. i think ill mix styles a little.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Apr. 23 2021 at 8:43 pm
SparrowSun ELITE, X, Vermont
200 articles 23 photos 1053 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It Will Be Good." (complicated semi-spiritual emotional story.)

"Upon his bench the pieces lay
As if an artwork on display
Of gears and hands
And wire-thin bands
That glisten in dim candle play." -Janice T., Clockwork[love that poem, dont know why, im not steampunk]

thanks! it gets dark early season 2(at least emotionally) but then most recently a post ended with echo smiling, and the next post she was doing varos happy things. to bad her sister is going to die...

Lydiaq ELITE said...
on Apr. 23 2021 at 6:03 pm
Lydiaq ELITE, Somonauk, Illinois
179 articles 54 photos 1026 comments

Favorite Quote:
The universe must be a teenage girl. So much darkness, so many stars.

I really love this story so far.