Where Is My Fairytale | Teen Ink

Where Is My Fairytale

May 24, 2016
By maddymoo_18 BRONZE, Moline, Illinois
maddymoo_18 BRONZE, Moline, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the world I live in everyone knows when they will meet their soulmate. Everyone wears slick, black bands around their wrists that count down until they stop. Once they stop you meet your soulmate. But not everyone gets to meet their soulmate; I was close to not meeting mine myself.

I was never one to check my band every morning, afternoon, and night. Normally I wore a bandana or long sleeves over my wrist. Everyone would ask me why, they never understood that I wanted to be surprised. I went through school seeing all the students checking their bands every five minutes, as if time had sped up. I never checked. I would see my friends getting so excited over who their soulmate might be. They would fantasize over kids in our class that they wished were their soulmate. I never got caught up in the drama. If you ask, some people might say that I didn’t care, but I cared a great deal. I just wasn’t consumed by the thought of who my soulmate might be.
As years passed, I started to notice people finding their soulmate and wondering when I would find mine. I felt lonely. I wanted a soulmate, I wanted to meet the love of my life just like everybody else. I had never felt this way before. I decided to ask my few friends about their experience with finding their soulmates.
   My friend, Gus told me that he was at the airport when he found his soulmate. His legs were shaking uncontrollably, his heart beating uncontrollably, and he was sweating like a pig. In an overcrowded airport it was hard to move around so he stuck to one spot. As his timer ticked down to zero a tall, beautiful, ginger bumped into him. Gus said something clever like, “Hello there, love. We must be soulmates.” As if they didn't already know.
         I had heard plenty of stories, even my parents’. They were all perfect, I just felt mine wouldn't be. I wanted this perfect love story, but I knew that only happens in fairytales, and life isn’t a fairytale.
         As time went on I felt this urging to look at my clock, but I kept my ground. I had promised myself not to look until the time felt right. But everyday I still felt like I needed to look at my clock. I decided to give myself a time as to when I would look; in three weeks.
After two weeks I was done. I finally gave in and looked. It was a slow process. I had closed my eyes, untied the scarf, unwrapped the scarf as slowly as I could.  I was nervous. I wanted to look, but at the same time I didn’t. I wanted to know when I would find my soulmate, but I didn’t. As I sat, huddled in a blanket, worrying about what my clock will read, I finished unwrapping the scarf. Of course, my eyes were closed so I didn’t see it right away. I slowly peered my eyes open and……. my mom knocked on the door.
“What are you doing, Sweetie?”
“Nothing,” I said while sitting on my hand.
“Okay, just checking. Dinner is in an hour.”
“Okay.” As my mom closed the door I slowly lifted my hand to eye level, peeking at the time and it read: 0000 d  05 h  30 m  57 s
     I didn't know what to do. Should I get ready? Do I need to look presentable? Should I put on some makeup? I was in so much shock I couldn't even think straight! I didn't want to tell anyone. This was my moment, so I decided not to ask for help. Especially from my mom. She would make a huge deal about it and it wouldn’t be any fun for me. In the end, I decided to call me best friend for some advice. Even though Tanner hasn't found his soulmate yet he is still great at giving advice. I dial his number and listen to the ringing of the phone. After three rings he picks up.
“Hey, Beatrice. What's up?”
“Hey, Tanner. I need some advice.”
“What is it?”
I told him the whole story of how I took my bandana off and saw the clock and how I don't know what to do. I asked him what I should wear, and all the essentials. In the end he told me to calm down because I kept rambling on about nonsense.
“I think I’m gonna wear a dress.”
“All right, do whatever you want.” I could tell he was bored so I said my goodbyes and hung up.
Okay what to do now… I started rummaging through my dresser, throwing things from my closet, trying on every dress I owned.
Ooo, I like this one… Nope too long. What about this one? NO WAY!  How about the blue one? Nope.
After an hour I decided on a yellow sundress, and a jean jacket.
Suddenly I heard a Knock Knock Knock on my door.
“Who is it?” I called from my bathroom.
“It’s Dad. Time for dinner.”  Oh no! I looked at my band to see how much time I had: 0000 d  04 h  45 m  06 s
I didn’t have time to eat dinner and get ready! I had to think of a cover up story… and fast!    “Umm, Dad, I’m going over to Tanner’s house. We have a group project to do.”
“Oh, okay, remember to be home by 11:00.”
“I know.” I packed up my dress and makeup and headed for my car. On my way I decided I needed a girl’s opinion, so I called Mara.
“Hey, Mara. Can I come over? It's an emergency!”
“Yeah, that's fine. What's the emergency?”
       “I looked at my band and now I only have 4 hours…” I retold the whole story on my way to Mara’s house. She wanted every detail, so I told the story about five times.
“All right Mara, I'm at your house.”
       “Okay, just come inside.” I hung up the phone and got out of the car.
       Inside I ran up the stairs to Mara’s bedroom yelling “Hi” to her parents on the way.
      “Okay, Mara I only have about three and a half hours left, so what should I do?”...
0000 d 00 h 50 m 45 s
With fifty minutes to go I was dressed and ready, waiting at the coffee shop.
0000 d 00 h 00 40 m 38 s I'm getting jittery. It's probably because I have had three cups of coffee. Right?
0000 d 00 h 20 m 26 s My knees are shaking. The coffee shop was not the best place to wait, I'm on my fifth cup. 0000 d 00 h 05 m 45 s Only five minutes to go. I can't believe this is happening!
0000 d 00 h 00 m 20 s
I head outside for some fresh air and start to pace up and down the sidewalk. With each step my heart speeds up. 
0000 d 00 h 00 m 19 s Faster.

0000 d 00 h 00m 18 s Quicker.

0000 d 00 h 00 m 17 s More rapid.

0000 d 00 h 00 m 16 s It's racing.

This is it. The moment my life will change forever. I look around the streets frantically. Searching for someone who looks as nervous as I feel.
0000 d 00 h 00 m 10 s
A feeling directs to the right toward an intersection.
0000 d 00 h 00 m 05 s My heart has given up entirely.

0000 d 00 h 00 m 04 s
I walk closer and closer to the intersection. Instinct tells me to cross the street.
0000 d 00 h 00 m 03 s
Everything is moving in slow motion.
0000 d 00 h 00 m 02 s
Time stops. I don't see the bus at first. Not until it's right in front of me.
0000 d 00 h 00 m 01 s
Someone grabs my arm and pulls me to the sidewalk. I look up and see deep blue eyes staring into my own grey eyes.
0000 d 00 h 00 m 00 s
It takes me a moment to realize that I know these eyes. These eyes belong to my best friend, Tanner. My face breaks out into a grin, and as I see that perfect smile spread across Tanner's face, I know this is my fairytale.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 5 2016 at 10:09 pm
sassy_scribe_777 BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
3 articles 5 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
Friends are God's way of apologizing to us for our families.

Did you get a prompt from Instagram about this? Anyway, it's a great story!