An Unexpected Turn of Events | Teen Ink

An Unexpected Turn of Events

January 15, 2019
By Anonymous

It is the year 2660 and technology has taken over the entire earth. Humans are thriving and the average death rate is 120 years old. It is a time of greatness and new inventions. Everything seems to be going great for a young boy named Ron until the summer of 2660. That summer everything changed.

It is a hot summer day and Ron is wearing dark blue slacks that are stained green from the day before and a pearl white T-shirt marked with sweat stains His skin is dark brown from the summer and his eyes flashing like a diamond. His shoes are black with dirt smothered all over them. The sun is glaring at him as he sits on the top of the hill. The morning dew soaks into his pants. As he looks down he can see his small town called Bellaire located in Northern Michigan. Hovering cars are zooming up and down the street. Levitating scooters are roaming the skies. ¨What a beautiful day¨ Ron thought to himself. Behind the town is the lake that everyone hangs out at it. There are electric boats, levitating jet skis and fishmerman all enjoying the lake. As Ron stands up,  he notices an old tire leaning up against a tree. The area is overgrown with weeds and he can barely make out the tire. Ron is bored and decides he wants to try and get in the tire. He barely squeezes in the tire; It is as snug as a glove and he feels claustrophobic. Ron´s weight starts to creep him forward and before he realizes it, his momentum takes over. Ron quickly tries to get out but it's too late. Ron is now at top speed rolling down the hill. He notices a giant dirt mound ahead. ¨Swoop!¨ the tire launches over the bump and speeds up. Ron is now on a direct course toward town. Every shop is packed with people. Ron tries to glance out of the spinning tire but starts to feel sick from the spinning. All of a sudden he feels a “Thud!” and the ride comes to a sudden stop. He stumbles out of the tire and notices a frail old lady lying on the cement with her levitating scooter in pieces.

Blood is rushing everywhere. Ron looks down and notices that the old lady is lying in her own blood and her head is oozing out gore. The blood is rushing out of her head like a waterfall. He tries his best to stabilize her by putting his shirt under head hoping that it will help. Ron looks down at his hands and they look like he dipped them in a dark red paint bucket. He leans over and pukes on the sidewalk. “What have I done Ron thought to himself?¨ Ron is in shock: standing there like a statue. It suddenly starts to pour rain. Ron´s clothes become drenched with water. The rain causes the blood to flow down the street. A family opens the door to the ice cream shop and screams in terror. They glance at the lady lying on the ground and see Ron standing over her with his hands covered in blood. The family quickly leaves the store and walks the other way. Ron takes his phone out of his pocket and dials 911. ¨What's your emergency?¨

¨There is an unconscious elderly lady in the street. She is in need of immediate attention¨.

Ron can hear the sirens of the levitating ambulance in the distance. This advance technology allows the vehicles to travel up to 300 miles per hour!

¨Over here¨ Ron shouts! As they rush toward him they quickly lay the lady on the stretcher and then they are gone in a blink of an eye. Ron is now alone in the middle of the street. People stare at Ron as they walk by. Curious of what happened, but they just keep on walking. The rain continues and starts to increase with intensity and power.  Ron just stands in the street, looking in the sky. Each drop is like being punched in the face. It seemed like just a couple hours ago it was a beautiful day outside. He was admiring the sun when he got that dumb idea of getting in the tire. Only one word could describe how Ron felt--lost. He didn't know what to do and now he was scared for that poor old lady.

Ron hears the sound of a motor coming towards him. As he looks up an old man ask him

¨Have you've seen an elderly woman riding around on a flying scooter?¨.

¨Yes, the ambulance just came for her¨ says Ron. The old man looks distraught.

¨Do you know why?¨. Ron looks the man directly in eyes and states

¨It was me¨. ¨

What do you mean it was you?¨ said the old man.

¨I´m sorry¨ Said Ron ¨It was an accident¨, ¨I hit her with a tire¨. The old man has an outburst of laughter.

¨I hated that old b**ch anyway!¨. ¨Every morning when I woke up she would just scream at me to make her some coffee”. “That lazy b**ch!”. The old man looks him directly in the eyes. Says ¨Thank you¨ and scoots away.

Ron begins the long walk to the hospital because he doesn't have his levitating scooter. On his walk the rain starts to subside and the sun is peeking through the clouds. Ron notices the birds singing a lovely tune. He hears the children laughing and playing in the lake.  He sees the loons diving in and out of the water looking for food. The fisherman are sitting in their electric boat waiting patiently for the fish to bite. It seems everyone is having a delightful time. He notices how clear and crisp the water is and wants to jump in. He thought to himself, “Has the water always been this blue?¨.

Ron arrives at the hospital overlooking the lake. Ron walks in and explains his situation to the lady at the desk. She looks back at him blankly staring. ¨Room 234¨ she says. Ron slowly shuffles  to the elevator. On the way up he thinks of all possible things he could say. ¨I´m sorry¨, ¨Are you okay¨, ¨I hope you´re feeling better¨. Ron is now right in front of the door of the women he almost killed. He takes a deep breathe and opens it. The lady smiles back at him ¨Hello¨. Ron is surprised and shocked. He answers with an

¨How are you?¨.

¨Good, I had severe bleeding in the back of my head and a concussion¨. ¨If it wasn't for the robots I would of died¨. ¨Their ability of performing surgery in seconds without any mistakes saved my life¨.

¨That's wonderful” says Ron. Before Ron leaves the room the lady says one last thing to him,

¨Cherish every moment¨.

Ron steps out of the room, takes a deep breath and begins to walk home. He heads straight toward the hill where all of this began. On the walk home he begins to notice things that he had never seen before. He sees the birds nest tucked behind the bakery shop. He notices the glimmering shine on the top of the lake and the sunflowers glistening in the flower shop. Ron felt overwhelmed of how clueless he was when the real beauty was right in front him.                                        Everything changed for Ron that summer, but changed for the better thanks to an unexpected series of horrible events.

The author's comments:

It is about a young boy named Ron realizing the importance of the little things.

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