The Big Beast | Teen Ink

The Big Beast

October 3, 2018
By bpierce01 BRONZE, Eugene, Oregon
bpierce01 BRONZE, Eugene, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Come on!” Barry yelled running with his three curious yet cautious friends away from a growing group of people. Today was Saturday which meant there was a mandatory meeting in the Sunnyville Town Hall but for Barry and his friends they had other plans in mind. Sunnyville was surrounded by a steep circle of hills acting as a massive windbreaker for the town. The four continued on avoiding the guards at the town gates by slipping behind the candy store. Barry knew of a small rabbit hole behind the candy store that led to just outside the golden gates. The hole was just inside a rotting stump and looked barely wide enough for a human. “Come on! Don’t be scared,” Barry said to his shaking friends while getting on his hands and knees. The town hall bells chimed three times marking the start of the meeting.

“I’m not too sure about this Barry,” said Bilt, a boy with hair like an untrimmed lawn.

“Anything is better than those stupid town meetings” barked Inez.

Bilt was definitely the wary one out of the four. Barry crawled into the hole head first followed by Baxter who was a little more on the heavy set side. Bilt reluctantly crawled in with Inez nipping at his heels. The hole was a little over twenty yards long with roots hanging from the top of the tunnel. The light at the end of the tunnel beamed as the four scrambled out of the tunnel one by one. When Inez finally crawled out of the hole the other three already took off up the hill. The group gathered behind a massive arching willow tree to catch their breath.

“Alright Barry! You got us out here, now what?” Baxter proclaimed still panting from the hike.

“Be patient Baxter, I’ll show you,” said Barry.

They continued up the steep hill now just walking. Barry had a big grin on his face which made the group even more confused and excited. The hill gave way to a massive ledge overlooking a rocky plain. Down nearly a hundred yards away lays a massive beast.

“What is that!” Inez yelled in shock.

The beast remained fast asleep with its head covered by his massive paw.

“It’s a wild borous,” Barry professed, confused as to why they didn't know what he was talking about. “And I’m gonna ride it,” he added grinning.

“Have you lost your mind, that thing would kill…” Barry took off down the hill before Inez could finish.

The three stunned kids watch him hop from rock to rock slowly inching his way towards the wild borous. Inez begins to run after Barry but Bilt and Baxter hold her back.

“We don’t want to lose you too,” Baxter says jokingly but keenly aware that this is a very dangerous situation. All the kids could do now, was stop and see what was going to happen to poor Barry.

Barry crawled up a rock that was laying directly over the beast. He signaled to his friends with a thumbs up in which they returned with waving arm gestures as if to say “Are you psycho!” Barry ignored this of course and began to lower himself onto the beasts furry back. As soon as Barry got comfortable on the borous’s back, the beast sprung up faster than a child waking up on Christmas morning. Barry gripped the coarse fur on the beast's back trying to stay on top. The beast began to buck like a wild bull and ran in a circle at a rapid speed. Barry was yelling with joy while his legs were being thrown violently in the air. The frightened borous bounded up the hill covering twenty yards with every jump. The beast then proceeded down the hill straight to the town. Barry, completely unaware of what was happening, continued to be thrashed around holding firmly on a clump of fur. The borous smashed through the golden gate of the town sending Barry flying over a small barn directly into a large stack of hay bales. Meanwhile, the borous continued its path through town, running into buildings that were in its way. The beast was heading straight for the town hall.

A large bell tower stood tall next the the town hall, however the tower was directly in the frantically running borous’s path.  The borous was not the brightest and had no way of slowing down when in a panicked situation.

The beast crashed into the tower sending bell tumbling to the ground. A loud bang rang through sunnyville shaking the ground halfway around the world. Luckily  the beast missed the town hall where the entire town sat completely unaware that their Sunnyville was being knocked over building by building. The town hall meeting continued on which was extremely surprising

Inez, Bilt, and Baxter, gathered around a crippled Barry helping him up and brushing the straw off his face.

“You're lucky you are alive” said Inez to Barry sitting up now wearily.

“Don’t you think we should be saving the town from demolishment rather than worrying about the kid that started the whole thing” Baxter said with a small lasso in his hands that he found underneath a hay bale.

The three agreed but Barry slumps back down into a fetal position on the ground. The three run ideas back and forth to each other while running to the south end of the town where the borous is actively taking down each building one at a time. Inez arrives first at the scene with Bilt following closely behind him. They look around and realize that Baxter is nowhere to be seen. A loud bang followed by a humanistic howl could be heard from just behind the town bar. The two now, sprint to see what is happening and what they see is shocking. The borous runs frantically around in a stationary circle chasing its tail. But as the two look closer they can see, and hear, Baxter holding on to the borous’s tail for dear life. The two didn't bother to interfere for it was quite amusing but also because the borous began to grow tired and started to slow down. Baxter continued to hold on for another thirty seconds until the borous tired itself out, slumped on its side, it fell into a deep sleep. Right next to the beast kneeled Baxter who looked very ill and beat up. Inez ran over to him and helped him to his feet. Baxter mumbles some nothings and began to limp around in a circle.

“Come on, let’s get you to bed,” Inez says putting his arm over her shoulder. The three walk back to their house beaten and battered. When they arrive at the house Barry greets them at the door. He had walked back to the house by himself. Sure it was only a quarter mile away but after being thrown completely over a building its impressive he's even alive. The four scramble inside. The town meeting was almost over and the last thing these kids wanted was to be caught for skipping or even worse knocking down half of Sunnyville.

The town hall meeting came to an end when the mass of people weren’t dismissed by the bell at the usual time and grew tired of sitting and waiting. The four stayed hidden guiltily inside their house waiting for someone to knock on their door to take them away to jail.

“Whoever did this is dead!” a voice came from the town hall. Arthur VanDerhold, the mayor of Sunnyville, stood with his arms crossed on top of the massive bell that was now on the ground. However, standing just across the lawn clawing the ground staring directly at Arthur with its dark brown eyes was the wild borous awake from its sleep. Nearly a second later the beast turns around and bounds out of sight and was never seen again.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for an assignment in school.

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